Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 712: First Victory

A grassland outside the main Wanyan tribe.

Today is the day for the competition between the 15 warriors for the four princesses. This grassland is divided into two tracks. The grassland is not flat. There are countless obstacles along the way. Some require the horse to jump to pass, and some require the knight to get close to the horse's belly to ensure that he will not be blocked from dismounting.

The equestrian competition on the grassland has never been about who runs faster. On such a track, the quality of the horse has little impact on the result. What is more tested is the knight's superb riding skills.

Tang Ning stood on the sidelines and watched the two games. He felt more and more that there would be no war between Chen State and the grassland if it could be avoided. These people were born to ride horses, and the grassland is their home court. The soldiers of Chen State are at a great disadvantage when fighting them on the grassland.

For him, it is an extraordinary performance to pass this kind of competition smoothly, not to mention competing with others in speed.

Fortunately, he positioned himself as the inferior horse, which was nothing. Everyone has their own strengths. He was not good at riding, but he had other strengths.

For example...brain.

The Han people often called the grassland people barbarians, largely because they had no culture. The military books in the Hanlin Academy could fill a room, and all the generals of the State of Chen had to learn.

The military is a trick. The superior military tactics emphasize the use of the weak to defeat the strong and the few to defeat the many. Wanyan Yan and Ayin only knew how to fight head-on and never thought about using their brains.

With the same number of people, the soldiers of the State of Chen could not beat them in a head-on fight, but if they played military tactics and tactics, they would definitely make them doubt their lives.

They had never even heard of the most basic strategy of "Tian Ji's Horse Racing", so how could they win?

The first two games were quickly decided. Two tribes successfully advanced and two tribes were eliminated. The next game was the turn of Tang Ning and Ayin.

As the first warrior in the tribe, Hanle naturally has to have the dignity of the first warrior. As the first warrior, he must be the first to appear and compete, so that he can show his identity as the first warrior.

He rode his horse into the venue and looked at Aina outside the venue with a provocative look in his eyes.

Aina smiled at him and handed the horse in her hand to Tang Ning. In Hanle's surprised eyes, Tang Ning walked forward with the horse and came to another track.

"Hey, why isn't it Aina?"

"That Han man actually wants to beat Hanle, overestimating himself..."

"Brother Hanle, don't show mercy, let him eat dirt behind!"


There came shouts from behind that Tang Ning couldn't understand. Judging from their expressions, it was definitely not a good thing. He silently said "rebound" in his heart and turned a deaf ear to it.

Hanle looked at Tang Ning, frowned, and asked in stiff Chinese: "Why, you, where is Ayina?"

Tang Ning glanced at him and said: "I am enough to deal with you."

Hanle looked puzzled, obviously did not understand what Tang Ning said.

Hanle was not as lucky as Wan Yan Yan. He obviously did not have an excellent Chinese teacher, so Tang Ning was too lazy to pay attention to him. Seeing that Tang Ning ignored him, Hanle's face showed a trace of anger. He glanced at Tang Ning and said: "I will let you know what real riding skills are soon."

After calming down, he looked forward, waiting for the competition to begin.

Everyone's eyes were also focused on Tang Ning and Hanle. With the sound of a gong, Hanle rushed out like an arrow from a string.

He was seen holding the reins, dashing left and right, sometimes jumping high and jumping over obstacles, sometimes turning over and sticking to the horse's belly, dangerously passing through obstacles, his movements were neat and his skills were skillful, which attracted cheers from the onlookers.

On the other hand, Tang Ning was slowly leading the horse, "walking" on the track, slowly crossing obstacles, and looking around. He didn't seem to be competing, but rather strolling.

The horse under him didn't feel the tense atmosphere at all. Halfway through the journey, it even lowered its head to eat a few bites of grass, and then stopped where it was...

"Hahaha, this Han Chinese, can he ride a horse!"

"Brother Hanle is almost at the finish line, we will definitely win!"

"It's so funny, a person like this still comes to participate in the competition, go back and eat milk early!"


The difference between the two was very obvious, and everyone couldn't help but burst into laughter. At a certain moment, someone's smile froze on his face, and suddenly asked: "Hanle won, what about Yishi and Daji?"

"Can Yishi beat Ayina?"

"Is Daji a match for Ayue?"

"Win one game and lose two games, won't we still lose?"


Someone's four consecutive questions hit everyone's heart, and the smiles on their faces gradually froze, and then disappeared.

"It's over. How can Yishi be Aina's opponent? No one can beat her except Brother Hanle!"

"When has Daji ever won Ayue in the annual horse race?"

"Even if Brother Hanle wins, we still lose if we lose the next two games!"

"Cunning Han people, they did it on purpose, they lost this game on purpose!"

"Oh no, Brother Hanle fell into the trap!"


After thinking it through, everyone was in an uproar. No one thought that it was a must-win game in three games, how could it turn out like this?

The winner is the one who wins two out of three games or wins all games. No matter how beautifully they win the first game, they still lose if they lose the next two games...

On the track, Tang Ning pulled the reins, signaling the lazy horse under him to stop running. After all, they were still competing. Although he had no intention of winning, it was too much to just eat grass during the competition.

The horse seemed to be full, raised its head again, and slowly walked forward.

At this time, the sound of horse hooves came again on another track beside him.

Hanle had already run to the finish line, turned back, and looked at Tang Ning with a winner's smile on his face.

After glancing at Tang Ning, he continued to walk towards the starting point.

This was a formal competition. The winner ran to the finish line and then turned back, which was undoubtedly the greatest humiliation to the opponent, but this was the humiliation that Hanle wanted.

However, when he drove his horse back to the starting point, he found that the warriors in the tribe did not seem to be very happy for him. Yish and Daji lowered their heads and looked depressed.

Hanle's good mood was gone halfway, and he asked with a gloomy face: "What's wrong with you, Yishi, the next round is your turn, why don't you get ready!"

Yish looked up at him, pursed his lips, and asked: "Brother Hanle, you're done, who will beat Ayina..."

"Isn't there still..." Hanle opened his mouth, his face suddenly changed, and he looked towards Ayina.

At this moment, he finally realized that they actually wasted his chance by using the person with the worst riding skills. Yishi is not Ayina's opponent, and Daji is not as good as Ayue. In this way, no one will be able to beat them in the next two rounds!

Ayina led the horse to the track, looked back at Hanle, and said: "Hanle's riding skills are indeed superb, Ayina is ashamed of himself..."

Although Ayina was praising him, this praise was particularly harsh in his ears.

The third prince came over with a sullen face, glanced at him, and angrily said, "Idiot!"

Han Le lowered his head and dared not speak. It was clearly an absolutely overwhelming lineup, but they were turned into a losing game. They were eliminated before they even made it to the first round. How could they dare to explain anything?

Although Ayina and Ayue were not very smart, they still had a very accurate assessment of their own and their opponents' strengths.

Ayina easily defeated Yishi, and Ayue did not spend much effort to defeat Daji. In this way, they won the first game with two wins and one loss and successfully advanced.

The seeded player Han Le could only regretfully stop in the top 15.

Although Tang Ning lost the game, Ayue and Ayina did not underestimate him at all. He was able to turn the tide and turn a losing game into a winning one. This alone deserved their respect and admiration.

Wan Yan smiled happily, tugged at Tang Ning's sleeve, and said, "Where do you get so many tricks, you bad guy?"Fupin Chinese

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