Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 662: Irreconcilable!

The Young Master of Ruyi Chapter 662: Irreconcilable! Tang Ning took a step forward and stopped in front of Princess Yi Yang, smiling and saying, "Princess, if tomorrow is not convenient, we might as well make an appointment the day after tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, I will have time..."

As soon as Tang Ning arrived at the princess's mansion, something terrible happened to her. When Princess Yi Yang saw him, some bad memories emerged in her heart. Her face turned pale and she immediately said, "The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I will not be convenient either!"

Tang Ning looked at her and said helplessly, "Then the day after tomorrow will be fine, right?"

Princess Yi Yang retreated to the lakeside, looked at Tang Ning in fear, and screamed, "I warn you, don't come over here again. If you come over again, I will die in front of you. If I die, my father will not forgive you!"

Tang Ning stepped forward and said helplessly, "Princess, if you are like this, I can't report to His Majesty... …”

Princess Yiyang shuddered and shouted, “Don’t come over here, if you come over again I will jump down from here!”

Tang Ning was worried that she would really jump into the lake, so he had to stop where he was, looking at her, and sighed, “I am also thinking about the Queen Mother’s health, why are you doing this, Princess?”

Xu Qingyang and Zhang Yansheng stared at the scene blankly, not knowing why Princess Yiyang was so scared. The latter licked his lips, looked at Tang Ning, and asked, “Brother Tang, this is…”

Tang Ning looked at him and explained, “There are some misunderstandings between Princess Yiyang and me, it’s okay, just explain it clearly.”

Tang Ning looked at Princess Yiyang again and said, “Brother Xu and Brother Zhang are my friends, and the Ministry of Personnel will arrange their positions, so the princess doesn’t need to worry about it… "

Princess Yiyang nodded repeatedly and said, "I won't cause trouble to them, and you don't come to me..."

The two reached an agreement on this matter. Princess Yiyang fled away. Tang Ning looked at Xu Qingyang and Zhang Yansheng and said, "Brother Xu, Brother Zhang, please go to the front. I have asked someone to prepare the elegant pavilion."

Along the way, Xu Qingyang remained silent, while Zhang Yansheng looked at him frequently. After arriving at the elegant pavilion, he finally couldn't help asking, "Brother Tang and Princess Yiyang, could it be..."

Zhang Yansheng's eyes conveyed a lot of unclear information. Tang Ning was sweating in his heart and hurriedly explained, "Don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with her..."

Zhang Yansheng said with disbelief, "If it doesn't matter, why would she die for you?"

"..."Tang Ning He said helplessly, "Really not..."

Zhang Yansheng smiled mysteriously and nodded, "I understand, I understand..."

His smile gave Tang Ning goose bumps. Tang Ning thought about it, looked at him and asked, "What Princess Yi Yang said just now, would you like to consider it, Brother Zhang?"

Zhang Yansheng was surprised and said, "Consider what?"

Tang Ning said, "Should I send you to the northwest to gain experience for a few decades?"

"Just a joke..." Zhang Yansheng's expression immediately became serious, and he said, "Mr. Tang's wife, which one is not a beauty, how could she be interested in Princess Yi Yang, don't you think so, Brother Xu, Brother Xu, please say something..."


Chen State is very large, with dozens of prefectures, and Lingzhou is just an inconspicuous one among them. Its educational resources are not as good as those in the capital, let alone those in Jiangnan.

In the same year, there were only a few candidates in Lingzhou who passed the palace examination, and only Tang Ning, Xu Qingyang and Zhang Yansheng remained in the capital.

In the court, if there is no hatred between the same year Jinshi, they often support each other. If they are from the same nationality, they will be considered as some kind of invisible party.

This is not necessarily a good thing. In the court, right and wrong, right and wrong, sometimes there is no clear boundary. Which side you stand on and who you follow are the main factors that determine your career and life.

Xu Qingyang and Zhang Yansheng have been labeled with Tang Ning since they returned to Beijing. This is a kind of protection and a threat to them.

However, when Tang Ning was in Beijing, others could not touch them. When he left, those people had no chance to oppose the two. As for how far they can go in the future, it depends on themselves.

As for Princess Yiyang, although they had some minor conflicts in the past, the punishment for her during this period was enough. Since she has repented and does not intend to cause trouble for this couple again, Tang Ning does not intend to continue to make things difficult for her.

