Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 637 It’s quite big [3rd update]

The Ministry of Works was in the spotlight in the court a few days ago. The assistant minister of the Ministry of Works was recalled to the capital to be questioned, and the minister of the Ministry of Works was suspended for three months. All the miscellaneous matters of the Ministry of Works were piled up in Tang Ning's hands.

Today is a rare day off. Tang Ning did not go out shopping with several ladies. He sat in the yard, basking in the sun and enjoying Qing'er's massage.

The case of the Ministry of Works has been basically concluded now, and the Ministry of Justice and the Dali Temple are finishing up.

Dozens of officials in the court have been implicated. Fortunately, the highest position is only the assistant minister of the Ministry of Works, who is a fourth-rank official, and it has not caused turmoil in the entire bureaucratic system.

There are still a lot of Jinshi waiting to fill the vacancies in the Ministry of Personnel. There has never been a time when the official positions in the State of Chen are in greater supply than demand.

Of course, compared with the affairs of King Kang, the demotion and demotion of these officials are not a big deal.

King Kang was demoted from a prince to a successor king, which has cut off his path to the throne. If Prince Duan does not make any big mistakes in the future, he will have no choice but to rebel if he wants to take the throne.

And this road has almost been blocked for him.

Although King Kang successfully stayed in the capital with a white silk, he no longer had the qualifications to participate in the government. Most of the resources in his hands were transferred to King Huai, and the dignitaries around him were also sparsely left after repeated purges.

Although he was able to stay in the capital, he was no different from a useless person. The only advantage was probably that the Tang family and Prince Duan did not dare to take action against him in the capital. If he did not fight for the throne, he could still live comfortably in the capital.

After Emperor Chen deposed King Kang, he met Prince Duan soon, which made people think about it.

Obviously, King Kang had been eliminated. Emperor Chen was biased towards Prince Duan, and he no longer had to hesitate about who to let be the prince this time.

It was just that he was in his prime, and if he established the prince, there would be suspicion between father and son, but after a few years, Prince Duan's entry into the East Palace was almost a foregone conclusion.

After all, Prince Kang has no chance. Prince Huai's grandmother doesn't love him, and his uncle doesn't care about him. He is just a foil for Prince Duan. Emperor Chen is not senile. If the throne is not passed on to Prince Duan, will it be passed on to Zhao Yuan, whose mind is full of this sister or that sister?

Tang Ning sighed. Look at what he has done. Prince Kang was eliminated, while Prince Duan became powerful. It seems that he dug a hole for himself...

Not only that, it is rumored that his Broom Star Divine Art has been cultivated to a high level. The Minister and the Minister can no longer withstand his bad luck. The reason why Prince Kang fell from the clouds to the abyss this time is because he hit the ship of the Broom Star and was infected with bad luck...

Qing'er's soft little hand moved back and forth on his head, and asked curiously: "Why are you sighing, Master..."

Tang Ning closed his eyes and asked casually: "Is Master a Broom Star?"

Qing'er squinted and said: "Who said Master is a Broom Star? Master is Wenquxing..."

"Hey, isn't this Master Tang, the Broom Star? Why are you so idle today? Why didn't you go out to kill people?"

As soon as Qing'er finished speaking, a voice came from the direction of the door.

Tang Ning opened his eyes and looked at Princess Anyang who walked in slowly from the outside. He felt a little regretful. He really shouldn't have offended her a few days ago.

Never underestimate a woman's pettiness. Tang Ning wondered in his heart, if he had spoken to Princess Anyang in a good way, would he not have gotten into this trouble?

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world, only the consequences of offending a petty woman.

Who would have thought that Princess Anyang, who is very well-known in the upper circles of the capital and is known for her noble elegance and generosity, actually has such a petty and mean side.

Women, indeed, have more than one side.

Tang Ning glanced at her and said, "Knowing that Tang is a jinx, Princess, you dare to get so close to me, aren't you afraid that I will also jinx you?"

Princess Anyang looked at him and said disdainfully, "You can try..."

Tang Ning knew that this woman was just looking for trouble, so he was too lazy to pay attention to her. He closed his eyes and continued to enjoy Qing'er's massage.

Little did he know that his attitude of disregard would make Princess Anyang even more angry in her eyes.

