Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 678 Let’s see who dares! [Update 3]

In the past few months, both Chen and Chu sent troops into the grassland and wiped out some small and medium-sized tribes, but they only operated within a hundred miles and did not dare to go too deep.

The Wanyan tribe, which had unified all the Sushen tribes, had been holding back for the past few months. Until a few days ago, it suddenly appeared north of Yinshan Mountain. The troops of both Chen and Chu were caught off guard. , the loss is not small.

Among them, the news that a certain general of Chen State was captured alive by Wanyan's tribe and was about to be publicly executed had been spread a few days ago.

For Chen Chu, this was undoubtedly a warning to other tribes. The tribes closest to Wanyan's main tribe were the ones who got the news first. They had arrived a few days ago and were ready to watch the biggest event in these days.

Wanyan Khan had been feeling unwell in recent days, so the matter was left to the eldest prince to handle.

Somewhere in the pasture, in the handsome tent in the center.

An envoy from the State of Chen stood in the tent, cupped his hands and said: "General Xiao and all the officers and men fell into the hands of your army. I, the State of Chen, are willing to pay three times the price of prisoners of war in exchange for the lives of General Xiao and the officers and men. I hope your army will agree." "

He spoke the language of the Sushen people, and everyone in the room could understand it.

The eldest prince sat at the top and sneered: "Our compatriots, we will take them back sooner or later. If you dare to kill one person, we will massacre a whole city. If you dare to kill two, we will massacre two cities. If you dare to kill two, we will massacre two cities." Hundreds of people, I will kill all you Han people..."

The messenger solemnly said: "This is something that is beneficial to both parties. I hope the eldest prince will not act out of emotion."

The eldest prince waved his hand and said: "You are not qualified to negotiate with this king."

He looked outside the tent and said, "Come here, pull these people out and chop them down."

The expressions of several Chen State envoys changed greatly, and they immediately said: "The two countries are at war. If we don't kill the envoys, you..."

The eldest prince smiled and said: "This is your rule. In our place, as long as it is an enemy, there is no one who cannot be killed..."

"Wait a minute."

Several guards walked in and were about to drag them down when a figure stood up.

Wan Yanyan glanced above and said: "We also have negotiations with the Chen State. If we kill the Chen State envoy now, they will kill our grassland envoys in the future. When the two countries are at war, everyone should not kill the envoys. The Han people say that we are unreasonable barbarians because of the rules we abide by. Do we really want to prove that they are right? "

The tribal leaders in the tent looked at each other and nodded.

"That's what the fourth princess said."

"The messenger cannot be killed..."

"This rule must be respected. We are not barbarians..."

The eldest prince looked down and frowned. Even he couldn't ignore the opinions of so many people and go his own way.

He glanced at Wan Yan Yan dissatisfied, waved his hand and said, "I will spare your lives today, go away."

Seeing this, several Chen State envoys stopped saying anything. After looking up, they slowly exited the room.

One of the leading men sighed and murmured: "These are just a group of uncivilized barbarians. What should we do..."

An assistant officer behind him had a complex expression and said, "General Xiao, I'm afraid this time it's going to be a disaster."

In the tent, the eldest prince looked at everyone and said: "Tomorrow is the execution ceremony. That man captured so many of our compatriots. It is not enough to vent his anger without killing him. I want to use his head to frighten Chen Chuxiao. Our grassland is not them." A place where you can be wild!”

"Wait a minute." Wan Yanyan looked at him again and said: "The threat of the black barbarians is still there. It is not appropriate for us to have a deeper grudge with Chen Chu at this time. If we anger them and attack the black barbarians from both sides, how can we win? "

"After returning from Chu, Yan'er's courage seemed to have weakened. Could it be that she was frightened by those four-legged sheep?" The eldest prince glanced at her and said, "War is a man's business. What do you women know? We are facing a powerful enemy, and you still have so many tribes in your hands. It is better to leave them to my elder brother. Those warriors will be much more useful in my hands than in yours."

