Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 633: A collision that goes down in history

Chapter 633 of the text volume of Ruyi Little Man: A collision recorded in the annals of history: "Your Highness has forgotten that that person is very careless and will retaliate. Otherwise, why would he inspect that weapon for no reason..."

King Kang could no longer hear clearly what the servants of the palace were saying. The minister of the Ministry of Industry was his man. Not many people knew about this. The ordnance built by the Ministry of Industry was lacking, but the powerful weapons used by the Ministry of War for inspection , is also built by the Ministry of Industry, and there will be no omissions at all. With the Minister of the Ministry of Industry watching, who would check this?

Most of the money withheld by the Ministry of Industry went into his coffers. If this matter is investigated further, sooner or later it will be found on his head.

That wasn't what worried him the most.

What he was worried about was the matters in the salt field and mines. Chen Guo has been specializing in salt and iron since the founding of the country. Everyone who can do the salt and iron business has an official background. He followed the salt merchants and found out that they were in the central part of the capital. The dignitaries, and further up, is Prince Kang’s Mansion…

Even if he is a prince, he cannot afford this consequence.

King Kang suddenly felt regretful. Maybe he really shouldn't have hit that on the natural lake that day...

Cui Min, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, was from King Kang.

Behind the major salt merchants involved were some dignitaries in Beijing, and behind these dignitaries were also supported by King Kang.

After looking at the information from the Ministry of Finance and the information Su Mei brought him from Tiantianju, Tang Ning could swear with his conscience that he was definitely not targeting Prince Kang, let alone avenging him for public or private reasons.

King Kang just ordered his men to ram his ship. How could it be such a big deal? How could he punish King Kang to death because of this matter...

Of course, King Kang is a prince after all. If it were to be done to others, it would be a serious crime to lose one's head. If it were to be done to him, it would definitely not be a crime that would lead to death, but to him, it would be almost as good as death.

As a prince, intervening in the salt and iron affairs has touched the bottom line of Emperor Chen and the court. His behavior is more serious than the embezzlement of taxes and money by Prince Duan. Emperor Chen's treatment of Prince Kang will not be too light.

Whether he can even keep his position as prince depends on whether Emperor Chen will take the punishment lightly for the sake of his father and son.

Speaking of which, if King Kang was really punished, wouldn't he have indirectly helped King Duan?

Tang Ning shook her head. Even if she helped Prince Duan unintentionally, there was nothing she could do about it. Who knew Prince Kang was so bold, but Ordnance and Yan Zheng both dared to interfere...

In the royal study.

Emperor Chen looked at the Minister of Household Affairs and asked, "Have the fines that the salt merchants have to pay back calculated?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Revenue raised his hands and said: "Back to Your Majesty, the Ministry of Revenue has already calculated the general amount. According to the problematic tools of the Ministry of Industry, the back taxes that salt merchants from various places will have to pay this time will probably exceed 10 million taels." …”

Chen Huang stood up and asked in disbelief: "Ten million taels?"

The Minister of Household Affairs raised his eyes and thought that His Majesty was frightened by this number. He also thought about sending it to the inner palace. He immediately said: "Your Majesty, the national treasury has frequently allocated money in recent days. If it is not replenished, I am afraid that even the imperial court will lose money." We can't even maintain our daily operations. This time we need at least five million taels..."

Chen Huang has also seen people with 100 million taels of silver, so naturally he will not be scared by 10 million taels.

He didn't think the money was too much, but too little. The Ministry of Finance did not dare to falsify the figures because his own expectations were too high.

After all, Tang Ning had just brought him 100 million taels of silver from Jiangnan a few days ago. These 10 million taels could no longer make his heart turbulent.

The imperial court's total annual expenditure on salt and iron was only a few million taels. After comparing it, Chen Huang realized how big the gift Tang Ning brought him from Jiangnan was.

