Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 579: Unexpected News

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Butler Zhang finally realized something, his face changed wildly, and he said in shock: "You, your poison has been cured!"

The head of the Zhu family waved his hand and said: "Take it!"

Before Butler Zhang put down the flute, it was taken down by the Zhu family guards who rushed forward.

He looked at the head of the Zhu family, suppressed the fear in his heart, and said sternly: "Zhu, if you dare to betray us, the Xiao family will have your Zhu family exterminated!"

"Take care of yourself first..." The head of the Zhu family looked at him, with a cold look on his face, and said: "In order to thank Butler Zhang for taking care of Zhu over the years, Zhu has prepared a big gift for you... …”

After a while, Butler Zhang looked at a large pit in front of him, which was full of centipedes, spiders, venomous snakes and other poisonous insects, and said in horror: "What do you want to do, Mr. Zhu?"

The head of the Zhu family waved his hand, and the Zhu family guards pushed him directly into the pit, and then covered the pit with wooden boards.

"Let me out, let me out!"

"Go away, don't bite me, don't bite me!"

"Don't bite there, don't bite there!"

Listening to the screams coming from the pit, the head of the Zhu family showed an extremely happy expression on his face.

Without the three major families to fear, it only took one day to clean up the Xiao family.

In just one day, the Xiao family's business in Quzhou was blocked by many parties and was divided up by three major families.

As for everyone in the Xiao Mansion, they were all arrested and imprisoned because of various crimes reported by the three major families.

In this stronghold of the Xiao Mansion, there are actually a few people who know the art of Gu, but they only know a little bit about it. They are incomparable to experts like Gongsun Ying. She can control them all by herself without Lao Zheng's intervention. The Xiao family was cleaned up.

When Tang Ning sent Chen Zhou to inventory the Xiao family's property, Gongsun Ying had already grabbed a young man by the neck and asked in a sharp voice: "Where is the King of Guizhou?"

The young man looked confused and said, "Who is the King of Guizhou? I don't know..."

Gongsun Ying tormented the servants captured from the Xiao family for a long time, but did not find out any information about King Qian. She couldn't find out anything with her methods. It seemed that they really didn't know.

Chen Zhou left quickly and came back quickly. Tangning looked at him and asked in surprise: "The inventory was completed so quickly?"

Chen Zhou said: "Sir, the Xiao family does not have much property. The total amount of money found is only more than thirty thousand taels..."

Tang Ning stood up from his chair. As the richest man in Quzhou, the Xiao family was not surprised to find three million taels. Thirty thousand taels was not even a fraction of what he had expected.

He looked at Chen Zhou and said, "Continue searching to see if there are any secret rooms or secret rooms in the Xiao Mansion..."

Chen Zhou led people to continue the search. Tang Ning looked at one person and asked, "Who is the one who usually calls the shots in the Xiao Mansion?"

The man looked frightened and said in a trembling voice: "Yes, it's Butler Zhang..."

"Where is Guan Zhang's family?"

"Going to Zhu Mansion."

In the Zhu Mansion, the three heads of the Zhu, Huang, and Dong families looked at Tang Ning, and at the same time raised their hands and said, "I have met Mr. Tang."

Only more than 30,000 taels of silver were found from the Xiao family. Their work was in vain this time, which was not in line with his usual style of winning.

Tangning looked at the three of them and asked, "I heard that the Xiao family's business has been divided among the three of you?"

The head of the Huang family looked at him and immediately said: "The Xiao family intends to rebel and has committed a heinous crime. The Xiao family's property will naturally belong to the treasury. Don't worry, sir, we will convert all their property into silver and send it to the inn... "

Tangning nodded and said, "That's very good."

The head of the Huang family has obviously grown up in the past two days. He wants Zhu's family's industry and business to be useless. For Chen Huang, the industry and business are not as exciting as free money.

The head of the Zhu family looked at him, cupped his hands and said, "I wonder what important business Master Tang has here?"

Tang Ning looked at him and asked, "I heard that the Xiao family has a butler here?"

The head of the Zhu family was startled when he heard this, then looked back and said, "Bring him up."

When the housekeeper of the Xiao Mansion was brought in by two housekeepers, even Tang Ning was shocked.

His whole body was black and purple, and his body was covered with bloody holes. There was a three-inch long centipede hanging from his hair, and he lay limply on the ground, motionless.

Tangning looked at the head of the Zhu family and asked, "Dead?"

"Don't worry, sir. Those poisonous insects have all had their fangs removed and they won't die." The head of the Zhu family looked at a servant behind him and said, "Wake him up!"

