Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 734 Return to Beijing

Wanyan Yan has successfully taken the throne of Khan, the overall situation of the grassland has been determined, Tang Ning's mission is completed, and today is the day to set off. Bookmark this site

Outside the Wuyan tribe.

The Chen army had returned two days ago. This time, only a few hundred elite soldiers followed Tang Ning and Xiao Jue back.

Wanyan Yan's face was full of reluctance. Standing outside the Wuyan tribe, looking at Tang Ning, she said loudly: "Don't forget our agreement!"

Xiao Jue rode to Tang Ning and asked: "What agreement?"

Tang Ning ignored Xiao Jue, turned around and looked at Wanyan Yan, waved his hand, and shook the reins for a long time. When he looked back again, the Wuyan tribe had shrunk into a dot at the end of his sight.

Outside the Wuyan tribe, Wanyan Yan still stood there. Even though the people and horses in front had disappeared long ago, she still did not retract her sight.

Ayina stood beside her and said, "Princess, the prince consort has left."

Wanyan Yan looked at him for a while before retracting her gaze. She touched her belly and gritted her teeth and said, "What a cruel person, leaving me and the child here..."

Ayina looked at her with a shocked expression on her face: "Child?"

Wanyan Yan's face showed a trace of shyness, and she said, "We slept together last night."

Ayina looked at her for a long time before she came back from the shock. She pursed her lips and said, "I heard that giving birth is very painful."

Wanyan Yan looked at her nervously and asked, "Is there a child?" How painful is it? "

Aina said: "I heard that giving birth is the most painful thing in the world, more painful than being cut by a knife. Many women died of pain when giving birth..."

Wanyan Yan couldn't help shivering and asked in a trembling voice: "Is it so painful?"

"I don't know." Aina looked at her and said: "Princess, ask the women in the tribe who have given birth and you will know."

Wanyan Yan returned to the Wuyan tribe with a heavy heart. She lifted the curtain of a tent somewhere. She wanted to find someone to ask how painful it was to give birth, but found that there were only a few girls in the tent, gathered together, chattering and talking about something.

Wanyan Yan looked at them and asked: "Where is Aunt Amayi?"

Several girls were startled, turned their heads and saw Wanyan Yan, and immediately exclaimed: "Khan!"

One girl looked the most flustered and hid something in her arms.

"What are you doing?" Wanyan Yan looked at them, her eyes finally stopped on the girl, and asked: "Kuma, what do you have in your arms? Let me see."

The girl named Kuma blushed, but she didn't dare to disobey the Khan's order, so she had to hand over a thin book in her hand.

Wanyan Yan flipped open the book casually and saw that it was full of pictures of naked men and women entangled together, and her face flushed.

Although she knew a little about these things, it was the first time she saw these pictures.

"But, Khan..." When the girls blushed and didn't know what to do, they saw Wanyan Yan's body stunned, with an unbelievable expression on her face.

She pointed to a page in the picture book, looked at the girl, and asked: "Is this the only way to have a baby?"

The girl's face turned even redder and nodded slightly.

Wanyan Yan stamped her feet in anger and said: "Didn't they say that two people sleeping together can have a baby!"

The girl showed a puzzled expression on her face and asked: "Ah?"

Wanyan Yan didn't care about them and walked out of the tent angrily.

A young girl seemed to remember something and whispered, "The book was taken away by the Khan..."


After leaving the grassland and entering Fengzhou City, Tang Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if Wanyan Yan knew that having a child was not something that could be accomplished by two people lying in bed and sleeping, it was too late.

Tang Ning was somewhat fortunate that she grew up in the grassland. If she was the same as Lu Ya, he would probably face the same problem as Xiao Jue now.

When Tang Ning saw Lu Ya again, perhaps because it was too short, her figure had not changed much. When they returned to the capital, they could easily see it.

She was pregnant now and could not ride a horse, so she could only travel slowly behind. Xiao Jue of course had to accompany her, but Tang Ning did not want to waste time behind. After only resting for one night in Fengzhou, he and Lao Zheng exchanged horses, left Fengzhou, and galloped all the way to the southwest.

