Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 720: Reinforcements?

Chapter 720 of the main volume of Ruyi Little Man: Reinforcement? The assassination of the fourth princess and the prince-in-law was committed by the Pucha tribe, and the Pucha tribe was the loyal lackey of the eldest prince. It was obvious that the eldest prince was behind this incident.

The eldest prince killed his half-sister, but the Khan ignored it. Various tribes in Sushen discussed this, wondering whether the Khan had decided to pass the throne to the eldest prince. If so, in the future, Within a period of time, the situation on the grassland will definitely change dramatically.

What can be predicted is that if the fourth princess dies, the twenty tribes in her hands will be taken back by the Khan. It is also obvious who will divide the taken back tribes.

The biggest psychological gap is probably between the third prince and him. He and the eldest prince have been fighting for so long. Unexpectedly, Khan already has a favorite candidate in mind. Only he understands the feeling.

The main department of Wanyan Department.

In the large tent, Wanyan Khan looked at a map with an expressionless face. Two figures walked in and said: "Khan, the throne of Heiman is still not determined. These days, there are already signs of division. "

Wanyan Khan nodded but did not speak.

One person thought for a while and said: "There is still no news from the fourth princess. In addition, the leader of the Tushan tribe and the fifty warriors have disappeared..."

Wanyan Khan waved his hand and said: "Let's continue talking about Heiman..."

The man paused and said, "Yes."

After a while, the two recent leaders of the Shuhu Department and the Jiagu Department walked out of the tent. When they were far away, the former sighed and said: "Khan is still as ruthless as ever. In his eyes, these princes and princesses mean nothing. no……"

The Shuhu and Jiagu tribes were originally no less powerful than the Wanyan tribe. They were annexed by the Wanyan tribe not long ago, and the new leaders were once confidants of Wanyan Khan.

The leader of the Jiagu tribe shook his head and said: "Khan is the wolf king. He only treats them as wolf cubs. As long as one of them is alive in the end, he will be the new wolf king..."

The leader of Shuhu Department sighed and said: "I'm afraid that he will be bitten to death by these wolf cubs in the end..."

"The fish is mushy again..."

Wanyanyan held her chin up, looked at the grilled fish on the fire, and reminded Tang Ning again.

"It doesn't matter." Tangning said without moving, "Eating mushy food will bring good luck. Maybe we can get rid of the pursuers today."

They had been wandering on the grassland for three days. During these three days, they had eaten nothing except grilled fish without any condiments. Tangning even wanted to taste what grass tasted like.

Burnt fish has a different taste at least.

"Really?" Wan Yanyan looked at him, grilled the fatty fish in her hand until it was a little burnt, took a careful taste, and then spat it out.

After running around for three days, all she ate was grilled fish. Her face was streaked with black and white, and her true face was no longer distinguishable. It was even worse than when Tang Ning first met her as a child.

Wanyanyan wiped her mouth and her face suddenly became more rosy.

She looked at Tangning, sighed, and said, "We were supposed to get married today..."

Tang Ning also sighed. Of course he wasn't regretting this. He just felt that he had come all the way to the grassland and hadn't finished his work yet. He shouldn't be on the run like this...

Wanyanyan looked at him and asked, "Why are you sighing?"

Tang Ning thought for a while and said, "After we return, if the eldest prince is still well, I will send a message to General Fengzhou and ask him to send troops to conquer the grassland. At that time, the Sushen people will be handed over to you."

The reason why he stayed in the Wuyan tribe was because he believed that the status of Wanyanyan and the third prince were equal. If Wanyan Khan didn't care about the eldest prince's blatant assassination of her, the reason why Tangning stayed here would not be the same. exists again.

"I don't want to be a khan anymore." Wan Yanyan shook her head and said, "For this position, they kill brothers and sisters. Being a khan is not good at all. I don't want to be a khan anymore..."

Wan Yanyan looked at him and asked, "How about I go back to the capital with you?"

Tang Ning looked at her and asked, "You don't want to promote peace between Chen Guo and the grassland?"

"I can't do it. I can't protect so many people..." Wan Yanyan lowered her head and said, "I can't even protect you..."

"You can do it." Tangning looked at her and said, "You belong to the grassland, and the grassland needs you."

"You don't want me to follow you back to the capital?" Wan Yanyan suddenly raised her head, looked at him, and asked, "Who do you think I am?"

"Actually..." Tangning wanted to explain to her, but at a certain moment she stood up, gripped a scimitar she snatched from a pursuer, and looked forward.

More than twenty figures pushed aside the tangled grass and walked towards this side.

"It's really here!"

"Let's see where you run this time!"

"Surround us, don't let them escape!"

The opponent had a horse, but Tang Ning and Wan Yanyan abandoned their horses three days ago in order not to leave any traces. As a result, they were far inferior to them in terms of speed.

These twenty people searched along the river. If they couldn't find them, they would naturally look for the nearest river again. On the grassland, the two people had no food and water sources and could only survive by relying on the river.

Unexpectedly, they came up so quickly. Tangning protected Wan Yanyan behind her and said, "I'll stop them in a while. If you get a chance, run away to the dense forest over there..."

Wan Yanyan rushed in front of him and said, "They don't dare to kill me. I'll stop them. You run first!"

Tangning pulled her behind her and said in a deep voice: "While the man is alive, the woman stands behind him!"

If the eldest prince didn't dare to kill her, why would he send so many people here? After all, Tang Ning was a man. At this time, he would not let a woman stand in front of him.

Of course, if Wan Yanyan were Li Tianlan or Su Mei, it would be a different situation. Face must be taken into consideration, but life is equally important.

Wan Yanyan stood behind him, raised her head and looked at him, bit her lip, a trace of determination appeared in her eyes, and whispered: "We will die together..."

Tangning didn't know what Xiao Manniu was thinking. He just hoped that Wanyanyan could escape smoothly, so that he would have no worries.

He couldn't beat these twenty or so people, but that didn't mean he couldn't outrun them. There was a dense forest not far from the river. He was very confident in his Qinggong. As long as he entered the forest, he could outrun them even if he couldn't beat them.

His thoughts turned quickly and he turned to look behind him. Seeing Wan Yanyan still standing there, he said angrily: "Why don't you run away!"

Wanyanyan gritted her teeth and said, "You are my consort, and we will die together!"

"Damn it, you want to die but I don't want to die..." At this time, she was still thinking about all these things. Tangning glared at her and said, "Run!"

"I won't run!" Wan Yanyan glared at him, clenched the scimitar in her hand, and stood side by side with him.

Not far ahead, someone looked at the leader and asked tentatively: "Chief?"

The masked figure waved his hand and said: "Kill!"

call out!

As his words fell, a sound of breaking wind came. He covered his throat, lowered his head, and watched in disbelief as an arrow pierced his throat and he fell to the ground.

call out! call out! call out!

Countless feather arrows were shot from the dense forest in front, and more than twenty Pucha tribesmen holding scimitars fell to the ground within a few breaths.

Tangning looked at the pursuers ahead who were shot like hedgehogs by arrows, and asked in confusion, "Reinforcements are coming?"

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