The servant poured a ladle of cold water on Butler Zhang's face. After being shocked by the cold water, Butler Zhang finally woke up.

He trembled and immediately hissed: "Don't come over, don't bite me..."

The servants of the Zhu family poured another ladle of cold water on it. Butler Zhang was stunned on the spot, obviously not having recovered yet.

The head of the Zhu family looked at him and said, "Master Tang asked you a few questions, and you must answer them truthfully."

Butler Zhang looked over blankly.

Tang Ning looked at him and asked, "Where is the Xiao family's money hidden?"

Butler Zhang said in a daze: "No, I didn't hide it."

How could the Xiao family, as the richest family in Quzhou, only have 30,000 taels of silver? Tangning looked at the head of the Zhu family and said, "How about you help me ask?"

Butler Zhang looked at the head of the Zhu family, his body couldn't help but tremble, and his voice was crying, and he trembled: "It's really not true. All the money earned by the Xiao family has been shipped to Runzhou. There really is nothing here..."

Tang Ning looked at him and asked, "Is the King of Guizhou in Runzhou?"

Butler Zhang looked up at him, a trace of surprise appeared on his face, and the next moment he said: "I, I don't know what King Qian is..."

Tang Ning looked at the head of the Zhu family again and said: "How about..."

Butler Zhang trembled and immediately said: "Yes, King Qian and the prince are in Runzhou, and the priests are also in Runzhou..."

Tang Ning asked again: "Do you know Bai Jin?"

"Prince Bai used to be active in the capital, and he came to Jiangnan a few days ago..."

"Where is Su Mei?"

"Miss Su is the apprentice of Prince Bai, with unparalleled beauty. Many people like her, even the prince is no exception..."


It is unknown how much inhuman torture this butler Zhang has just experienced. Tang Ning asked one question, he answered two sentences, and he told everything like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

What he said was not much different from Tang Ning's guess, but just confirmed his guess and made a certain clue clearer.

He looked at Butler Zhang and finally asked, "What is the plan of the King of Qian?"

Butler Zhang said, "No, the King of Qian has no plan."

Tang Ning looked aside and said, "Master Zhu..."

Butler Zhang collapsed and cried, "The King of Qian really has no plan. The King of Qian is dead. How can a dead person have a plan!"

Tang Ning was stunned and asked in disbelief, "The King of Qian is dead?"

Butler Zhang looked at him and said, "A few months ago, His Royal Highness the King of Qian died of illness in Runzhou. I am telling the truth. Believe me, believe me..."


Tang Ning did not doubt the truth of Butler Zhang's words, because Bai Jin left too hastily, as if someone in her family had died. The fact is that someone in her family really died.

The King of Qian is Bai Jin's master and the most important part of her plan to restore the country. She has been planning for many years. Any step can be missing, but the King of Qian cannot be missing.

Now that the King of Qian is dead, what can she do even if she restores the country? She can't become the emperor herself, right?

Life is unpredictable, and the King of Qian still has no destiny to be the emperor. Looking at it from another angle, Bai Jin's mission failed, and Su Mei's kindness to her was repaid. From now on, they will go their separate ways. Isn't it happy?

However, this is a bargain for Gongsun Ying. Bai Jin and Gongsun Ying each serve their own masters, and their goal is to restore the country. Now that Bai Jin's master is dead, Gongsun Ying and the King of Wu, to whom she is loyal, have won the biggest opponent without doing anything.

Tang Ning had just returned to the post station when Gongsun Ying came out of the room and said, "There is another housekeeper of the Xiao family in the Zhu Mansion. If we find him, we will definitely get more information."

Tang Ning said, "I have been to the Zhu family."

Gongsun Ying looked at him and asked, "Did you find out the whereabouts of the silver?"

Tang Ning said, "All the silver in the Xiao Mansion was transported to the King of Qian. It is normal that there is no silver here."

Gongsun Ying thought for a while and said, "I will ask again. Maybe there is some missing information."

"Don't you just want to know where the King of Qian is?" Tang Ning waved his hand and said, "No need to ask. The King of Qian is dead."

Gongsun Ying was stunned and said in disbelief, "Qian, the King of Qian is dead?"

"He died of illness a few months ago." Tang Ning looked at her and said, "Bai Jin hurried to Jiangnan just for this matter."

After Gongsun Ying came to his senses, his face changed several times and the muscles on his face began to twitch.

Tangning glanced at her and said, "Laugh if you want to. You're almost getting crow's feet..."


Old Zheng was sharpening a knife in the yard when he was suddenly startled by the woman's laughter outside. He shuddered and broke the whetstone in half...

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