Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 437: Good Loser...

The 437th chapter of the main text of Ruyi Xiaolangjun, it’s a good loss…Only 20 people came out of the 100 people of the Left Cavalry Guard. Tang Ning didn’t say anything, and said to a Beggar Gang disciple behind him: “You go.”

General Chen Zhonglang looked at him and asked: “I wonder what weapons your guards need?”

The Beggar Gang disciples don’t have to fight in the battlefield, they all learn stick techniques, and later they entered the Tang Mansion as guards, and then they turned to learn swords. For now, their most powerful skill is still the stick formation.

This is a military camp, with many weapons and a full range of types. They all chose the eyebrow-high stick.

This kind of stick is only used for daily exercises, and almost no one can use it on the battlefield. But today is just a competition, not a fight. The 20 people of the Cavalry Guard also use wooden weapons.

These are also used in the real competition. At that time, white powder will be applied on the weapons, and those who are stabbed in the vitals will be eliminated.

The two camps were arranged at the two ends of the martial arts arena. General Chen looked at Tang Ning and asked, "Can we start?"

Tang Ning nodded and said, "Let's start."

General Chen waved his hand, and someone beat the war drum. The drum sounded for a while, and with the sound of a gong, it indicated that the competition officially began.

Twenty people from the Left Cavalry Guard rushed over together, ten of them were the first, and five people were on each side.

On the other hand, the twenty Beggars' Sect disciples were not in a hurry. Everyone held a stick with both hands, leaning forward, and spread out to form a strange standing position.

Outsiders could not see any clues about this formation. It seemed scattered, but it was actually a clever and flexible formation. It could form a formation of three people, four people, five people, and up to ten people. These twenty people were two mobile formations, and they could switch formations at any time according to the enemy's offensive.

General Chen Zhonglang was just watching comfortably at first, but when he saw these Beggars' Sect disciples put up this formation, his face began to change a little.

Although he still didn't find anything strange, he had lived in the military for a long time, and his intuition told him that these twenty guards were not ordinary people.

When the twenty cavalry guards rushed forward in a certain formation, a Beggar Gang disciple in the front shouted: "Three, three, four!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the first ten-man formation was quickly split into two three-man formations and one four-man formation. Before the cavalry guards in the front could react, stick shadows appeared on their upper, middle and lower paths.


The bodies of the three people flew out directly. If it was a real competition, they would have been eliminated at this moment.

The bodies of the other seven people stagnated and did not react. Another voice came from the front.

"Three talents and seven stars!"

The ten Beggar Gang disciples changed their formation again, three defense and seven attack. The remaining seven cavalry guards were neither defense nor attack, and they immediately became flustered.

As for the five people on the left and right wings, they had already been captured by the Beggar Gang disciples who were divided into two five-element formations.

In just one encounter, the twenty cavalry guards were defeated. Not only did the onlookers stare in amazement, but even General Chen Zhonglang showed a look of shock on his face.

He realized at this moment that these guards cooperated closely with each other, their formations were flexible and varied, and they combined offense and defense. They seemed scattered, but in fact they were a whole. They could easily concentrate the most fierce attacks on one point. If the opponent wanted to break through any point of them, they would face the whole of twenty people.

The captain who had boasted just now was already dumbfounded. When he came to his senses, his face changed drastically and he gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go together!"

Twenty people against eighty people, surrounded on all sides, but Tang Ning was not panicked at all.

The disciples of the Beggar Gang all started from scratch. Although everyone's strength was not high, they were good at the art of combined attack. The gap of three times with the enemy was not their limit.

General Chen Zhonglang stood aside, and the more he watched, the more frightened he became.

The formation of these twenty people is really amazing. Even though they have four times the combat power, they can't defeat them for a while, and people are constantly eliminated. From the beginning, they completely dominate the rhythm of the competition.

Judging from their performance, they are definitely not fierce generals, and they rely on this formation.

