Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 49 I want them all!

"You lied to me again!"

When Tang Yaoyao came out of Zhong Yi's room, she looked at Tang Ning with a look of embarrassment on her face.

Tangning looked at her and asked in surprise, "What did I lie to you about?"

She said angrily: "Forty-six points, you got more!"

"Aren't I thinking about you too?" Tangning looked at her and said helplessly: "If it's four or six points, you and Xiaoyi can each get two shares. If it's five or five points, how will you two divide it?"

Tang Yaoyao frowned and thought for a while, 50 to 50, it seemed that the two of them really couldn't tell each other apart.

Seeing that she seemed to be convinced by him, Tang Ning sighed inwardly, this girl is so easy to deceive. She is the only daughter of Rich Man Tang, so he must be careful not to be deceived of his huge wealth in the future.

At the same time, he also roughly understood why Mr. Tang kept asking her to study with Xiao Yi.

A good daughter is better than her father. There is no harm in a girl reading more books.

Tang Yaoyao thought for a while and said, "I'll go ask Xiaoyi."

"Wait a minute!" Tangning stopped her in time and said, "50-50 is 50-50. This is fair. I don't want to take advantage of you..."

The bestie combination of Tang Yaoyao and Zhong Yi is an unsolvable combination.

One can't be deceived, the other can't be defeated, and the one Zhongyi can make up for is Tang Yaojing's brain.

The method of dividing the spoils has been decided, and now it’s time to take action.

Peng Chen is not here today, he should have gone out with his father-in-law.

He was not Tangning's personal bodyguard. Otherwise, his father-in-law would be accused of using public equipment for personal use at some point.

With Tang Yaoyao here, he didn't need bodyguards at all.

After going to the county government office, he confirmed from a clerk that his father-in-law had indeed gone to the two villages where cucumbers were unsaleable. After inquiring about the places, he told Zhong Yi Xiaoru that he and Tang Yaoyao were ready to conduct an on-site inspection. .

What Tang Yaoji likes to do most is not to do serious things.

She has great enthusiasm for things other than reciting poems and lyrics, embroidering and playing the piano.

She is the most distinctive mudslide among the clear streams of women in Lingzhou.

The places they were going to were two neighboring villages.

These two villages, named Xiaqu Village and Shangqu Village respectively, are close to water sources and have fertile soil. The villagers do not make a living from farming like the people in other villages.

They have been growing vegetables as a business since decades ago. They provide most of the fruits and vegetables needed by restaurants and wealthy families in Lingzhou City.

When Tang Ning and Tang Yaoyao walked to the entrance of the village, they saw a large green vegetable field.

Although at this time last year, late cucumbers were selling well and prices soared, but this year, so many were planted all at once, and the market couldn't digest them. It would be a huge loss...

The two walked to the entrance of the village and saw Zhong Mingli from a distance.

A group of people surrounded Zhong Mingli and begged: "Master Zhong, you are our parent officer, please save us!"

"Yes, Mr. Zhong, if we can't sell so many vegetables, we will have no choice but to die..."

"Sir, save us..."

"Huh! They deserve it!" Tang Yaoyao glanced at the crowd and said: "Last year at this time, cucumbers were scarce, so they kept raising the price, hoping to sell cucumbers at gold prices, and this year they kept going again It’s their turn to complain now, right?”

She glanced at those people and said, "I don't even want to help them!"

Tangning shook her head and said, "Whoever you have trouble with, don't make trouble with Yinzi."

"Why are you talking like my father?" Tang Yaoyao glanced at him and walked toward the crowd.

"Why are you here?" Zhong Mingli was surrounded by these people and was irritated. When he saw the two people walking over, he frowned at first and then relaxed quickly.

He still clearly remembered the fake gods in Guojia Village last time.

Tang Yaoyao smiled and said, "Uncle Zhong, we are here to buy cucumbers."

A short-bearded man stood next to Zhong Mingli, waved his hand impatiently, and said, "Little girl, you can pick as many cucumbers as you want from the field, for free."

