Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 551 Targeting

Chapter 551 of the main volume of Ruyi Little Man: Tang Ning has seen the looks directed at the old beggar and Old Zheng too many times. Rich Man Tang, King Xin, and even Su Mei's master Bai Jin all used this kind of look. His eyes looked at him, so he knew exactly what this look meant.

It's not surprising that Tang Caizhu and King Xin showed such expressions, because they were both guarding against him stealing their daughter ------- although it was useless for them to guard against him.

But the old beggar went too far. Xiaoxiao was still a child and was his sister. Although he only did it, he would not do it to his godsister even if he was a beast.

What's more, Xiaoxiao was still his savior, and Tangning didn't have the feudal and backward concept of having to pledge himself to save his life.

Taking a step back, once a teacher, always a father. The little girl has now transformed from a firewood girl into a beautiful girl. It is reasonable for a master to guard against some beasts, but Lao Zheng's eyes are the same as his, It's hard to understand. What is he worried about?

Tangning didn't want to think in a more animalistic direction, so she looked at him and said, "The official department has an errand. I need to pack my things and go to Jiangnan in two days..."

Before Old Zheng could speak, the old beggar raised his head and said, "Go to Jiangnan. If you pass by Yuezhou, help me bring back some jars of high-quality daughter Hong."

Tangning glanced at him and asked, "The wine at home isn't enough for you?"

"You know nothing!" The old beggar rolled his eyes at him and said: "You will get tired of eating a dish for a long time, and you will get bored if you look at it alone for a long time. Otherwise, why would you marry three wives and still eat from the bowl while looking at the pot? ?”

"How many jars of daughter's red do you want?"

"The more the merrier..."

It can be seen from drinking that the old beggar is not a dedicated person. When he gets tired of drinking Zhuyeqing, he switches to Wuliangye, and when he gets tired of Wuliangye, he switches to Nvliangye. Although Tang Ning has no shame in saying that he is dedicated, at least he will not get tired of it.

He walked into the inner courtyard and found that the usually bustling inner courtyard was a little deserted.

Xiao Ru Xiaoyi was not there, but she found Tang Yaoyao in Xiaoyi's study. She was actually reading a book, and she was still reading "Female Training"...

Tangning walked in and asked, "Where are the two of them?"

"I went shopping." Tang Yaoyao closed the book, stood up and asked, "Why are you back so early today? Are you hungry? I'll go to the kitchen to get you something to eat."

Tangning was not used to her suddenly becoming so gentle, generous and considerate. She was stunned and said, "I'm not very hungry."

"Then I'm still hungry." Tang Yaoyao fetched some pastries from the kitchen, poured a pot of tea, and said, "Let's rest first, Xiaoyi and the others will be back soon."

Tang Ning ate pastries and drank tea. She thought that she would eventually tell them about her trip to Jiangnan, so she said, "His Majesty summoned me to the palace today and arranged an errand. I will go to Jiangnan in two days."

"Jiangnan?" Tang Yaoyao was stunned for a moment, looked at him, and asked suspiciously: "Why are you going to Jiangnan on some errand? Is the little fox also in Jiangnan?"

Tang Ning said: "Jiangnan is so big and has dozens of state capitals, so you may not be able to meet her."

Tang Yaoyao said: "I'll go too."

Tangning looked at her and asked in surprise, "What are you going to do?"

Tang Yaoyao glanced at him and said, "I have never been to Jiangnan. They say Jiangnan is good and has beautiful scenery. I plan to go and see it."

"No, there are still many dangers along the way, so you can't go." Tangning refused without thinking.

At first, he wanted to take the whole family to have fun, but after knowing the mission of this trip, he gave up the idea.

It would be okay if he was the only one. He had the means to save his life, and he also had Lao Zheng and Sharp Blade by his side, so he didn't worry much about safety. But if the whole family went to Jiangnan, if something happened, they would definitely not be able to take care of it. None of them would be able to take care of it. If something goes wrong, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

Tang Yaoyao narrowed her eyes and looked at him: "Danger?"

Tang Ning explained: "As long as Lao Zheng is with me, nothing will happen."

Tang Yaoyao crossed his arms and said, "Then I'll go too."

Tangning looked at her and whispered, "Be obedient."

Tang Yaoyao glared at him: "Don't listen!"

Tangning frowned and said, "If you continue to disobey me, I will take care of you."

Tang Yaoyao said angrily: "How dare you!"

"I am the head of the family, why don't I dare?" Tang Ning straightened up, puffed out her chest, looked at her, and said solemnly: "As long as you stay in the Tang family for one day, you will be the third wife of the Tang family, and you must listen to me!"