This shows that what they can do, the Cavalry Guard can also do, and they can even do better. If the Cavalry Guard can also learn this formation, what is the Golden Feather Guard, what is the Yulin Guard, even if they are added together, they are not the opponent of the Cavalry Guard. From now on, the position of the head of the sixteen guards will be replaced.

Facing a number four times theirs, although the Beggar Gang disciples were not defeated, it was much more difficult than before. Two people have been eliminated, but at the same time, the eighty people of the Cavalry Guard are now only sixty.

"It's incredible..."

Watching the twenty people continue to decrease, but the elimination speed of the Cavalry Guard is more than ten times theirs. Until there is no Cavalry Guard on the field, the opponent still has five people standing in formation on the martial arts field. General Chen Zhonglang was shocked and couldn't help but speak.

It would be fine if the guards were all extraordinary. It is said that there are some powerful masters in the world who can fight against a hundred people without losing. But the problem is that they are all ordinary people, but they can do this, which is a miracle.

He looked at Tang Ning and said, "We lost."

Tang Ning smiled and said, "It's good to lose..."

Only those who are not favored can be regarded as dark horses. The weaker the Cavalry Guards, the higher the odds, and the more they earn. Who would have a problem with money?

General Chen Zhonglang was stunned and said uncertainly: "It's good to lose...?"

Xiao Jue walked up to the group of dejected Cavalry Guards and asked calmly, "Are you convinced?"

Including the captain, all the Cavalry Guards lowered their heads, blushing and speechless.

As imperial guards, a hundred people could not beat twenty people. If it got out, they would really have no face at all.

But they not only lost, but also lost sincerely. The other party did not use any conspiracy or cheating. They defeated them in a fair and square manner. They had no choice but to accept it...

Xiao Jue looked at them and asked again, "Do you want to win?"

Someone whispered, "Yes."

Xiao Jue said in a deep voice, "Speak louder, I can't hear you!"

"Yes!" This time, more people spoke.

Xiao Jue glanced at them and asked, "You can't beat them. Is it because you didn't eat breakfast this morning? Do you want to compete again after you are full?"

The Cavalry Guards were already ashamed. After being stimulated by Xiao Jue, they breathed quickly and their faces flushed.

Xiao Jue looked at them and said, "In this competition for the 16 guards, if you can make it to the A group, each of you will be awarded 10 taels of silver. If you can win the first place in the competition, each of you will be awarded 100 taels of silver."

When they heard the 100 taels, many people in the field were red-eyed.

Among the imperial guards, except for the generals, most of them were from the poor. 100 taels of silver was enough to cover their military pay for three years.

Xiao Jue looked at them again and asked, "Now tell me, do you want to win!"





Everyone almost roared, and the sound resounded throughout the camp, making people's eardrums hurt.

Tang Ning didn't expect that Xiao Xiaogongye, who was so weak that he was beaten by a woman and had to put foundation on his face to cover the wound, actually had such a method.

The morale of the Cavalry Guards was greatly boosted by his encouragement. Morale is very important for an army. If they can have such morale before the competition, the result of the competition may change.

One hundred cavalry guards went to training as if they were pumped with chicken blood. Xiao Jue walked to Tang Ning and said proudly, "How is it?"

Tang Ning looked at him and reminded him, "Go back and fix your makeup first, it's all gone."

Xiao Jue's face changed slightly. He went back to the tent to fix his foundation and reminded Tang Ning, "Don't tell anyone about this."

It was all forced by the situation. It was okay for a man to put on foundation. Tang Ning said casually, "Isn't it just foundation? Some people even wear women's clothes. This doesn't mean anything..."

Xiao Jue was stunned, "Who wears women's clothes?"

"It's not important." Tang Ning waved her hand and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that Xiao Xiaogong put powder on his face."

Xiao Jue looked at him and asked, "Who is wearing women's clothes?"

[ps: It's been a long time since I gave out benefits. Choose the one with the highest number of likes in this chapter and give it a movie ticket. If you don't want a movie ticket, you can convert it into a red envelope. The deadline is tomorrow at 12 o'clock. 】

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