Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 512 Shangyuan

After collecting some information from the Beggars' Sect, Tang Ning prepared to go to Tianranju to take another look.

Today is the Lantern Festival. All the major stores in Beijing are doing very well. Tianranju has a huge flow of customers. There are even many small vendors at the door, trying to take advantage of the opportunity to get some business.

He has been busy these days and has not been to Tianranju. He has not had time to tell them that Tang Yaojing has become his third wife.

He had given her a bracelet last time, so he doesn't need to give her another one this time. Tang Ning occasionally wonders if the bracelet has any magic power. Tang Yaojing has become his wife not long after wearing it...

Thinking about it, this may also be a coincidence. After all, Tang Shui and Su Mei also have the bracelet. It's impossible that they can also------He pulled the corner of his mouth. This is naturally impossible.

He shook his head and prepared to walk into Tianranju.

Just as he walked to the door, before he could step in, someone grabbed his sleeve.

Tang Ning looked at the old man in green clothes who was holding him and asked, "What's the matter?"

The old man pointed to a sign beside him that read "Iron Mouth and Straight Forward Prediction" and said, "I am Liu Banxian, known as "God-like". I see that your forehead is full and there is a faint red light in your brow. You will have a romantic encounter in the near future..."

This old man's outfit is much more professional than Xiao Jue's. Tang Ning couldn't help laughing and looked at him and asked, "You can see this too?"

The old man was happy in his heart, but his face became serious and said, "Don't be happy, young master It's too early. If the peach blossom is good, it's peach blossom luck. If it's not good, it's peach blossom disaster. The old man has a plan to help you..."

"Okay..." Tang Ning waved his hand and threw a silver ingot to him. He had things to do and didn't have time to listen to the old man's nonsense. If marrying Tang Yaoyao was a peach blossom disaster, then even if it was a lifetime of peach blossom disaster, he would be willing...

This kind of person just wants to say something auspicious and ask for good luck. He happened to be in a good mood, so it wouldn't hurt to give him a few taels of silver.

As Tang Ning walked in, a young man next to the old man came up and looked at the silver in the old man's hand with admiration in his eyes.

"Did you see that?" The old man put away the silver, looked at his new disciple, and said, "These noblemen just want to hear a good word. If you see them in high spirits, praise them for their numerous romantic opportunities and bright future. These people are willing to hear good words. If you see them worried, say that they are unlucky and cannot escape bloodshed. These people are often willing to spend money to avoid disasters... Remember that?"

The young man nodded as if he understood, and said, "Remember it!"

Tang Ning walked into Tianranju and walked slowly by the lake. When he was about to go to Su Mei's courtyard, Tang Jing looked up somewhere in front of him, a smile appeared on his face, and he walked over.

He walked in front of Tang Ning, paused, looked at him, and asked jokingly, "How are you? How are you feeling?"

Tang Ning could see that Tang Jing seemed very happy, which was completely different from the last time he saw him.

Without waiting for Tang Ning to answer, he sneered and continued, "You don't have to pretend to be calm in front of me. Don't think I don't know about your affair. It must be uncomfortable to marry your beloved woman to someone else, right?"

Tang Jing's expression was a little ferocious, as if something that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time finally came out at this moment, and he sneered, "Those rumors outside were also spread by you, you thought that with those, His Majesty would take back the order, you overestimated yourself and underestimated the Tang family, wait, your pain has just begun!"

Tang Ning ignored Tang Jing, but felt that his crazy and almost insane look was pitiful. It was not an easy thing to wipe out the Tang family from the capital, but it was easy to wipe him out.

He just wanted to see if Emperor Chen still had any pity and love for Zhao Man as a father.

If not, he would cherish her and love her doubly in the future, and try to make up for the missing part in her heart.

Tang Ning looked at Tang Jing, whose fists were clenched and veins were bulging on his forehead. He took a step forward, smiled slightly, and whispered, "She's mine. Don't even think about it."

After saying that, he simply turned around and left. Tang Jing stood there, breathing rapidly, his chest heaving, and felt dizzy...

He didn't see the expression he wanted to see on Tang Ning's face. He had been very calm from beginning to end, as if everything was under control. Instead, he looked like a clown... But, what right did he have?

This was a marriage granted by His Majesty. How could he dare to openly disobey the imperial decree!

Although Tang Jing was looking forward to Tang Ning doing that, he also knew that he was not that stupid. So where did his confidence come from?

After speaking out all his thoughts, Tang Jing not only did not feel the slightest bit of happiness, but felt even more depressed and uncomfortable. He had nowhere to vent his anger. Tang Ning's calm expression and oath-like words kept echoing in his mind.

He gritted his teeth and walked out with a gloomy face.

As soon as he walked out of Tianranju, his sleeve was pulled by someone. An old man in green looked at him and said, "Young Master, I see that your forehead is black and bloody. There will be a disaster in the near future. In serious cases, there will be a risk of death. I am Liu Banxian. Young Master, please..."

Tang Jing was already full of anger. Hearing these words, he suddenly threw away his sleeves, looked at the guards behind him, and said, "Hit me!"

The old man was kicked to the ground by Tang Jing's guards before he could react. He could only hold his head and shout.

"I am Liu Banxian, nicknamed the God of War. You will be punished for hitting the gods!"

"If you hit me again, I will chant a spell. The Supreme Lord will order you to do it..."

"I really chanted it. The Nine Heavens Mysterious Sha will turn into divine thunder... Stop it, stop it!"


Tang Jing's guards punched and kicked the old man. The young Taoist priests beside him watched from a distance and did not dare to step forward. The people around him also stood far away and talked about it.

"Even the Tang family dared to deceive. Sai Shenxian is going to become a real immortal this time..."

"You are blind. That person is the eldest son of the Tang family and the future prince consort. He deserves his bad luck!"

"But the prince consort was too cruel. I don't know if this old bone can survive it. It would be bad if he killed someone..."

After a long time, Tang Jing looked at the old man on the ground coldly and turned away.

Several guards followed and left. The old man lay on the ground, groaning constantly, but still energetic. After Tang Jing walked away, he pointed at his back and shouted, "You even beat an old man. You must not die well, you must not die well..."

When Tang Ning heard Tang Jing's hysteria just now, he looked calm, but in fact, he had already written his name in the little notebook in his heart.

There is only a thief who can be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no such thing as a thief for a thousand days. Before today, Tang Ning did not know that Tang Jing's hatred for him had reached this point.

If this trouble is not solved now, it may cause a disaster in the future. As the next helmsman of the Tang family in the capital, Tang Ning will confront him sooner or later. It is better to solve this trouble sooner rather than later.

When he walked towards Su Mei's courtyard, his eyes glanced inadvertently and his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Not far away, a hunched figure with a cane was walking on the road, stepping deep and shallow. He accidentally stepped on a depression, and his body swayed, and he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Tang Ning stepped forward quickly, helped Wu Liehou up, and asked: "Marquis, are you okay?"

"It's General Tang, thank you." Wu Liehou stood up, patted the dust on his body, and said: "It's okay, my old bones can still withstand the fall."

He looked around, wrinkles on his face, looked at Tang Ning, and asked: "Why are there so many people here today? When I came here before, there didn't seem to be so many people..."

Tang Ning looked at him and asked: "Marquis, have you forgotten that today is the Lantern Festival, it's normal for there to be more people here."

Wu Liehou was stunned, and then he suddenly said: "It turns out that it's already the Lantern Festival. Look at me, I've been confused..."

He leaned on his cane and slowly moved forward, muttering: "The Lantern Festival is a good day, a good day..."

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