Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 628: Enmity

Chapter 628: Grudges: Tang Ning came to the Ministry of Works with no intention of causing trouble. After all, he had no grievances with anyone else, and neither the Minister of Works nor the Minister were here, so he couldn't do anything if he wanted to.

The Ministry of Industry was the last stop on his six-department tour, and he happened to have to do something at the Ministry of Industry.

In order to improve the overall strength of Chen's army, Emperor Chen wanted to create a heavy cavalry that was not inferior to the grasslands, and Zuo Xiaowei was his pilot.

The Chen State did not have heavy cavalry before, because it was too expensive to build a heavy cavalry team. With Chen State's fragile finances, even the money for disaster relief had to be dug out again and again, so naturally there was no extra money to invest in it.

But today is different from the past. Now Chen Huang’s pockets are bulging, his waist is straight, and he is in high spirits. He thinks about how to spend the money all day long, and the money he spends costs tens to millions of taels. Even so, There were still tens of millions of taels of silver with no place to spend, so the long-shelved heavy cavalry plan was put on the table again.

Of course, he moved the money very happily, but every penny and every tael of the money had to be spent wisely. Tang Ning had to personally control every step of spending money.

Chen Huang actually has a good temper, provided that no one touches his money. Based on this premise, everything is easy to negotiate.

Chen Huang took this matter very seriously, and Tang Ning started working on it on the first day she came to the Ministry of Industry.

He looked at a clerk at the door and said, "Go and find Mr. Zhang from the Ministry of Water."

The clerk responded, and soon Zhang Hao walked in from the outside and asked, "Sir, are you looking for me?"

"I have something to trouble you, Master Zhang." Tang Ning looked at him and said, "Sir Zhang, please help me find a picture of the equipment required by the heavy cavalry. The more complete the better."

Although Zhang Hao was a little confused as to why he, a doctor from the Ministry of Water, was asked to handle the affairs of the doctor from the Ministry of Works, he had no complaints and nodded and said: "I'll go find him right away."

Chen State used to have heavy cavalry, but they later canceled it because they could no longer afford it. However, the blueprints are still there and can be used directly.

When Zhang Hao was searching the warehouse where the drawings were stored, the other three doctors gathered together. The Tuntian doctor shook his head and said: "You see, I will say that Mr. Zhang has become rich this time, and Mr. Tang regards him as a confidant... …”

The doctor from the Ministry of Industry looked a little complicated. If he was the examiner who went to Lingzhou three years ago, he would be the one who can stand next to this big tree today.

Although he thought so in his heart, he still could not admit defeat. The doctor from the Ministry of Works curled his lips and said, "So what about the confidant? If he can stay in the Ministry of Works for up to three months, can he still turn Mr. Zhang into Shilang Zhang?"

"It's unlikely that the Minister will..." Tuntian Langzhong said: "But there are people in the official department. After all, Zhang Langzhong has more opportunities than us. It's really enviable..."

When Zhang Hao placed the drawings of the equipment required for the heavy cavalry in front of Tang Ning, Tang Ning was also a little dumbfounded.

He thought it was just a few drawings, but he didn't expect that these things actually filled a large box.

Zhang Hao cupped his hands and said, "Master Tang, all the drawings are here."

Tangning nodded and said, "I understand, Mr. Zhang, please go down and do some work."

Zhang Hao returned to the duty room, and the Tuntian doctor followed him in and asked curiously: "Master Zhang, what did Shilang Tang tell you?"

"It's nothing." Zhang Hao looked at him and said, "Master Tang just asked me to find some drawings, and then I came back."

The Tuntian doctor asked doubtfully: "Didn't you say anything more?"

Zhang Hao asked curiously: "Do I need to say anything more?"

The Tuntian doctor waved his hand and said: "Forget it, it's nothing..."

"Inexplicable." Zhang Hao glanced at him and began to immerse himself in his affairs.

In the servant's office, after Tang Ning spread out the blueprints in the box, she realized why there were so many blueprints of heavy cavalry equipment.

Those craftsmen drew the drawings with extreme detail, and each of them can be regarded as a work of art.