Over the years, wherever she went, she was always surrounded by people. There were countless people in the capital who wanted to be her friend, but this hateful person in front of her said to her in a heartless way that she was "not a friend" and belittled her appearance, literary talent, skills, and even personality...

Although he didn't say these directly, it sounded the same to her.

Tang Ning didn't argue with her because she was called a jinx, but Qing'er showed a dissatisfied expression on her face, pouted her lips, and said: "Son-in-law is not a jinx, son-in-law does good things, and people on the street say that son-in-law is a good official, a great master..."

Seeing the little maid behind Tang Ning, Princess Anyang was furious.

She was not angry that day, but the little girl's words made her extremely ashamed and angry, and what made her even more ashamed was that she said the truth, and she couldn't refute a word------so she became even angrier.

Princess Anyang curled her lips and said, "What does the little girl know..."

Qing'er straightened her chest and said, "I'm not small at all."

Princess Anyang's eyes swept across her chest, and she looked down subconsciously, secretly spitting in her heart. Although this little girl is young, she is not small at all in places where she should be small at this age, which makes her, who is a few years older, feel a little envious.

Qing'er looked at her, looked her up and down, and said, "The princess is not small either..."

Princess Anyang was stunned, secretly happy in her heart, and asked, "Where is not small..."

"The butt is not small." Qing'er looked at her and said, "People say that a big butt is good for fertility. The princess will definitely give birth to a big fat boy in the future..."

"You..." Princess Anyang pointed at her, her face flushed. Some parts of her body were indeed plumper than those of ordinary women. This was also her trouble. Even Tang Shui, with whom she had the closest relationship, was not showing up every day. It would be a shame to make such a joke with her and use such words to praise the village woman to her...

She pointed at Qing'er in embarrassment and was about to speak when Zhong Yi, Tang Yaoyao and others walked in from outside and said in surprise: "Why is the princess here..."

Princess Anyang quickly retracted her outstretched fingers, and the scowl on her face turned into a smile. She returned to her ladylike appearance and chuckled, "I'm here to see Xiao Man..."

Zhao Man stepped forward, took her arm, and said, "Sister Anyang, let's go in and talk..."

Princess Anyang left surrounded by them. Tangning had to admit that she was still very popular among the women in the capital. Zhao Man regarded her as a sister, and Xiaoyi and Xiaoru also regarded her as a friend who had no taboos. .

Qing'er ran forward, knelt down and beat Tang Ning's legs, and said with a smile, "Uncle, the princess is like two people in front of us and Miss Zai..."

Tangning pinched her face and said, "How can you say that the princess has a big butt..."

Qing'er said innocently: "But her butt is really big, don't you think so..."

"I..." Tangning thought for a while and said honestly: "It's quite big..."

After saying that, he pinched Qing'er's face again. I don't know when the little girl Qing'er learned bad things and actually led him astray.

Whether Princess Anyang's butt is big or not is not the point. The point is that Prince Duan has now officially come to the stage. In this way, won't the Tang family have to make further progress?

Tang Mansion.

Prince Duan visited the Tang Mansion today, and the two Tang brothers personally saw him off.

When they were leaving, Tang Qi looked at him and said, "Although Prince Kang remains in the capital, he is no longer a threat to us. Your Highness does not need to worry. As for Tang Ning..."

Prince Duan waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about Tangning's affairs anymore. He is not my enemy. There is no need to go against him everywhere."

Tang Qi was stunned and looked at him in surprise. Before today, Prince Duan had always regarded Tang Ning as a shame to the Tang family and wanted to get rid of her. This was completely different from his current attitude.

King Duan waved his hands to the two of them and said, "Uncles, please go back. I have left."

Tang Huai looked at King Duan's leaving figure, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked slowly: "Do you feel that he is beginning to look like a different person?"

Tang Qi looked at him and asked, "Who does he look like?"

Tang Huai watched King Duan's carriage start and said, "Like your Majesty."

Tang Qi smiled and said, "He is Your Majesty's biological son, so he naturally looks like Your Majesty."

"It's different." Tang Huai shook his head and said, "He is starting to look like an emperor..."

Tang Qi frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Tang Huai looked at him and asked, "If you were the emperor, would you choose Tangning or the Tang family?"

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