Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 54: Obligation

In the small courtyard of Zhong Mansion, Tang Ning put down a thick copy of "Chen Law" and rubbed her sore eyes.

In addition to the meaning of the scriptures, the law is also within the scope of this examination.

It is really too much for the body to make up for what others have learned in ten or eight years in one month.

Although all he had to do was read the entire book once, the amount of energy he expended was several times that of an ordinary person, and the amount of energy he expended was even more.

Zhong Yi and Xiao Ru went out, and no one cooked for him today.

Xiao Ru is proficient in embroidery, and the things she embroiders can be sold at high prices in the city. These days, she and Zhong Yi have been together, and she has also met some wealthy and talented women. Today, at their invitation, she went to teach them embroidery.

It took Tangning a whole day to read through the thick "Chen Law", and her wrists were sore from flipping through the book.

Feeling hungry, he stood up and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Suddenly there was a strange noise from the direction of the courtyard wall. When Tang Ning turned around, she happened to see Tang Yaoyao jumping down from the courtyard wall.

Ever since he climbed onto Tang Yaojing's courtyard wall last time, she rarely used the main entrance when she came over on weekdays.

Fairy Tang didn't come empty-handed this time. She was carrying a food box in her hand. She opened the food box and placed it on the stone table in the yard.

In addition to a stack of pastries, there were two plates of side dishes and a whole chicken. Tangning smelled the aroma, swallowed, looked at her and asked, "What are these for?"

Tang Yaoyao waved her hand and said, "Xiao Ru and Xiao Zhi are not interested. I know you must be hungry. Let the kitchen cook some food. Eat."

Tang Ning thought about it carefully and found that he had done nothing to offend Fairy Tang recently. She would not be so bored that she would poison her food or put laxatives in her food, and it would not be possible for her to spit on her food.

That was what she wanted from him.

Showing courtesy for nothing, committing adultery or stealing, Tang Ning did not believe that Fairy Tang would be so kind as to know that he was hungry, and have someone prepare a meal and deliver it over the wall.

But he was really hungry, and the chicken was roasted golden and looked very tempting.

He tore off a chicken leg, looked at Tang Yaoyao, and asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"No..." Tang Yaoyao looked at him, shook her head and said, "I just thought that you were tired from studying, and Xiaoyi and the others were not here, so I sent you something to eat..."

Since she didn't say anything, Tangning wouldn't be stupid enough to ask questions on her own and just eat chicken and vegetables. While he was eating, Tang Yaoyao was watching from the side.

He finished a plate of pastries, two plates of side dishes, and a whole chicken. He looked at Tang Yaoyao and said, "I'm full."

Tang Yaoyao nodded.

Tangning looked at her and said, "I'm going to continue reading."

Tang Yaoyao sat down next to him, thought for a while, and said, "You have been reading for the past half month. Even if you are preparing for an exam, you have to balance work and rest..."

Tangning sighed and said, "Tell me, what do you want to see me for?"

"I'm going to a poetry meeting tonight."

Tangning thought she heard wrongly.

In his opinion, Tang Yaoyao's participation in the poetry meeting was the same as Zhong Yi's competition for the leader of the martial arts alliance. "Tang Yaoyao" and "poetry meeting" were two completely unrelated words with no connection at all.

He looked at Tang Yaoyao and said worriedly: "Are you okay? We are all friends. If you encounter something, just say it. Don't let it go..."

Tang Yaoyao looked at him and said, "I'm not confused."

Tangning thought for a while and said, "That means you are sick. Before it gets too late, I will take you to see Dr. Sun..."

"Oh, my father insisted on letting me go." Tang Yaoyao looked extremely depressed and said, "I don't want to go to this stupid poetry meeting. If it weren't for that Wu Yuanwai who was looking for trouble..."

Tangning didn't know whether it was Rich Man Tang who had sinned and gave birth to such a daughter, or whether Tang Yaoyao was unlucky enough to meet such a father.

One is looking forward to her daughter becoming a phoenix, and wants to train her daughter to be a gentle and talented woman. The other is just a fisherman, going further and further on the road of illiterate heroine...