Forgive others when you can. It is indeed difficult for someone like her to only eat porridge and vegetables every day and not be allowed to have sex.

Tang Ning only needs to hand in a letter to tell Emperor Chen that the Queen Mother's health has improved and she no longer needs Princess Yi Yang's blood.

At this time, outside Tianranju, there is a gorgeous pavilion somewhere.

Princess Yi Yang stood in front of the door, her eyes were about to spit out flames. The abstinence life in the past few months has almost made her sick. If she has to solve such things by herself in the future, she might as well die...

This Beauty Pavilion looks like a restaurant, but it is actually a place for secret prostitutes. There are both female and male prostitutes in the building. She used to come here often, but now she hasn't been here for several months.

She stood at the door, hesitating for a long time, and finally gritted her teeth. When she wanted to step in, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

An old woman looked at her calmly and said, "His Majesty has ordered that the princess should abstain from sex for the sake of the queen mother."

"I am a princess, how dare you stop me!" Princess Yi Yang looked at her angrily and was about to step into the building in front.

The old woman did not continue to stop her, but said lightly: "Princess, you can do whatever you want, but I will truthfully report to your majesty what happened today."

Princess Yiyang's footsteps suddenly stopped, as if a basin of ice water was poured over her head, making her wake up instantly.

She can be happy now, but the consequences are absolutely unbearable. If her father really cared about her, he would not send this person to monitor her. He could sacrifice Pingyang without hesitation for the sake of the overall situation, or for the so-called filial piety. Sacrifice her Yiyang.

She gritted her teeth, turned around, and said, "Go back home."

In the princess mansion, the servants and servants stood in the yard, looking in the direction of a certain door from time to time, with frightened expressions on their faces.

Since yesterday, the princess started to smash things like she was venting her anger, smashing celadon vases, smashing nanmu tables and chairs, and she slapped the maid who went in to clean them up several times. Today, these things were just replaced with new ones, and they were destroyed again. killed her men.

The old woman stood in the yard, her expression still calm.

At a certain moment, several eunuchs came in from outside. The leader walked up to the old woman and whispered: "Mother Wang, your Majesty has spoken..."

"I can't even do anything about a pretty boy. They are all trash. The Tang family, Prime Minister Feng, and Prince Duan Wang Kang are all trash..." In the room, Princess Yiyang threw the last few precious vases. There was nothing to smash, so he looked at the mess on the ground and said with a ferocious expression: "My surname is Tang, this princess and you are at odds with each other!"

At this moment, the old woman walked in from outside. Princess Yiyang looked at him and said angrily: "What are you looking at? I can't even smash my own things?"

"Even if the princess smashes the princess's mansion, it has nothing to do with me." The old woman gave her an indifferent look and said, "I just want to tell the princess that your majesty just issued an order that the queen mother's illness does not require the princess today. From now on, the princess no longer has to be careful about food and abstinence, she can do as she pleases..."

After saying this, she turned around and walked out.

Princess Yiyang stood there, looking stunned and a little unbelievable.

The Queen Mother's illness no longer requires her. Doesn't it mean that she no longer has to eat fast, pray for Buddha's name, or abstain from men, and can sleep with whomever she wants?

Over the past few days, her patience has reached its extreme, with a look of ecstasy on her face. She was about to walk out of the room when she saw someone walking in from outside.

Zhang Chao looked at the mess on the ground, his expression was startled, and he asked: "What is going on?"

Princess Yiyang looked at him, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she said charmingly: "Consort, you are back..."

When Zhang Chao saw her smile, his hair stood up involuntarily, and he subconsciously turned around to run away, but someone locked his neck from behind.

Princess Yiyang looked at him and sneered: "If you want to run away, you can't!"


The sound of tearing clothes came frequently from within the room.

The maids and servants of the Princess Mansion, especially the male servants, all turned pale when they heard louder and louder screams coming from the room, and couldn't help but shiver a few times.

After a cup of tea.

"Useless thing!" Princess Yiyang came out of the room with an angry look on her face, looked back with disdain, and said coldly: "Go to the Beauty Pavilion!"

In the room, Zhang Chao was lying naked on the bed, his face was gloomy, and tears of humiliation were shed in his eyes...

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