Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 582: Make a move?

Ruyi Xiaolangjun Text Volume 582 Chapter 582: Make a fortune? The women Tang Ning knows all have their own strengths.

Xiaoyi can write poems and lyrics, Xiaoru is good at needlework, Li Tianlan has a strategy for governing the country, and Zhao Man is coquettish, and her two whimpers can make people's bones soft.

In addition, the third wife Tang Yaoyao is good at climbing over the wall, and the sister Su Huli is good at jumping out of the window, but the only one who can sneak into the bed in the middle of the night is Su Mei.

Tang Ning put his hands behind his head and said, "Long time no see."

Su Mei took a deep breath, her bright eyes flashing in the dark night, and said, "Long time no sleep."

Tang Ning moved to the inside of the bed and kept a distance from her in the quilt.

The most beautiful woman in the capital, the thoughtful and considerate intellectual sister suddenly turned into a slut who spoke dirty words. When she was in the same bed with her, her words were like blowing in her ear------who could stand it!

When sleeping with Tang Yaoyao, the green apple, he could still keep his mind pure and desireless. Facing the ripe Su Mei, he could only use distance to restrain some thoughts that should not arise.

"Why are you hiding?" Su Mei leaned inward and said, "Am I so scary? Or have you felt alienated after not sleeping for a long time?"

Tang Ning leaned sideways, looked at her and asked, "The King of Qian is dead, what are you still doing in Jiangnan?"

Su Mei's body trembled and asked in surprise, "How do you know about the King of Qian?"

Tang Ning said, "I know everything about you."

Su Mei asked, "Master Uncle told you?"

Tang Ning nodded and said, "He told me everything."

Su Mei said in disbelief, "Impossible, how could she tell you such a confidential thing?"

Tang Ning certainly couldn't tell Su Mei that Gongsun Ying was so honest because he threatened her that he would kill her if she didn't tell him. He said casually, "Maybe she was moved by my sincerity..."

Su Mei stopped asking about this matter, thought about it, and asked, "Why did you come to Jiang Nan, is it because of the matter of the King of Qian?"

Tang Ning nodded and said, "The court has noticed Jiangnan. If you make more noise, it will not be me who comes to Jiangnan, but the army of the court."

Su Mei was silent for a while, looked at him and said, "Can you promise me one thing?"

Tang Ning said, "Go ahead."

Su Mei said, "Can you not interfere in the affairs of Jiangnan?"

Tang Ning looked at her and asked in confusion, "The King of Qian is dead, Bai Jin still won't give up?"

"The King of Qian is dead, and there is still the prince." Su Mei explained, "They have been operating in Jiangnan for many years, just for the cause of restoring the country, and they will not give up easily. There are also many tributes around the prince. You can't beat them in Runzhou."

Tang Ning didn't expect that when the old died, there would still be the young, and the son would inherit the father's business. Now Gongsun Ying was happy in vain.

He shook his head and said, "It's not me who is fighting them, it's the court that is fighting them. Can they defeat the court?"

"Of course they can't." Su Mei raised her head and asked, "What if the grassland and the Western Regions are added?"

Tang Ning sat up from the bed. Su Mei's words just now contained a lot of information, and he had to digest it.

The grassland alone is already a great enemy of the Chen Kingdom, and once the Western Regions enter the interior, it will immediately become a threat that is no less than the grassland. At that time, the Chen Kingdom must divide its troops into two groups, one to resist the grassland and the other to resist the Western Regions.

In this case, if Jiangnan stabs the Chen Kingdom in the back again, the old Zhao family's rule may really come to an end.

He turned to look at Su Mei and asked, "Has he united the grassland and the Western Regions?"

Su Mei said, "We haven't reached an agreement yet, but they have already contacted people from the grassland and the Western Regions. If you hinder him, you will be against three forces at the same time. In this way, the four major forces will not tolerate you..."

Tang Ning was surprised and said, "Why did it become the four major forces again?"

Su Mei pinched her chin and said, "The Su family in Runzhou is a relative of the Tang family in the capital. They should have known about your arrival in Runzhou. Do you think they will let you go?"

