Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 609: Good News Arrives in Beijing

Ruyi Xiaolangjun Text Volume 609 Good News Arrived in Beijing Long legs are her greatest strength. For some men, the standard for evaluating a woman is long legs, which is more important than big breasts and beauty.

Other people's legs can be played with for a year, but Tang Yaojing's legs can be played with for a lifetime.

Of course, Tang Ning is not such a person. For him, the length of legs is not important. Even if Tang Yaojing's legs are a few millimeters shorter, he still likes them.

Tang Yaoyao looked at him and said angrily: "Can long legs be considered a strength?"

Tang Ning thought carefully and said: "Your name is longer than hers..."

Tang Yaoyao crossed her chest with her hands, looked at him, and asked: "Besides legs and name, do I have no other strengths compared to her?"

Tang Yaoyao has no breasts, so she rarely makes the action of crossing her chest with her hands. When she makes this action, Tang Ning must be careful.

Tang Ning thought about it carefully and said, "You are younger than her, richer than her, and have longer legs than her."

It takes courage for any woman to compare herself to Su Mei. He really didn't want to discourage Tang Yaojing. He stood up and said, "It's getting late. Go back to your room and rest..."

Long legs are not a strength at all, and being rich is not one either. Unexpectedly, her only advantage is her youth. Tang Yaoyao glanced at Tang Ning and said, "Go to bed by yourself. I don't want to sleep with you tonight."

After that, she glared at him fiercely and turned back to her room.

"I didn't expect you like young, rich and long-legged girls." Su Mei came over from behind, looked at him and asked, "You've been eyeing Yaoyao for a long time, right?"

Tang Ning shook her head and said, "You don't understand. Young people have their own innocence, and old people have their own charm."

Su Mei looked at him and asked, "So in your heart, am I young or old?"

"You're somewhere in between." Tang Ning looked at her and said, "Sometimes pure, sometimes charming, not too immature, nor too charming..., it's the best time of a woman's life."

"Although I like what you said, you still have to sleep alone tonight." Su Mei smiled at him and said, "I'll sleep with her tonight."

When Su Mei was not the fourth wife, Tang Ning slept with whoever she wanted. Today he slept with Su Mei, and tomorrow he slept with Yaoyao. After she became the fourth wife, he could only sleep alone. Is there such a reason in the world?

And he had no way to deal with it. He watched Su Mei walk into Tang Yaoyao's room and close the door.

What would it be like to see Su Huli and Tang Yaojing lying on the same bed? The scene was so beautiful that Tangning could not imagine it.

Tang Yaojing was not a good sleeper, and her legs and feet were not very quiet. What would happen when they woke up tomorrow morning?

Would they take off their clothes and compare whose legs were longer?

Thinking about it, it was unlikely, although Tangning was looking forward to seeing such a scene.

Inside the room.

Tang Yaoyao and Su Mei sat side by side on the bed, both wearing only underwear and bellybands, with four long white legs lined up together. After Su Mei compared them herself, she said, "It seems that yours is really longer..."

Tang Yaoyao secretly glanced at Su Mei's bellyband and curled her lips and said, "There's nothing special about long legs..."

Su Mei looked at her and asked, "Don't you think tall women look pleasing to the eye?"

Tang Yaoyao asked suspiciously, "Really?"

"Of course." Su Mei nodded and said, "A woman's beauty is three points in her face and seven points in her figure. If a beauty comes from a distance, the first thing a man sees must be her figure, and five points of this seven points of figure are in her legs. Men will like those with slender legs more."

Tang Yaoyao thought about it carefully and felt that what she said seemed to make sense.

If Su Huli's legs were one foot shorter, then it would be useless no matter how beautiful she was...

If Su Huli's upper body was given to her, would the first beauty in the capital change hands?

Su Mei didn't notice that Tang Yaoyao had been distracted, and continued: "Not only that, in fact, many men have a special fetish for women's legs, and even ignore their appearance..."

Tang Yaoyao immediately broke out in a cold sweat and said: "Hey, how can there be such a person..."

Su Mei looked at her slender legs and said: "So, now you know how tempting your legs are to men, right?"

Tang Yaoyao realized that the strengths that Tang Ning had just mentioned about her were not just nonsense. No wonder he always secretly looked at her legs when he slept at night...

She blushed and spat in her heart: "Bah, shameless..."

Su Mei reached out and stroked her legs, praising: "Your long legs are so beautiful that even men and women cannot resist..."