From Fengzhou to Gyeonggi Province, you only need to cross a Guannei Road, then go through Qingzhou and Ningzhou, and you can reach Beijing in half a month.

The victory news from the northwest had been sent to the capital several days ago, and it should have arrived in the past two days.


Imperial Palace.

Imperial Study.

"Good, good!" Emperor Chen stood up suddenly with a piece of intelligence in his hand and laughed, "He really didn't disappoint me, he really didn't disappoint me!"

A few months ago, Tang Ning was ordered to go to the northwest, ostensibly to fight against the Sushen tribe, but his secret mission was to assist the fourth princess of the Wanyan tribe to become Khan, complete the establishment of diplomatic relations between the State of Chen and the grassland, and discuss peace.

War is temporary, but peace is long-lasting. The latter task is much more difficult than the former.

But he did it in just a few months.

Since then, the State of Chen and the grassland can be free from war and coexist peacefully. If trade can be opened, the State of Chen can also gain huge benefits from it.

The significance of this great event he accomplished this time is not only this.

The greatest significance of this matter is that once the State of Chen no longer has to expend huge military forces in the north, it will be able to free up its hands to suppress the rebellion in the Western Regions.

Now that the south has been settled, the grasslands are seeking peace, and the Western Regions are one family, it is difficult for them to stir up any more waves.

Emperor Chen put down the secret letter and breathed a sigh of relief. The stone that had been hanging in his heart for many days was finally put down.

Imagine if during his reign, the people lived in peace and the neighbors were stable, how would the history books record it?

If the relationship between Chen State and the grasslands could be like that between Chen State and Chu State, he, Zhao Zheng, would have completed the great cause that the emperors of Chen State had not completed in the past...

Wei Jian smiled and walked forward, saying: "I congratulate your majesty and congratulate my Chen State..."

Emperor Chen suppressed his joy, walked into the hall, and murmured: "This time, how should I reward him..."


The situation in the grasslands changed drastically. The new Khan was extremely friendly to Chen State. Not only did he sign a friendly agreement of non-aggression between the two countries, but he also opened trade routes for mutual benefit. From then on, for a long time, Chen State could be free from war with the grassland peoples.

Such peace, which the people of Chen have been looking forward to for decades, is so precious.

In the past few days, the entire capital was boiling with this great good news.

With this news, a name that had been silent in the capital for several months was once again pushed to the top.

Tang Ning, the Grand Marshal of the Northern Expedition.

In the past year, he quelled the rebellion in Jiangnan and stabilized the situation in the northwest. Everything he did was earth-shaking and beneficial to the national economy and people's livelihood.

Especially the northwest matter, it was almost that he reversed the grassland situation with his own strength and changed the relationship between Chen and the grassland people. At least he could keep Chen stable for more than ten years. In the court, no one could surpass him in terms of achievements in the past few decades...

Tang Ning sat in the carriage and heard these rumors about him all the way from the city gate.

It is too exaggerated to say that he reversed the situation with his own strength. The reversal of the grassland situation relied on Chen's 10,000 heavy cavalry and the deterrence of hundreds of thousands of troops. Compared with them, he only did some minor work.

However, of course he would not jump off the carriage to discuss these with them. He traveled day and night to return to the capital, and did not even go to see Emperor Chen, for something more meaningful.

The carriage stopped in front of the Tang Mansion. Tang Ning jumped off the carriage and waved to the gatekeeper who was already shocked and speechless, indicating that he did not need to make a fuss.

On the way from the gate to the inner courtyard, he ignored the maids and servants who were standing there in shock, picked up Qing'er who was running over and turned around, and then walked into the inner courtyard impatiently.

Xiao Ru and Xiao Yi were not seen, only Tang Yaoyao was standing in the courtyard.

Tang Ning walked over quietly and wanted to hug her from behind.

He just stretched out his hand, and was grabbed by Tang Yaoyao's wrist, and then a huge force came from his wrist. Tang Ning felt dizzy, and after turning 360 degrees in the air, he fell heavily to the ground.

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