He spent the whole afternoon studying the drawings in the check-in room, his neck was sore from looking at them, before Lao Zheng came to take him back.

While Tang Ning was packing her things, Lao Zheng stood in front of the table, looking at the drawings on the table thoughtfully.

Anyone who sees these things will feel shocked in their heart. Tangning looked at him and asked, "How does the equipment of the heavy cavalry look like? Isn't it awesome?"

Lao Zheng looked away from the drawings and said calmly: "They are all garbage."

Tang Ning also graduated with a master's degree in engineering, and he had some appreciation for these things. He himself thought these things were very good, but Lao Zheng dismissed them with one word.

This is a denial of his professionalism.

Tangning looked at him, curled her lips and said, "You can do it?"

Tang Ning really didn't expect that Old Zheng Wu could kill pigs and Wen could draw. Not to mention his ability to draw straight lines with his bare hands, which Tang Ning couldn't develop even in ten years.

Although Lao Zheng always likes to say some inappropriate words and jump out to be a pig teammate at critical moments, he never talks big and empty words. If he says it can work, it will work.

So Tang Ning left the design of the armor to him. She took her four ladies out for a stroll and walked on the street with several ladies. Countless people looked at her with envy and jealousy, and looked at him with helpless expressions. I still feel comfortable in my heart.

After all, Tangning is also a vulgar person. Like most men, she has vulgar vanity.

The weather was good today. Su Mei proposed to go to Tianranju to visit the lake, which was unanimously agreed by others.

Although Su Mei is the youngest in the family, everyone, including Zhong Yi, likes her to make decisions. In fact, she is the housekeeper of the family.

Today is a rare good weather, and there are many people who have the same idea as them. There are many small boats floating on the lake of Tianranju. Su Mei asked a steward of Tianranju to pull a small boat over. The four of them stood at the bow of the boat to enjoy the scenery. Tang Ning sat alone in the cabin, leaning comfortably against the wall of the boat, tasting the iced fruit wine.

Gently sip the wine, there is a coolness and fragrance from the mouth, refreshing.


Just as he picked up a grape and was about to put it into his mouth, the hull suddenly shook violently, and two screams came from the bow.

Tang Ning's face changed, and he quickly walked out of the cabin and saw Su Mei holding Zhong Yi and Tang Yaoyao holding Su Ru. The two women looked slightly pale, obviously they were frightened just now.

The boat behind them just hit them straight, and Zhong Yi and Su Ru almost fell into the lake. Tang Yaoyao glared at the back and shouted: "How are you driving the boat!"

"How dare you!"

A man came out of the cabin behind, looked at her, and said: "This is the boat of His Royal Highness Prince Kang. Who are you? How dare you make a noise here..."

Tang Yaoyao frowned and said: "Prince Kang, please..."

Su Mei pulled her sleeves, looked at the boatman, and said: "Rowing a little to the left, don't block His Royal Highness Prince Kang's way."

The boatman hurriedly rowed the boat away, and Prince Kang's boat slowly sailed away.

Tang Yaoyao looked ahead and said angrily: "Such a big lake, they didn't go to the left or the right, but bumped into us. It was intentional!"

Su Mei patted her hands and comforted her: "King Kang suffered more at the hands of his husband, and he can only retaliate in this way."

As the fourth wife, Su Mei actually played the role of the eldest sister at home, taking good care of them, which made Tang Ning very pleased.

It was King Kang's petty-mindedness that refreshed his cognition again.

Speaking of which, he hadn't dealt with King Kang for a long time. Tang Ning looked at the cruise ship in front of him and showed an inexplicable smile on his face.

In the boat in front, a young man looked at King Kang and hesitated: "Your Highness, that seems to be Lord Tang's boat. It might not be good to have a grudge with him..."

King Kang once had a very good memory with Tang Ning, but it was precisely because of the good memories that King Kang became more angry with him after the two fell out.

But what made him feel aggrieved was that although he was a prince, he could not compete with Tang Ning, who was at the peak of his career. He could only take this approach to vent his frustration.

He snorted coldly and said, "I just rammed his boat. What can he do to me?"

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