Tang Ning was helpless as he entered the den of thieves without knowing it.

He didn't need to worry about the people in the grassland and the Western Regions. This was not their territory. They couldn't cause much trouble. The Su family was just a powerful family. If Tang Ning didn't intend to reason with them. He could find a suitable reason to sacrifice them to contribute to the national treasury. As for the prince of Qian, it might be a little more troublesome, but it was just trouble...

This is not the point.

The point is that they actually hooked up with the grassland and the Western Regions. If these three parties really reached an agreement and attacked at the same time, the situation would be really serious.

Chen Chu could still handle the grassland alone, but if the Western Regions were added, Chen would immediately be unable to cope with it. At this time, if there was chaos in Jiangnan, it would most likely be the last straw that broke the camel's back for the yak...

Chen must not have any trouble. If Chen had any trouble, what would happen to Xiao Ru and Xiao Yi, his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and their family's business...

Tang Ning couldn't watch this happen, both publicly and privately.

He looked at Su Mei and asked, "If I fight with the Prince of Qian, who will you help?"

"You have no conscience, you doubt me!" Su Mei twisted his ears and said angrily, "When you were in trouble, who made an exception to help you? When you went to Chu, who stole the Insect King for you to defend yourself? When you were homeless, who kindly took you in... You actually doubted me?"


Women are really terrible animals. When Tang Ning got up in the morning, his ears were still red.

He just said something extra, and Su Mei tossed him around for most of the night, which made him extremely regretful for asking such a nonsense question.

The first thing he did when he got up in the morning was not to wash up, but to write a letter.

This was a letter to Emperor Chen. It was fine that the prince of Qian colluded with the grassland, but he didn't expect that they even colluded with the Western Regions.

He must remind Emperor Chen to make preparations early and strengthen the troops in Suzhou, Shazhou and other places. Once the grassland and the Western Regions launched a fierce attack at the same time, the northwest region would immediately ignite the flames of war. At that time, even the capital would not be a safe place.

When Chen Zhou came in to clean up, he made the bed, put away a few fragrant hairs on the bed, walked to the window, opened the window, wiped off the footprints on the windowsill, and then walked to Tang Ning and asked, "Does your Excellency have any other instructions?"

"You came just in time." Tang Ning put the secret letter he had just written into the envelope, sealed it, and said, "Send someone to rush this letter to the capital for 800 miles, and be sure to hand it over to Your Majesty in person."

Chen Zhou saw his serious expression, took the envelope, and said seriously, "Yes!"


When Tang Ning walked out of the room, people came out from the rooms on both sides.

Along the way, Lao Zheng and Gongsun Ying had been living on his left and right sides, so there was no need to worry about safety issues.

Old Zheng glanced at him and said, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Based on their five senses, they would know that someone entered his room yesterday. Tang Ning was too lazy to explain and said, "Not bad..."

Gongsun Ying glanced at him and said with a fake smile, "Lord Tang is really a romantic man. In this Jiangnan area, he actually has a lover..."

This woman used to be very frugal with words, but since she knew that the King of Qian had died, she has become more talkative and obviously a little too proud of herself.

Tang Ning looked at her and said, "There is good news and bad news about the King of Qian. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Speaking of the King of Qian, Gongsun Ying was obviously nervous and asked, "What happened to the King of Qian?"

"If you don't choose, then I will tell you the good news first." Tang Ning looked at her and said, "The good news is that the King of Qian is really dead, absolutely true, dead and can't be deader."

Gongsun Ying looked at him and said vigilantly, "What about the bad news?"

Tang Ning said, "The bad news is that the King of Qian is dead, and there is also the King of Qian's son. He can do what the King of Qian can do, so Bai Jin and others decided to support the son to restore the country. Your opponent is still there, so you were happy before..."

Gongsun Ying's face changed drastically. At this moment, she realized that the King of Qian's son, who was still very young at the time, seemed to have been ignored by her.

Tang Ning looked at her and asked, "How about it, do you want to do something?"

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