He looked at the nervous Minister of the Ministry of Finance, waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, I'll give you all these ten million taels..."

The Minister of Household Affairs looked at Chen Huang and was stunned for a moment, not quite believing his ears.

His throat moved, and he asked tentatively: "What your Majesty means is that these ten million taels..."

"Put it all in the treasury." Emperor Chen glanced at him and said, "Do I look like an emperor who would covet money from the treasury?"

Only then did the Minister of Hubu come to his senses, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty is wise..."

Emperor Chen no longer asked about the silver, looked at the Minister of Household Affairs, and said: "Given the courage of those salt merchants who dare not touch the salt and iron, who in the capital is supporting them?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry raised his head, pursed his lips, and after a moment, he mustered up the courage to say: "Your Majesty, I am afraid that this case of the Ministry of Industry has something to do with His Highness Prince Kang..."

Emperor Chen frowned and said in a deep voice, "What?"

The Minister of Hubu said: "The backers behind those salt merchants are certain dignitaries in Beijing, and behind these dignitaries, His Royal Highness Prince Kang should be supporting..."

Emperor Chen's face was as dark as water, and he said solemnly: "This bastard!"

Tang Ning, the acting minister of the Ministry of Industry, revealed that the officials of the Ministry of Industry had enriched their own pockets and colluded with businessmen to steal national interests. In a very short period of time, the news spread throughout the capital.

This is almost the most serious fraud case that has occurred in the capital and even in Chen State in recent years.

The broom star is still a broom star, and his power should not be underestimated. He only stayed in the Ministry of Works for a few days, and he destroyed the entire Ministry of Works Department, making everyone in the Ministry of Works officials in danger. Yan, was fined and suspended from office. If this case is found to be related to him, the position of the minister will not be stable.

Of course, the people in the capital all applauded when they heard the news. The fewer corrupt officials in the court, the happier they would be.

The Langzhong and Yuanwailang of the Ministry of Works have been arrested and imprisoned, and the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Works has also been recalled to the capital to be questioned. Not only that, His Majesty is determined to catch all the officials related to this matter, and several officials in the court have been investigated one after another.

At the same time, some rumors that seem true or false have spread among the people.

It is said that the Langzhong of the Ministry of Works withheld the silver for military equipment, and a large part of it was given to King Kang, and the salt merchants, whose backers in the capital are also King Kang, the culprit of this case of the Ministry of Works, is in the palace of King Kang.

These news were just rumors at first, but after careful investigation, people were shocked to find that the two cases of the Ministry of Works pointed directly at King Kang. Even if it was not his fault, it was inseparable from him.

There are also rumors that the reason why King Kang was investigated this time was because he offended Tang Ning, the acting Vice Minister of the Ministry of Works, a few days ago. This time, the incident was the revenge of that petty jinx against him.

Some people saw with their own eyes that a few days ago, on the lake of Tianranju in the capital, King Kang ordered people to deliberately hit Tang Ning's cruise ship. The narrow-minded Lord Tang did not retaliate at that time, but a few days later, he took away King Kang's firewood...

The small lake in Tianranju was artificially dug and the area was not very large. Every year when the season was right, it was a good place for many dignitaries in the capital to play. With so many cruise ships, it was inevitable that there would be bumps and collisions.

On weekdays, if you hit someone else's boat, at most you would say sorry or pay some silver.

This time, King Kang's collision on Tianranju Lake was probably the most serious in history.

This collision will surely go down in history.

He withheld the silver allocated for military equipment and interfered in the salt and iron policy. Even if he was a prince, he could not be exempted from the crime, not to mention that there was Prince Duan who was watching him all the time, and he would definitely not miss this opportunity. His collision on Tianranju Lake was likely to have led him astray in his bid for the throne.

Regarding this historical event that could change the political situation, there is a rhyme in the market: "There are thousands of waterways, but safety is the most important. If you don't sail in a standardized way, you will lose half of your throne..."

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