Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 487: King Kang's Attack

Ruyi Xiaolangjun Text Volume Chapter 487: The Attack of King Kang Tangning was very suspicious whether Tang Yaoyao was often eavesdropping on him on the other side of the yard, otherwise how would he know that he came out every night.

However, he has been doing business these days, and he is not afraid of the shadows. He looked at Tang Yaoyao and said, "What a private meeting, we have important things to do."

Tang Yaoyao walked up and asked, "What's the important matter?"

If you often walk by the river, your shoes will not get wet. If you lie and talk sweetly like Xiao Jue, your car will overturn sooner or later. If you have a clear conscience, you can drift and drift as much as you want on the road without worrying about overturning. disaster.

So he told Tang Yaoyao exactly what he and Su Mei had done these past few days.

Tang Yaoyao said in surprise: "You mean, Su Fox is Yizhimei?"

Su Mei seemed to be very concerned about her title. Tang Ning looked at Tang Yaoyao and said, "Can you stop calling me Su Fox and Su Fox all the time? It sounds like a vixen, which is really unpleasant..."

Tang Yaoyao glanced at him: "Then you still call me Tang Yaoying!"

Tangning waved her hand, "Pretend I didn't say anything."

"Are you really just discussing this matter with her?" Tang Yaoyao crossed her arms, looked at him, and asked, "Aren't you already secretly together and secretly meeting here every night?"

"Why do you think so?" Tangning looked at her and asked, "Am I this kind of person in your eyes?"

Tang Ning found with great regret that Tang Yao Jing was no longer the pure Tang Yao Yao he knew before. She was always thinking about random things.

"It's okay if it's not." Tang Yaoyao felt relieved, thought of something again, looked at him and asked: "I can do what Su Mei can do, why are you looking for her instead of me?"

Tang Yaojiao was a little too confident when she said this. Su Mei can play the flute and the piano, can she?

Su Mei can speak in a cooing way that makes people's bones soften. Can she?

Su Mei has great martial arts skills and can sneak around without leaving a trace on the snow. Can she do it?

The reason why Tang looked for Su Mei instead of her was naturally because Su Mei had high martial arts skills and there was no need for him to worry. Of course, this reason could not be used to convince Tang Yaoyao unless he wanted to be defeated by her.

You can't answer casually. If you let Tang Yaoji feel that he and Su Mei are more familiar and intimate, the consequences will be more terrible than being beaten by her. After that, you don't know how many words you will have to spend to coax her back.

Tangning looked at her and said sincerely, "How can I trust you to do such a dangerous thing..."

Tang Yaoyao looked at him with satisfaction and asked, "Then you can rest assured, Su Mei?"

Tang Ning explained: "She has great martial arts skills..."

After saying that, he realized something was wrong, and when he was about to change his words, Tang Yaoyao's hand was already on his shoulder.

"You are so worried about my martial arts. In fact, I have improved a lot these days. Do you want to give it a try?"

"It's better not to give it up..."

"We are all our own people, don't be polite..."

When Tang Yaoyao hooked Tang Ning's neck and walked back, four sedan bearers carried a sedan and trotted past them. They passed through most of the street and stopped in front of a tall mansion.

Uncle Shou Quan got down from the sedan chair, walked quickly to the gate, banged the door hard several times, and said loudly: "Open the door, I want to see His Highness Prince Kang!"

A moment later, in Prince Kang's palace, Prince Kang came out of the room wearing a coat and came to the greenhouse. He looked at Uncle Shou Quan with a sullen face and asked, "Uncle Shou Quan came here late at night. What do you want with me?"

Anyone whose sweet dream was disturbed on a winter night would not look good, not to mention that the dream he had was very beautiful. In the dream, he defeated King Duan and was made the prince. The second day after he moved into the East Palace, his father He was seriously ill and died suddenly. Just when he was wearing a dragon robe, facing the eyes of the ministers, and preparing to sit on the dragon chair--Uncle Shou Quan came.

Uncle Shou Quan bowed his hands and said, "Your Highness, I came here late at night because I have something important to report."

King Kang glanced at him and said, "What's the matter? Tell me."

Uncle Shou Quan immediately said: "I was at home just now and was about to have fun with the fifth lady..."

King Kang looked at him and said angrily: "Who wants to hear about your happiness with the Fifth Madam? Tell me the key points!"