Tang Yaoyao's eyes lit up and she asked, "Is it true?"

"Really." The man said impatiently again, and immediately looked at Zhong Mingli and said, "Master Zhong, you can't just watch us die..."

On the other side, Tang Yaoyao looked at Tang Ning happily and said, "Go back and call someone to pick ten thousand catties today..."

"Zhong..." The man just said something, but his voice suddenly stopped. He looked at Tang Yaoyao, pursed his lips, and said, "Girl, this..."

Tang Yaoyao blinked, looked at him, and asked, "Didn't you say you can pick it at will?"

"I mean..." The short-bearded man looked at her and said, "You two can pick as many as you want..."

Tang Yaoyao thought for a while and said: "Then let's pick slowly, don't be in a hurry, since we have plenty of time anyway, we can always pick ten thousand kilograms..."

The short-bearded man thought for a while and hurriedly added: "You two can only pick it once..."

Tang Yaoyao shook her head and curled her lips and said, "You are such a boring person who goes back on your word..."

Zhong Mingli coughed lightly and said, "Yaoyao, don't mess around."

"Uncle Zhong, we are not messing around." Tang Yaoyao looked at him and said, "We are really here to buy cucumbers."

The short-bearded man just wanted to get rid of this annoying goblin and asked hurriedly: "How much do you want to buy?"

Tang Yaoyao turned around, pointed to the green vegetable garden, and said, "I want everything here."

The short-bearded man was stunned, and asked uncertainly, "How much?"

Tang Yaoyao said again, "I want all the cucumbers here."

The short-bearded man looked at her and said again, "Girl, are you kidding?"

Tang Yaoyao threw out a few banknotes and said dissatisfiedly, "Why are you so long-winded!"

Tang Ning always thought that Tang Yaoyao's action of slapping banknotes was very handsome, but it was a pity that there was no table here, so she couldn't show her most domineering side.

The short-bearded man took a glance and knew that these banknotes were at least three hundred taels, which was definitely enough to buy these cucumbers.

As if afraid that Tang Yaoyao would go back on her word, he reached out to take the banknote and said, "Girl, I'll ask someone to pick them for you..."

"Wait." Tang Yaoyao took the banknote away and said, "Don't rush to pick them yet. How much do you sell these cucumbers for?"

The short-bearded man hurriedly said, "The market price is 20 wen per catty."

Tang Yaoyao said without hesitation, "Five wen."

The short-bearded man's face changed, "Girl, this..., this won't do..."


Tang Ning found that Tang Yaoyao was a very contradictory person.

On the one hand, she spent money like water, throwing away tens of thousands of taels of silver without blinking an eye, and was an out-and-out spendthrift woman.

On the other hand, she was very calculative and argued with the man for half a penny. She would definitely be able to be frugal in the future.

The final price was 10 wen per catty.

The short-bearded man looked pale, and could only nod his head and said, "Ten cents is ten cents!"

He knew in his heart that a few hundred taels of silver was not much for the big families in the state capital, but no one would be stupid enough to spend so much silver to buy a bunch of cucumbers that could not be eaten and could only rot.

Rich people are common, but stupid rich people are rare.

Now it is not easy to meet a stupid one. Although the price is a bit low, if they miss it, their whole village will have to starve this winter.

Tang Yaoyao only used half of the price to get the right to use this vegetable garden. She asked Tang Ning to draft a contract on the spot, and the leaders of the two villages signed it readily. From then on, she, Tang Yaoyao, completely contracted this cucumber field, strangling the lifeline of all the beauty-loving women in Lingzhou.

The villagers of the two villages took the banknotes and left happily. Zhong Mingli looked at them and frowned, saying, "What are you two doing?"

Tang Yaoyao defended, "We are not doing anything."

Zhong Mingli shook his head helplessly, looked at her, and said, "If your father finds out that you are wasting money again, be careful about your pocket money next month."

"I didn't waste money..." Tang Yaoyao shook her head innocently, pointed at Tang Ning, and said, "He paid for all the money."

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