Tang Yaoyao looked at him, her face suddenly turned red, she lowered her head and whispered: "Well, then I won't go, you have to be careful..."

"That's how you behave."

Tangning gave her a solemn look, then turned around and walked out of the study. The moment she stepped out of the door, she breathed a long sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, and finally felt relieved.

It is very dangerous to show the majesty of the head of the family in front of the Tang Fairy. If he fails to show his majesty, he will be ridiculed instead.

The fact that Fairy Tang was so obedient this time was beyond his expectation. Is it true that domineering CEOs are more popular in both ancient and modern times?

However, besides Tang Yaoyao, there was another person who needed to be convinced.

In a secret courtyard somewhere in the inner courtyard, after Tang Yu heard what he said, she smiled and said, "Be careful all the way. Mom won't go this time."

Tang Ning said: "This time I have official business. I will take you to Jiangnan next time."

Tang Yu smiled and said, "Your father said that he would take me there. You should go with Xiao Yi, Xiao Ru Yaoyao and the others..."

After a while, Tangning came out of the yard, feeling relieved.

After dealing with the two most difficult people in the family, it became much easier for Xiao Ru and Xiao Yi to explain.

At the same time, the Tang family in the capital.

Tang Qi looked at Dr. Si Feng and frowned: "You said the person who went to Jiangnan has changed again. Who did it change?"

Doctor Si Feng said: "It was replaced by Tang Ning, the acting minister."

"It's him..." Tang Qi frowned more tightly and asked, "Why was there a sudden change of people?"

Doctor Si Feng said: "He said this is His Majesty's arrangement."

Tang Qi nodded and said, "I understand."

Doctor Si Feng looked at him and asked tentatively: "Master Tang, could it be that His Majesty is dissatisfied with Jiangnan and wants to intervene..."

"Why are you panicking?" Tang Qi's expression became much calmer and he said calmly: "Your Majesty has been dissatisfied with Jiangnan for a long time. It's not like he hasn't done anything and can't do anything. Whoever touches this pot of porridge in Jiangnan will die, but I am. I hope he steps in..."

Doctor Si Feng thought for a while and gradually felt relieved.

There are countless high-ranking officials in the DPRK who are native to the south of the Yangtze River. They come from the south of the Yangtze River and naturally want to safeguard the interests of the south of the Yangtze River. The local officials and gentry in the south of the Yangtze River are not easy to mess with. The court is beyond the reach of the government. Many of those sent there will even end up badly. Death.

After he calmed down, he looked at Tang Qi and said, "In that case, I will leave first."

"Wait a minute." Tang Qi looked at him and warned, "Tang Ning is full of tricks. If you are in the staff department, keep an eye on him. If anything happens, come and report it in time."

Dr. Si Feng surrendered and said, "If I know this, I will definitely keep an eye on him."

The next day the official office opened, and Dr. Feng came to the office early.

This time, Jiangnan's exams will fall on someone else's shoulders. Things will be more troublesome than expected. He must keep an eye on Tang Ning.

He had just arrived at the duty room. Not long after he sat down, an official came in with a piece of paper in his hand and looked at him with a strange look on his face.

Doctor Feng looked at Si Feng Yuan Wai Lang and asked, "What's wrong with Yuan Wai Lang He?"

The official stepped forward, handed him the piece of paper, and said, "Master Feng, this is your transfer order."

Doctor Feng said in surprise: "What kind of transfer order?"

Si Feng Yuan Wai Lang said: "You have been asked to take charge of the examinations for officials in Shazhou, Suzhou, Ganzhou and other places. You will set off immediately..."

"What!" After hearing this, Dr. Feng stood up and his expression changed drastically.

Suzhou, Ganzhou and other places are already in the extreme west of Chen State. Further west from Shazhou is where the Western Regions and Xibo are. To the north is the territory of the grassland barbarians. That is the most chaotic place in Chen State. It is so chaotic. The Ministry of Civil Affairs has not sent anyone to take the exam for many years. The officials who took the exam the first two times died there directly...

This is not a mission at all, this is an exile!

He looked pale, stood up hurriedly, and walked out of the check-in room.

After a while, Tang Ning looked at the pale-faced Doctor Feng and wondered, "This is a decision from above. The officials have nothing to do. Master Feng must also be considerate of the difficulties faced by the officials..."

Doctor Feng said anxiously: "But there are so many people in the official department, why is it me..."

"There are so many people in the official department, why can't it be you?" Tang Ning looked at him and frowned: "Does Dr. Feng think that this officer is deliberately targeting you?"

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