Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 642: War Begins

Hearing the voice coming from behind, Tang Ning stopped and slowly turned around, waiting for Concubine Shu to speak.

Concubine Fang looked at him and said with a smile: "Yuan'er is naughty. I asked him to ask Lord Tang a question. I didn't expect that he would insist on learning how to make soup from Lord Tang. Lord Tang is busy with official duties, and he has caused you trouble. I apologize to you on his behalf..."

Tang Ning bowed and said: "Your Majesty, you are too kind. Prince Run is also for Your Majesty. His filial piety is commendable and can't be considered naughty."

Concubine Shu shook her head and said: "Learning those is useless. He still needs to learn more knowledge from Lord Tang."

"Your Majesty, this is wrong." Tang Ning looked at Concubine Shu and said: "No matter how high his knowledge is, it can't compare to my pure heart for Your Majesty. To Your Majesty, it is a bowl of soup, but it is more than a bowl of soup."

Concubine Fang thought for a moment before smiling and saying, "In that case, I'll trouble Lord Tang to teach him to make a few more soups in the future."

Tang Ning smiled and said, "As a gentleman, this is Tang Ning's responsibility."

He looked at Concubine Fang Shu, clasped his fists and said, "If your majesty has nothing else to do, Tang Ning will go back first."

Concubine Fang Shu nodded and said, "Lord Tang, take care."

She watched Tang Ning's shadow leave, and breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the maid next to her and said, "Du Juan, you go out of the palace in person and help me deliver a letter to the Fang Mansion."

Du Juan bowed slightly and whispered, "Yes, your majesty."

Tang Ning walked out of the palace and walked on the street. He had a great unexpected gain when he entered the palace today.

The few words he and Concubine Fang Shu seemed to be about soup, but they were not about soup. Concubine Fang Shu was smarter than he thought.

With such a mother and uncle, Zhao Yuan's advantage was actually much greater than that of Prince Duan. Concubine Fang Shu was not ordinary, and Tang Ning felt more confident.

History always repeats itself. Perhaps Zhao Yuan, who originally had no intention of taking the throne, could finally get this huge bargain.

Tang Ning was thinking about these things in his heart. When he walked to a certain place on the street, he suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked forward and met the eyes of a person in front of him.

King Kang's spirit was undoubtedly much weaker than before. He even needed the support of servants to walk.

It was at this moment that Tang Ning realized that King Kang was a very ruthless person. In order to stay in the capital, he did not cry or make a fuss. He just hung his neck with a white silk. It seemed that he wanted to die, but in fact he wanted to live.

Only by staying in the capital and under the eyes of Emperor Chen could he save his life. If he left the capital, with the ruthlessness of the Tang family, he would definitely not stay.

Tang Ning could not believe that this ruthless and effective method was thought up by King Kang.

King Kang would be completely eliminated this time. It all originated from the case of the Ministry of Industry. The culprit was Tang Ning.

Tang Ning thought that King Kang would hate him so much that he would grit his teeth and even rush up to fight him to death. Unexpectedly, King Kang just grinned at him and left with the help of the servants in the palace.

From beginning to end, he didn't even say a harsh word.

King Kang's idea of ​​hanging himself to win the favor was beyond Tang Ning's expectation. Now he has become so forbearing, which is completely different from his previous self, which makes Tang Ning a little uncomfortable.

Although he doesn't know what kind of trouble he will cause in the future, after these twists and turns, King Kang's side has few people available, and he can't make any big waves.

However, Mr. Xu beside him always gives Tang Ning a feeling that he is not simple. This person is scheming. Perhaps King Kang can seize a glimmer of hope in this dead end because he is the one who is behind the scenes.

From the perspective of a counselor, King Kang no longer needs to assist. Mr. Xu is not a fool. In this case, he still stays with King Kang. There must be some big plot.

With the undercurrent in Beijing, the situation in the northwest is becoming more and more tense. Chen Chu doesn't know how long he can hold back the Wanyan tribe. Not only Xiao Jue went to the north, but Lu Teng and even Ling Yun were driven to the north by their families. These children, the dandy boys in Beijing are almost half gone, and there are fewer news about the powerful children bullying others.

Of course, a few months ago, after his warning, Chen Guo had made full preparations in the north. In the past few months, a large amount of resources have been invested in the north. Even if the Wanyan tribe unified the grassland, it would not be able to take advantage there in a short time.

What's more, Chen Chu's strategy for the grassland has changed from passive defense to active offense. For a long time in the future, the headache should be the Sushen people on the grassland.

With the acting assistant minister Zhang Hao, Tang Ning can put aside the Ministry of Works for the time being.

What he didn't expect was that because he left the Ministry of Works early, many rumors began to circulate in Beijing.

He didn't stay in the Ministry of Works for long. In the eyes of others, it seemed that his purpose in going to the Ministry of Works was to stir up trouble. He got rid of the Minister of Works, brought down King Kang, caused turmoil in the officialdom of the capital, and caused an earthquake in the entire Chen State. Then he retired after his success, and successfully completed the task of visiting one department and defeating another during the six-department tour.

Tang Ning had long been accustomed to ignoring the things made up by these boring people who lacked scientific literacy. He originally planned to rest for a few days, but the deadline for the military examination was approaching. As soon as he returned home, he received a post.

The post was sent by the Ministry of War, but in the name of Prince Duan.

The Emperor Chen had already deeply realized the lack of generals in the northwest. The court attached great importance to this military examination, and to a certain extent, it even exceeded the civil examination.

It can be seen from the lineup of examiners for this military examination.

There is no need to mention the general person in charge, Prince Duan. After Prince Kang withdrew from the court, he successfully became the hidden prince. This time, the military examination was obviously pushed out by His Majesty to accumulate merits and show his presence in front of the officials.

In addition to Prince Duan, Prince Huai was responsible for the supervision of the military examination in the capital area. Many details of this military examination were proposed by him, so Emperor Chen simply let him join in.

The Ministry of War and the Sixteen Guards, together, are responsible for all the details of the military examination process.

Two princes, the Ministry of War, and the Sixteen Guards, this lineup has never been seen since the opening of the military examination in the State of Chen.

There are more reasons for martial artists to flock to it.

In the past, the top martial arts champion was only a sixth-rank captain. This time, due to the large-scale conscription, the top martial arts champion started as a school lieutenant, but anyone who entered the second class of the military scholar started as a captain. This opportunity once does not mean that you can encounter it again.

For various reasons, the court attached great importance to this military examination. Prince Duan naturally did not want to make any mistakes in this matter, so he convened the responsible officials to discuss the details a few days before the military examination began.

Although Tang Ning had personal grievances with Prince Duan, it was not good to mix personal feelings in such matters.

The parliament was held in the Ministry of War. When Tang Ning walked out of his house, a fast horse happened to gallop through the street. The rider on the horse had a small flag behind him. The color of the flag was red, representing the highest urgency.

Tang Ning walked to the Ministry of War and found that the officials of the Ministry of War were very solemn, as if something major had happened.

He looked at Minister Zhou and said in surprise: "What happened?"

Minister Zhou looked serious and said: "The Ministry of War just received news that half a month ago, the Wanyan tribe split into two groups and raided the Jiagu and Shuhu tribes. Now the Jiagu and Shuhu tribes have been annexed by the Wanyan tribe. The north is really going to be in chaos..."

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