Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 726: Winning over

Things are unpredictable. It is rumored that Wanyan Khan was not in good health. It was expected that he would die of illness or suddenly die.

What was unexpected was that the third prince became the Khan. It was really inexplicable.

As we all know, among these princes and princesses, Wanyan Khan preferred the eldest prince. A few days ago, he ordered the third prince and the fourth princess to hand over the order, which was obviously paving the way for the eldest prince.

It was only two days later that he passed the throne to the third prince, which made people think more.

There are even rumors that the third prince killed his father and usurped the throne. Wanyan Khan did not die suddenly, but was killed by him. The third prince was so crazy that he did such a thing. The heavens were angry, the people were resentful, and the gods were angry...

The eldest prince used this as an excuse to quickly win over several tribes that were originally directly under Wanyan Khan and competed with the third prince, but so far, no large-scale conflict has occurred.

This is because their power is still unstable. The third prince has just taken over the power. What he needs to do most is to stabilize the people's hearts, otherwise the tribes under his command will be snatched away by the eldest prince with the slogan of rectifying the chaos.

Similarly, the eldest prince's strength is slightly inferior to the third prince. It is not good for them to take the initiative to attack. They are just waiting for an opportunity to make a fatal blow to the third prince at any time while strengthening themselves.

The situation on the grassland changed drastically overnight. The eldest prince and the third prince were both wary of each other and could not take care of Wanyan Yan for the time being.

After learning the news of Wanyan Khan's death, Wanyan Yan locked herself in the room for a whole day and did not come out. The next day, her eyes were swollen like peaches.

Tang Ning boiled two eggs for her to reduce the swelling. Wanyan Yan lowered her head and said in a low voice: "My mother is dead, my father is dead, my second brother is dead, and my eldest and third brothers also want each other to die. Why do they do this..."

Tang Ning gently patted her shoulder to comfort her. This wolf-like culture of sons killing fathers and brothers killing brothers on the grassland is not unique to the grassland. It often happens even among the Han people.

However, compared with the grassland, the Han people are more taboo about these things. Generally, they will not put them out in the open without any disguise. The means they use in secret are much dirtier than these grassland people.

When desire is strong enough, human nature will be suppressed. Once animal nature prevails, it is not surprising to do anything.

The tribes under Wanyan Yan have not yet entered wartime alert. No one will pay attention to her before the eldest prince and the third prince fight with bayonets to decide the winner.

They can afford to wait for this period of time. Xiao Jue should have set off now. Before he arrives, it is not bad to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

Li Tianlan did not plan to stay in Wuyan tribe to watch the excitement of the eldest prince and the third prince like him.

After the death of Wanyan Khan, the situation on the grassland has been in chaos. She wants to return to the army of Chu to deal with all the changes that may happen next.

They have to separate not long after meeting. Although Tang Ning is reluctant, she did not stop her.

Tang Ning is the commander of the 400,000-strong army of Chen State, and she is also the head of the Chu military. For either of them, now is obviously not the time to be sentimental.

Of course, before she left, the two of them still had a sentimental relationship for a while.

After that, Tang Ning felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. When Wanyan Yan came over with a letter, Tang Ning was about to speak, but he stretched out his hand and motioned her to wait for a while.

He took a few deep breaths of fresh air, and when the chest tightness got better, he asked, "What's the matter?"

Wanyan Yan put the letter on the table and said, "It's from my third brother. He asked me to hand over the tribes in my hands to him."

Although the third prince was not legitimate and was charged with patricide, he had indeed become the Khan. However, the Sushen tribes, and a large part of them were in the hands of the eldest prince. Wanyan Yan had a lot of power, so naturally everyone wanted to fight for it.

The eldest prince had just sent people to hunt her down, so he naturally had no face to come and surrender again.

In this way, the third prince got a bargain. According to the rules, he could take back the tribes under Wanyan Yan with one order. The reason why he wrote a letter specifically must be that he had hit a snag with those tribes.

Tang Ning waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about him."

Wan Yanyan nodded, then looked at him and asked in surprise, "What's wrong with your mouth? Why is it swollen?"

Tang Ning covered his mouth and said, "Nothing."

"What do you mean nothing? It's obviously swollen. Did you get bit by a bug?" Wan Yanyan came up, took his hand away, and said, "Why are you so careless..."


Ozhun tribe.

A big thing happened on the grassland. Wanyan Khan died. The third prince and the eldest prince competed for the throne. Most of the Sushen tribes chose a team. Their choice determined the survival of the tribe. I don't know how many people couldn't sleep at night these days.

Ozhun tribe didn't need to take sides. They were originally a tribe under the fourth princess. No matter how fiercely the eldest prince and the third prince fought, it would not affect the fourth princess.

At this time, the leader of the Ozhun tribe looked at a person and said, "If you want us to surrender to the third prince, of course we can. Bring the token. The Ozhun tribe only looks at the token."

The man who was ordered by the third prince to surrender the Ozhun tribe frowned and said, "Is the Khan's words not as good as a token?"

The leader of the Ozhun tribe said calmly, "This is the rule set by the old Khan. Since it is a rule, it cannot be broken."

The man glanced at the leader of the Ozhun tribe and said helplessly, "The token is with the fourth princess. The fourth princess does not listen to the Khan's orders. When the Khan quells the rebellion of the eldest prince, it will naturally be the turn of the fourth princess."

"That's a matter for the future." The leader of the Ozhun tribe shook his head and said, "Please go back today, envoy."

The messenger had a sullen face and asked: "What's so good about the Fourth Princess? Do you really want to be loyal to the Fourth Princess?"

Of course the fourth princess is good. The fourth princess is good because she gives them food. With the food given by the fourth princess and the dried meat they store, they can survive the cold winter. Will the third prince give them these? ?

The leader of the Orzhun Department looked at him and asked: "What are the benefits of being loyal to the third prince? Will the third prince give us food?"

"Food?" The envoy looked at him and said: "After loyal to the third prince, you need to hand over the excess food of the tribe. The soldiers have to quell the chaos and resist the black barbarians. Only when all the tribes work together and be careful Only the bloodline can continue..."

If you are loyal to the fourth princess, you will have the food to survive. If you are loyal to the third prince, not only will you have no food, but you will have to hand over the original food. The leader of the Ozhun Department looked at the envoy and said coldly: "Get out!"

Wanyan Department, within the main department.

The third prince listened to the reports of several envoys with a sullen face. The people he sent out to recruit various tribes had all returned. However, none of the tribes that originally belonged to the fourth princess were recruited.

The third prince slapped his palm heavily on the table and said angrily: "Does she also plan to stand on her own feet?"

"Khan, calm down." A person beside him advised: "Our biggest enemy now is the eldest prince. The matter of the fourth princess will not be solved until the eldest prince is dealt with."

The third prince naturally knew the priority of the matter, sat down again, and stopped mentioning the matter.

The man thought of something and said: "One more thing. South of Yinshan Mountain, Chen's army seems to have made some changes. Will they also want to take this opportunity to attack the grassland?"

"Then let them come." The third prince's face turned cold and he said, "I just need them to establish my authority."

For those who live on the grassland, Chen Chu's army is a joke on the grassland. The man stopped continuing the topic and said instead: "The eldest prince, my subordinates have an idea..."

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