Tang Yaoyao's face turned red and she shouted: "Don't touch!"

Su Mei said: "It won't cost you anything if you touch it, don't be so stingy..."

Tang Yaoyao said angrily: "Then I'll touch yours too!"

A moment later, Su Mei's shy and angry voice came from the bed, "Where are you touching?"

Tang Yaoyao said unconvinced: "Who made yours so big..."

Tang Ning stood at the door. He had just cooked some noodles and wanted to ask them if they wanted to have some midnight snack. When he made a gesture to knock on the door, he heard the conversation from inside and stood there in shock.

He was a little sleepy, but he woke up at this moment, and became more and more sober...

There were two ladies in the room, but he could only be accompanied by the full moon in the sky. Tang Ning walked into the yard and looked up at the sky, only to find that even the moon was covered by clouds...

Since a month ago, the atmosphere in the capital has suddenly become tense when going to the court and going down to the market.

Although there was no explicit announcement from the imperial court, some news spread from the upper levels and soon spread throughout the capital, spreading to the surrounding areas at an extremely fast speed.

The grasslands in the north are pressing forward step by step, Xiaowan is ready to move in the west, and there are rebellious parties in the south of the Yangtze River that are planning to commit rebellion. With enemies on three sides, the Chen State has never encountered such an embarrassing situation since the founding of the country.

While resisting the invasion from the northwest, the imperial court also had to stabilize the south of the Yangtze River. No matter which one of them went wrong, Chen Guo would face a life-or-death moment.

Although the people in the capital live a comfortable and stable life, the premise of all this is that the Chen State is stable. Once the Chen State falls into war and the nest is overturned, there will be no eggs left, and their good days will come to an end.

All the people are waiting for good news.

Whether it is in the northwest or the south, as long as a piece of good news comes, it can calm people's hearts.

These days, the people in Beijing are all looking forward to it. They stand at the gate of the city, waiting for a good news that may not come, day after day...

Someone with a smart mind set up a tea stall outside the city gate, paying a penny for a pot of tea. The tea stall had constant customers from morning to night.

At the tea stall, there were mostly scribes who were simply dressed but well washed. Most of them had read books. Although they failed in the imperial examination, they were more concerned about the country and the people than ordinary people.

A middle-aged scribe took a sip of tea, looked away from the endless official road, and sighed: "God bless me, Da Chen, I can survive this difficulty..."

"I'll definitely survive it!"

"Your Majesty has increased troops to the northwest, and they will definitely be able to guard the border!"

"Master Tang is in Jiangnan, and there won't be any trouble in Jiangnan..."

"Yes, Mr. Tang will be unlucky wherever he goes. This time it is finally the turn of the traitors in Jiangnan. Can they defeat the broom star?"

Everyone at the tea stall spoke to each other one after another. Although they were worried, their tone was quite firm.

At this moment, an old man led a strong man to the tea stall and asked: "Excuse me, old man, how to get to Ping'an County Government Office?"

"After entering the city, go straight north and cross two streets. There are two stone lions in front of the door." A scribe pointed to the city gate and asked: "What are you doing at the county government office?"

The old man hunched his back, pointed at the man, and said: "I heard that the barbarians are coming. My second son has no other abilities but is very strong. I want him to follow the soldiers and go to the northwest to kill some barbarians. It’s better than farming at home…”

When the scribe heard this, he immediately stood in awe, cupped his hands and said: "If everyone can be like my father-in-law, the Master of Chen will be invincible, so why should he be afraid of the barbarians from the northwest?"

The old man grinned and said: "Only by killing barbarians can you farm safely. This old man understands this..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was suddenly the sound of rapid horse hooves coming from the official road ahead.

A puff of smoke and dust rose in the distance on the official road, and a light horse galloped over. When it reached the city gate, there was no sign of slowing down. The knight on the horse waved his whip, and the horse went faster. He stayed close to the horse. Back, while reminding the crowd, he shouted loudly: "Jiangnan good news!"

As he passed by the tea stall, another burst of smoke and dust was raised. Some of the dust fell into the tea bowl, soiling the tea, but no one scolded him.

Everyone stood there in a daze, looking at the direction in which he disappeared, excitement and excitement gradually showing on their faces.

The old man took out his ears, looked at the scribe, and asked, "My dear, what did he shout just now?"

"Jiangnan good news, Jiangnan good news..." The scribe's face was filled with excitement. He grabbed the old man's shoulders, shook them hard, and said in a trembling voice: "Old man, we have won, we have won..."

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