The Wu family is also a wealthy businessman family in Lingzhou. Although it is not as wealthy as the Tang family, it is not far behind. The two families usually compete with each other in the business field, and their relationship is not considered good.

The Wu family and the Tang family are in a competitive relationship in the business world. They have similar financial resources and are neighbors. They both happen to have a daughter...

In this way, the two families naturally inevitably compare themselves with each other, comparing business, financial resources, and daughters...

The Wu family is not as good as the Tang family in terms of business and financial resources, but their daughter...

Tang Yaoyao could beat ten young ladies of the Wu family by herself, but in this era, the criterion for judging a woman was not whether she could beat her.

Although the Miss Wu family is not very talented, she can also recite poems and write lyrics. She formed a small group with several friends in the circle, invited some talented women to come over, held a poetry meeting at home, exchanged beauty experiences, and recited a few poems when she was interested. A poem can be regarded as joining the circle of talented women.

The rich man of the Tang Dynasty wanted Tang Yaoyao to be more influenced by this culture, so he asked her to recite poems and participate in poetry gatherings...

Tangning looked at her and said helplessly: "According to what you said, the people who passed by tonight were all women, so I can't do anything to help you..."

"There is no need for you to go there..." Tang Yaoyao explained: "The Wu family is right next to our house. I have already checked it out. There is only a wall between that garden and my yard. When the time comes, you can stay with me first. s room……"

Tang Ning didn't want to go through so much trouble, so he said, "I'll write a poem for you first, and you can just hand it out in the evening. One hundred taels for each poem, and the money will be deducted from the money I owe you..."

"No..." Tang Yaoyao shook her head and said, "They said that we can only decide the topic after drawing lots, and they said what kind of ci tune to draw, and what is the ci tune?"

Tang Ning felt that she had not participated in any poetry meeting at all. Tang Yaoyao who could write poems would not be Tang Yaoyao.

He shook his head and said, "But I still have to read books at night."

"It doesn't matter where you read books?" Tang Yaoyao pointed to another place separated by a wall and said, "You can read books in my room at night, and I will find time to come to you later..."

How can a girl's boudoir be entered casually? Tang Ning looked embarrassed: "This is not good..."

Tang Yaoyao thought for a while and said, "My father said that if we can beat Wu Wenting tonight and make Wu Yuanwai not be proud in front of him tomorrow, he will reward me with one thousand taels of silver. How about giving you half?"

When friends are in trouble, it is our duty.

If he still owed this friend 1,000 taels of silver, he couldn't refuse.

Tang Ning thought for a moment and said, "When are we going?"

"Now." Tang Yaoyao showed a happy expression on her face, "I'm going to Wu's house soon, you go first and get ready in my room..."

Tang Ning felt weird when Tang Yaoyao grabbed him and flew over the wall. He felt like he was cheating on Zhong Yi and Xiao Ru.


This was the first time Tang Ning entered Tang Yaoyao's boudoir.

Although she was carefree and unconventional on weekdays, her room was very clean, tidy and spotless.

What surprised Tang Ning the most was that there was a bookshelf in her room, and it was filled with books.

From classics to poetry, everything was available.

Most of the books were new, except for a few strange novels in the corner, which looked like they were often flipped through.

"Miss, Sister Cui and the others are here to see you..."

The maid's voice came from outside. Tang Yaoyao walked to the door and waved, "I know. Let them wait for a while. I'll be here soon..."

She walked to Tang Ning and said, "You read a book here first. I'm leaving..."

Tang Ning waved and took a book from the bookshelf.

He had been reading books all day today. Now he had no interest or energy to read those things. It was a good time to read a few novels to relax.

Tang Yaoyao walked to the door and seemed to have thought of something. She turned back and said, "Just sit there. Don't mess around with my things..."

Tang Ning pouted. Tang Yaojing underestimated him and overestimated herself.

What was there to look through in her things? Would he secretly wear her clothes when she was away?

Or was she worried that he would turn out her bellyband to admire it?

Lady Tang was really overthinking this time. A real man would not do such a thing, not to mention that her maid Xiu'er was watching beside her...

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