
Those who have never given birth to children.

She is related by blood to the Queen Mother.

Although what Tang Ning just said was all nonsense, every explanation was reasonable and well-founded. After filtering these conditions, there was only one suitable princess in the royal family, and that was Princess Yiyang.

After hearing Huang Chen's words, Tangning breathed a sigh of relief. If neither of the two princesses had given birth to a child, he would have to find two reasons to screen out Princess Yiyang.

He couldn't control how ruthless this woman was to others, but Zhao Man was beyond her reach.

Obviously, Emperor Chen also thought of Princess Yiyang, looked at her, and asked: "Man'er is willing to sacrifice happiness for the Queen Mother. Yiyang, are you willing to make some sacrifices for the Queen Mother?"

Princess Yiyang's body trembled and her face became even paler.

She knew clearly in her heart that her father's words were not a question, but a declaration.

Thinking that her blood would flow out of her body and her life span would be lost for several years, she felt dizzy. She cheered up and said, "My dear, my dear, I am willing."

Not agreeing would be unfilial. Whatever her father wanted to do, she would do it no matter what. She had no choice.

The Queen Mother looked at her, shook her head and said, "No need, the Ai family has lived enough. God can take this life whenever he wants. Don't torment these children anymore."

"This is also the filial piety of the children." Emperor Chen looked at her and said, "Yiyang is still young. It's okay to lose some blood and essence. She can come back with replenishment. I hope the Queen Mother can see this world for a few more years..."

Tang Ning looked at Huang Chen and said, "We don't need the princess's blood right now. The Queen Mother's body is still mainly recuperating for the time being. This period may be one or two months, or it may be three or two years. During this period, , I am afraid that I will aggrieve the princess. In order to ensure her blood quality, she can no longer eat meat. She should mainly eat vegetarian food on weekdays, and she should also exercise regularly. She can no longer have sex... I will write down what I need to pay attention to specifically. , sent to the princess's residence. During this period, I will take some of her blood for testing at any time..."

Princess Yiyang's face is getting paler. Although she doesn't need to take her blood now, she can't eat meat or have sex, and she still has to have her blood taken at any time - does she still have any freedom at all?

Emperor Chen nodded, looked at Concubine Tang Hui behind him, and said, "Assign two more female officials to take care of her at Yiyang's house."

Concubine Tang Hui understood what Emperor Chen meant, nodded and said, "I obey the decree."

Tang Ning looked at Huang Chen again and said, "The Queen Mother must pay more attention to her life, especially her diet. She must strengthen control and exercise appropriately. I will write a detailed note and submit it to Your Majesty."

Of course, he was talking nonsense about the blood transfusion therapy. Just to scare Princess Yiyang, Emperor Chen sent two female officials to the princess's mansion to monitor her. Presumably, her personality would be restrained, and she would be able to eliminate harm for the people of the capital.

As for controlling diabetes, he did know two folk remedies, but he did not dare to abuse them on the Queen Mother. As long as she paid attention to diet and exercise, she could actually control it well.

The Queen Mother stood up, walked forward, looked at Tang Ning, and asked Chen Huang, "Is this the Tang Ning that Your Majesty often mentions?"

Chen Huang nodded and said, "That's him."

"Sure enough, she looks very talented and can be called a young and handsome person." The Queen Mother looked kind-hearted. Perhaps because of her long illness, her body was a little thin, but she still had an inexplicable temperament about her. Even though she was standing there casually, Others would not regard her as an ordinary old woman.

Tangning cupped her hands and said politely, "The Queen Mother is so complimentary..."

"You don't have to be humble." The Queen Mother looked at him and said, "Your Majesty seldom praises people, and his vision is not wrong."

Whenever Chen Huang had any trouble or difficulty, he would be asked to do it. It was also appropriate to give him a few compliments.

Today is the Queen Mother's birthday after all. After Tang Ning corrected the Imperial Medical Office's misunderstanding of the Queen Mother's condition, the birthday banquet quickly returned to the main topic.

Emperor Chen looked at Prince Kang and suddenly said, "I heard that you prepared a rare gift for the Queen Mother?"

Prince Kang nodded, glanced at Prince Duan, and said, "The gift from Emperor Duan Prince seems to be unusual this time. Why don't you let the younger brother bring it out first, and then I'll make a fool of myself..."

King Duan looked at him and said: "The elders and the younger are in order, so it is better for Brother Kang Wang to present the gift first..."

Tang Ning left the two of them alone. Prince Kang and Prince Duan never missed any opportunity to fight, even the Queen Mother's birthday banquet was no exception.

People often say "throwing bricks to attract jade", and expensive things are usually used as a finale. Neither of them wanted to admit that their gifts were bricks and not jade.

At this moment, King Huai looked at the two of them, took the initiative to step forward and said, "Since the two royal brothers are not willing to offer gifts first, then I will show my shame first."

He took out a brocade box, took out the contents of the brocade box, and said: "My grandson wishes the Imperial Grandmother happiness, longevity and health..."

What King Huai took out was a jade Buddha. It was exquisitely crafted and lifelike in its carvings. It was expensive at first glance.

The Queen Mother believed in Buddhism. Zhao Man originally wanted to give a Buddha statue or something, but thought that many people might think of giving a Buddha statue and it would not be good to repeat it to others, so she gave up the idea.


The Queen Mother was obviously very satisfied with this gift and even said two good words about it.

King Kang and King Duan looked at the Jade Buddha that King Huai took out. Their expressions were startled at first, and then their faces darkened.

Emperor Chen looked at them and said, "You two, stop fighting. King Kang is older, you come first."

King Kang looked a little embarrassed and took out a glass Buddha statue from the brocade box. After taking a look, Prince Duan was stunned.

Emperor Chen looked at him and asked in surprise: "Is it also a Buddha statue?"

King Kang said: "This Buddha statue was obtained by my grandson from a merchant from a foreign country. There is only one in the world and it is very rare..."

The Queen Mother smiled and said: "It would be nice to make a pair."

King Huai took out a jade Buddha statue, which was deeply loved by the Queen Mother. Although the Buddha statue of King Kang was more valuable and rare than the one he gave, it was nothing new.

After King Kang gave the gift and said his congratulatory speech, Prince Duan walked forward with an even more embarrassed expression and took out a glass Buddha statue exactly the same as the one King Kang gave, saying: "My grandson wishes my grandmother a long life..."

While he was saying his congratulatory speech, he had already scolded the merchant from a foreign country in his heart, and even greeted his ancestors for eighteen generations.

They said that this thing is unique and there is only one in the world. If there is only one, where did the one that King Kang got?

Although King Kang was cursing the foreign merchant in his heart, he was secretly glad that he was not behind Prince Duan...

"Shufei, what did you say you would give me..." The Queen Mother turned to look at Shufei, dispelling the awkward atmosphere, and Prince Duan immediately retreated.

This time, all three of them presented Buddha statues. Prince Huai was the first to present a gift, which took a great advantage. Prince Duan and Prince Kang made a fool of themselves in front of everyone, especially Prince Duan. If it weren't for the Queen Mother's rescue, he would not even be able to get off the stage...

After the three princes, it was the concubines who presented gifts to the Queen Mother for her birthday, and then the princesses. The gifts given by everyone were not outstanding. The Queen Mother finally looked at Zhao Man and asked with a smile: "Man'er said two days ago that she would give me a surprise. What is the surprise?"

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