Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 729: The Self-Inflicted Torture Scheme [Third Update]

Chapter 729 of the main text volume of Ruyi Little Man [Third update] The eldest prince thought that the leader of the He Shi Lie tribe would ask for some reward from him, but the other party almost yelled "I want your life". After the words were written, there was no reaction for a moment.

A lot can happen in one moment.

The leader of the Heshilie tribe suddenly raised his hand, and a cold light flashed from his sleeve. At the same time, another cold light suddenly appeared from the hand of the leader of the Wendyhen tribe on the side.



There were two sounds of sharp weapons entering flesh.

The eldest prince lowered his head and looked at the two daggers stuck in his chest. He raised his head with difficulty, pointed at the two of them, his lips trembled, and hissed: "You, you..."

The leader of the Wendy Hen tribe looked at him and said with a smile: "You can't be a khan if you don't even have the slightest sense of defensiveness and trust others so easily. The eldest prince should go down and accompany the old khan."

The eldest prince took a few steps back and wanted to speak, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something. He knocked over the table and chairs behind him, fell to the ground, and never got up again.

His wide eyes did not close until his heart stopped beating.

The two of them were so close to the eldest prince that even the eldest prince himself had no time to react, let alone the people below.

By the time they realized what had happened, the eldest prince had fallen into a pool of blood and was silent.

"What are you doing!"

"Someone, catch them!"

"So you are traitors!"

There was a huge chaos in the tent. When several people rushed forward and captured the leaders of Wendy Hen and He Shilie, several others ran in panic towards the direction where the eldest prince fell. One person stretched out his hand tremblingly, The prince poked his nose, then fell to the ground with a pale face, and said in a trembling voice: "The eldest prince, the eldest prince is dead..."

One person suddenly looked at the captured leaders of Wen Di Hen and He Shi Lie, and said angrily: "Hu Lie, Nitai, you are seeking death!"

Before what happened just now, no one thought that the two of them pretended to surrender and pretended to be loyal to the eldest prince just to deceive his trust and to assassinate him at this moment!

The third prince's thoughts are so vicious!

The leader of the Wendyhen tribe was pushed to the ground, but he did not panic. He looked at him and said with a smile: "We are dead, and it is your turn next."

The man pointed at him, his lips trembling, but he couldn't say anything.

Once the eldest prince dies, the third prince will be invincible. Even if they kill these two people, the eldest prince will not survive. On the contrary, they themselves will definitely be questioned by the third prince...

Seeing that he was silent, the leader of the Wendy Hen tribe struggled to stand up and said, "There are still two roads in front of you. Follow the third prince, or die. You choose yourselves."

After the leader of the Wendyhen tribe finished speaking, there was silence in the tent.

When the eldest prince died, everything was lost. Even killing these two people would not change anything.

Before them, there is a way of life and a way of death. If there is still a way of life to choose, who is willing to seek death?

Everyone looked at each other for a few times, and the people who were holding down Wendy Henbu and He Shiliebu gradually released their hands.

The two moved their bodies, looked at the silent crowd, and said, "Very good..."

At the third prince's place.

In the past few days, the third prince, who had traveled to several tribes and suffered a defeat, sat firmly in the tent and drank tea leisurely.

What he drank was not the milk tea of ​​the grassland, but the tea of ​​the Han people.

Tea produced by the Han people is also a necessity on the grasslands. They eat meat all day long and need this tea to relieve their tiredness.

The third prince just likes it. Han Chinese tea is slightly bitter in the mouth and slightly sweet in the aftertaste, which contains infinite charm.

He not only likes Han tea, but also likes Han culture. He reads Han history and learns Han art of war. His favorite Han emperor is Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, and his favorite book is "Sun Tzu's Art of War".

The eldest prince Wanyan Chu has never liked these things. He looks down on the Han people, is unwilling to learn Chinese, does not drink Chinese tea, and regards the Han people as two-legged sheep. Therefore, he does not know that there is a strategy in the "Thirty-Six Strategies" of the Han Art of War called " The "bitter flesh trick" is to paralyze others by weakening one's own strength, and then defeat the enemy with one move when he is happy and relaxes his vigilance.

He sat steadily in the tent. At a certain moment, a man opened the curtain and walked in. He respectfully walked to a place ten feet away from him and said, "Third Prince, they succeeded."

The third prince raised his head and asked, "Is Wanyan Chu dead?"

The man nodded and said: "Hu Lie and Ni Tai took action when he was celebrating, and the eldest prince was stabbed to death by them at that time. The leaders of his tribes were also very aware of current affairs. After the eldest prince died, they all surrendered." "

The third prince rubbed the tea cup in his hand and said, "Father Khan has always been fond of Wan Yanchu. It would be good if he went down to accompany him earlier, so that the father and son can be reunited..."

He thought for a while and said, "Go to the fourth princess in person and ask her what she means."

There are still twenty pieces that have not been taken back from the fourth princess. Naturally, the third prince will not sit idly by and do nothing. Hanle bowed and nodded: "Yes."

Tang Ning had been in Chen Country for a long time and was really not used to the changes in the grassland.

No matter how fiercely King Duan and King Kang fought before, no one would try to kill Emperor Chen or assassinate the other.

During the month he stayed on the grassland, the eldest prince sent people to assassinate the fourth princess, the third prince killed the Khan, and the third prince sent undercover people to the eldest prince's tribe and killed the eldest prince again...

The Wendyhen and Hesheli tribes surrendered to the eldest prince a few days ago and did many great things under him, causing the third prince to suffer a lot of losses.

Even Tang Ning thought that they really received the favor of the old Khan. He couldn't stand the third prince's behavior. When he wanted to help the eldest prince to correct the chaos, he received the news of the eldest prince's death.

The third prince joined the leaders of the Wendyhen and Hesheli tribes and used the method of self-torture to deceive the trust of the eldest prince. Then, when he was celebrating, he assassinated him. The first hit was successful and the eldest prince died on the spot. The tribal leaders under him were leaderless for a while and had no choice but to surrender to the third prince.

The third prince killed his brother and father, and finally sat firmly in the position of Khan and became the real king of the Sushen people.

Of course, if he also had a mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, he must collect all the tribes of Sushen, and the next target would be Wanyan Yan.

After all, she still has 20 tribes in her hands. Although they are not big tribes, the tribes must be intact. If Tang Ning was the third prince, he would not let him go easily.

As expected, the second day after the third prince sat firmly on the throne of Khan, he sent people to Wanyan Yan to surrender, but was shot by Ayi's arrow and ran back, indicating that there was no room for negotiation on this matter.

In the tent.

The third prince looked at Hanle and asked, "Does the fourth princess disagree?"

Hanle wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "I was almost shot to death by them before I entered the Wuyan tribe. Khan, the fourth princess clearly doesn't want to talk to us..."

"Then take the troops to talk to them." The third prince put down the teacup and asked, "Is 50,000 enough?"

Hanle hurriedly said, "Enough!"

The fourth princess only has 10,000 soldiers and horses, and the third prince has more than 60,000 soldiers and horses. If they are allowed to dispatch 50,000 troops, I am afraid that the other party will surrender before the battle begins.

In fact, there was no need to fight. With 50,000 troops approaching, the tribes under her command would surely rebel immediately...

He took the command token from the third prince and said, "Khan, just wait for my good news..."

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