Wan Yanyan glanced at him and said, "Brother, I'd better talk to my father about this matter."

A trace of displeasure appeared on the face of the eldest prince, and he waved his hand and said: "There is no need to discuss the execution anymore. We will pay tribute outside the account at noon tomorrow..."

Wanyan Yan was about to say more, but was persuaded by everyone around her.

"Princess, the eldest prince is right, please stop saying it."

"We have a blood feud with Chen Chu that cannot be undone..."

"Yes, if we don't scare them this time, they will only get worse next time!"

After a while, Wan Yanyan walked out of the big tent with an unhappy look on her face. The woman with an arched back stood outside the tent, looked at her and said, "The eldest prince wants to use this incident to cover up the third prince's limelight. He You won’t listen to the princess.”

Wan Yanyan sighed softly and said, "Big brother only thinks about the tribe in my hands and the position of Khan."

The arched woman looked at her and asked in confusion: "Why didn't the princess tell the Khan about his repeated assassinations of the princess?"

"What will happen if you tell me something without evidence?" Wan Yanyan shook her head and said, "Pack it up and let's go back."

The woman with a bowed back said in surprise: "You won't watch the execution tomorrow?"

Wan Yanyan waved her hand and said, "I won't read anymore."

The arched woman thought for a while and said: "Princess, it is better to stay for one more day. I am afraid that the eldest prince will use the topic again. The Khan is ill these days. The princess must be careful and not give the eldest prince any chance..."

Wan Yanyan thought for a while, nodded helplessly and said, "I'll listen to you."


Outside the tent of the commander of the Wanyan tribe, a platform has been built.

Today is the day for the public execution of a general of the Chen Kingdom. There is a row of seats on the platform, and the leaders of the nearby tribes gathered, waiting for the execution to begin.

The woman with a bow on her back stood behind Wanyan Yan and shook her head, saying, "I have seen that general of the Chen Kingdom. He is very handsome. It is a pity that he died like this."

Wanyan Yan was upset and did not say anything.

At this time, a figure, escorted by two guards, slowly walked up to the platform.

Xiao Jue was in low spirits. Although he had not suffered any special abuse in the past few days, he had not eaten or slept well. When he walked onto the platform, he had no strength.

He simply sat on the ground with his head drooped. There was no fear on his face, but there was some regret and regret in his eyes.

He regretted not listening to Tang Ning and keeping a low profile. He regretted not marrying Lu Ya yet. The incense of the Xiao family would eventually end with him.

The things that happened in the first half of his life flashed through his mind.

When he was a child, he fell into the icy lake to save Lu Ya, and was ridiculed for his illness. Lu Ya stood up for him, and then bullied him more than they did...

Then, after Tang Ning came to Beijing, his stubborn illness was cured, he passed the imperial examination, and he and Tang Ning harmed the capital together. He believed his lies and was cleared of all charges by Lu Ya...

When these scenes flashed through his mind, the sound of the grassland people chattering could be heard below.

A person behind the eldest prince looked at the sky, looked down, and shouted: "It's time, execute!"

The executioner on the stage turned down the collar on his neck to prevent it from affecting the blade when beheading.

Xiao Jue's collar was roughly turned up, revealing a pendant on his chest.

The pendant was a wolf's tooth, strung with an ordinary rope, and looked very rough.

On the stage, Wanyan Yan glanced at it and could no longer look away.

The next moment, she quickly walked to the stage, pulled off the wolf tooth pendant on Xiao Jue's chest, and when she saw a small "Yan" carved on it, she looked at him again and asked in a daze: "Where did this come from?"

The eldest prince stood up, looked at her, frowned and said: "Yan'er, come down quickly."

Wan Yanyan ignored his words and stared at Xiao Jue.

The eldest prince looked at the people behind him and said: "Bring her down, and execute her quickly!"

When the people walked onto the stage, Wan Yanyan's eyes suddenly looked over, snatched the big knife from the executioner's hand, and heavily inserted it on the stage, angrily saying: "Let's see who dares!"

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