"Oh, oh!" Uncle Shou Quan trembled and said immediately: "Back to Your Highness, just now the biggest thief in the capital, Yi Zhimei, came to steal from his subordinate's house. He was discovered by the guards of the house. Unfortunately, he was not caught and let him run away... …”

King Kang's eyelids twitched, he looked at Uncle Shou Quan and asked, "You came here in the middle of the night, didn't you just want to tell me that there was a thief in your house and let the thief escape?"

Prince Kang's eyes were terrifying, and Uncle Shouquan's body trembled slightly, and he trembled: "No, no, although Yizhimei escaped, two things fell from him. I, I think it may be of great use to Your Highness..."

He immediately took out a pamphlet and a piece of paper from his sleeve and placed them on the table.

King Kang picked it up and looked at it, frowning and said: "Liu family gift list, what is this? What is the use of this thing?"

Uncle Shou Quan looked at King Kang with a dull expression, extremely doubting whether he was with the wrong master.

He sighed in his heart, stepped forward and said: "Your Highness, you see, this person is just a supervisory censor, with an annual salary of no more than a hundred taels. However, the gift he gave to Liu Shilang's mother was only two thousand taels. With this authentic work of Mi Fu, if you meet someone who knows how to calligraphy, it will not be a problem to sell it for thousands of taels. Your Highness should be aware of the salaries of our officials. My subordinates have already checked. These people are neither wealthy nor rich. What kind of business do you have and where does all this money come from?”

"How do I know where their money comes from?" King Kang glanced at him and said, "What on earth do you want to say!"

He spoke so clearly that King Kang didn't understand yet. Uncle Shou Quan couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "I$%*@#^..."

King Kang frowned and said, "What did you say?"

Uncle Shou Quan scolded King Kang for his personal incompetence, but he still kept a smile on his face and said: "My subordinates are saying, has your Highness noticed that these people are all supporters of the Tang family and King Duan, and they don't have much salary. , but his family is well-off, so the money must have come from something wrong. If His Highness hands this gift list to His Majesty, then..."

King Kang was stunned and finally understood what Uncle Shou Quan meant.

Since these people should not have so much money, but they have taken out so much, it means that they are either corrupt or corrupt. If this list is given to the father, more than half of these people will be unlucky.

Doesn't this mean that he can kill all the people who support King Duan in one fell swoop?

Last time Yanping Marquis Hui Ning Bo and others committed an offense, Duan Wang Buyi Yili's attack severely damaged his vitality. This time, wouldn't it be possible to avenge this arrow?

With a smile on his face, he said: "Tomorrow morning, I will give this list to my father!"

Shou Anbo looked at Prince Kang and began to doubt life. He took a few deep breaths and then said: "Your Highness, everything will be done if you are prepared, and if you are not prepared, it will be ruined..."

King Kang glanced at him: "Speak humanly!"

Shou Anbo's face turned red. It took him a long time to calm down and said, "Your Highness, of course this gift list must be handed over to Your Majesty, but before that, we have to make some preparations..."

Tang Ning had never had any dealings with Shou Anbo and didn't know much about him.

However, according to Su Mei, although this person is usually inconspicuous and does not have a high sense of presence among the powerful people in the capital, he actually has some eyesight and should not disappoint them.

Last night, the Beggar Clan disciples he arranged to stay outside Shou Anbo's Mansion also sent a message back. At midnight last night, Shou Anbo left the mansion urgently and went to Prince Kang's Mansion. He did not return home all night.

From the looks of it, their plan should have started to work.

However, he and Su Mei were only responsible for the beginning of the plan, and the rest would be left to King Kang.

Anyway, King Kang and King Duan didn't deal with him. Last time they used King Duan to attack King Kang. It was only fair to them to do it again this time.

I just hope that King Kang will not be too stupid and waste this hard-won opportunity.

Royal study room.

Emperor Chen flipped through several memorials and asked in surprise: "What's going on today? The Imperial College wants money, the Ministry of Works wants money, and the Sinong Temple also wants money. Did they all make an appointment?"

He carefully read some of the memorials. The Imperial College wanted to print books, the Ministry of Works wanted to build buildings, develop water conservancy, and Sinong Temple also wanted to purchase... All the money needed was justified, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"It's all right." Emperor Chen circled a few memorials, stood up, and sighed: "The treasury has finally become fuller, and we have to spend a lot of money. This money is not enough... "

Not long after he finished speaking, a eunuch came in from outside the palace and said, "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Prince Kang wishes to see you."

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