Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 741: The dog is eaten after the rabbit dies?

Tang Ning still underestimated Emperor Chen's determination. As the general trend of the court was to suppress the powerful and the titles had been reduced over the years, Emperor Chen actually bucked the trend and granted him the title of Marquis of Dingguo.

When Tangning learned the news, she actually refused in her heart.

There is no other reason.

Although Marquis Dingguo sounds domineering, before him, this title was awarded to dead people, and it was unlucky for a dead person to be given a title to a living person.

Of course, he was a powerful broom star, and Chen Guo from Liubu to Shangshu Province to Jiangnan, then to Chu State and the grassland, was controlled by him at home and abroad. Naturally, he did not have to worry about anything unlucky.

He was thinking about what he would be awarded by Emperor Chen the next time he made a great contribution after being knighted this time.

The official position cannot be promoted any further, and the Marquis has already been established in one step. The next higher up is the Duke of the State. Among the existing County Dukes of the Chen State, which one has not already had half of his body buried in the ground? Tang Ning would rather Emperor Chen convert these rewards into I don't want these useless names.

"You don't want it, you don't want it for me!"

Xiao Jue looked at him with a look of jealousy on his face and said: "Marquis of Dingguo, even my father is not qualified to be granted this title. Since the founding of Chen State, only three people including you have been able to win this honor. Do you think this is a big deal?" Cabbage, is it weighed by the pound?”

Tang Ning glanced at him and asked, "Can I eat Chinese cabbage and make steamed buns? Can I hold the title of Marquis of Dingguo?"

Xiao Jue said angrily: "This is something that will go down in history and be immortal!"

Tangning looked at him and asked, "Can I eat it?"

He had such an honor that others could only dream of, but he actually looked disgusted with it. What made Xiao Jue even more depressed was that based on his understanding of Tang Ning, his dislike was truly disgusting...

Xiao Jue felt even more depressed. He threw an invitation on the table and said, "In three days, remember to prepare a big gift!"

Xiao Jue came here to send an invitation. He and Lu Ya were getting married in three days.

It is said that Mr. Xiao specially invited officials from Qintian Prison to calculate the auspicious day based on their birth dates. The calculated date was three months later. Lu Ding put a knife to his neck and asked again. The auspicious day was changed to three days later.

The two of them got married without any warning. It was just a rush to get married. Lu Ya was already a little pregnant. If the delay continued, the old Lu family would be embarrassed to see anyone in the capital.

Although the Lu family is a general, not all generals are shameless. Among the generals, the Lu family is relatively shameless.

In the past few days, the Xiao family has been full of joy.

After Tang Ning was promoted, Xiao Jue inherited his position and became the general of Zuo Xiaowei and Right. This was his first joy.

Tang Ning's General Zuo Xiaowei originally occupied the position of Mr. Xiao. After being replaced by Tang Ning, Mr. Xiao has become one of the three princes. He was named Taiwei and became one of the six most respected people in the Chen Kingdom. , this is the second joy.

Young Master Xiao, who can't get hard, is also getting married. This is his third happiness.

Mrs. Xiao is pregnant, and the Xiao family, which has a small population, finally has a child. This is the fourth joy.

Although they still don't know whether Lu Ya will give birth to a son or a daughter, they are not worried about not being able to raise a second child. As long as they keep having children, from a probability perspective, they will give birth to a son sooner or later.

Today, the Xiao family has risen from a declining aristocracy to become the top generals of the capital. For the continuation of the family, it is necessary to spread its branches and leaves.

In the eyes of officials and people in the capital, whether Mr. Xiao was promoted to the Third Duke or Xiao Jue was promoted to general, the influence of these two events could not be compared with that of Tang Ning's title.

Mr. Xiao is the current father-in-law of the country. When he was young, he also made great contributions to the country. His Majesty has shown great love to the Xiao family over the years. It is not surprising that he ranks among the three princes.

Xiao Jue's position as general was earned with his life in the northwest, and others were convinced.

Only Tang Ning was granted the title of Marquis, which greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

Not to mention that the imperial court has not granted any title of marquis for decades, he is the first person to be granted the title of marquis in recent years. In terms of the status of a marquis, no one in the entire capital can surpass him.

This also shows from the side that his status in His Majesty's heart is higher than that of all ministers and dignitaries.

Of course, the people's suspicion does not mean that he is not worthy of this title. Based on his achievements, it would not be unusual for him to be crowned king at the beginning of the founding of the country.

It's just that the title of Marquis of Dingguo has never been given to anyone easily, and they often choose to replace it with others. His Majesty has broken the precedent this time. I don't know what his intentions are.

After thinking about it carefully, he was already in a high position and had no rewards. It seemed that the only way was to become a knight.

Normally, when he reaches this position, the emperor should worry about whether he will be arrogant and overwhelm the emperor with his great achievements, but His Majesty does not seem to be worried at all, and instead gives him all the trust and favor. For an emperor who was well versed in the art of the emperor and was good at playing with the balance of power, this was an extremely abnormal thing.

Compared to His Majesty's thoughts, they were more curious about the mood of everyone in the Tang family.

The Tang family used to be so glorious, but Tang Ning was just an abandoned son of the Tang family at that time.

What about now?

The Tang family has declined, and only one person from Zhongshushe is still good at it. The once abandoned son of the Tang family is now the Marquis of Dingguo, General Zuo Xiaowei, Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and Zuo Cheng...

Any of these titles can bring countless political resources to the Tang family and Prince Duan, but such people were pushed out hard by them back then.

The atmosphere in the Tang family was very depressing.

As glorious and festive as the other Tang Mansion in Beijing was, this Tang Mansion was so depressed and depressing.

The other party returned victorious from the northern expedition and was named the general and the Marquis of Dingguo. He was praised and supported by the people of the capital. The servants of the Tang family became more cautious. If the master of the mansion was in a bad mood, they would not even breathe properly.

A servant thought of this and sighed leisurely. If the master had chosen another way back then, how glorious would the Tang family be now?

He just kept his head down and walked, and bumped into someone unexpectedly. When he raised his head, he immediately panicked and bowed and said repeatedly: "Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..."

Tang Zhao was holding a book in his hand and reading it. He didn't even look at him, waved his hand, and walked forward on his own.

The Tang family servant was relieved a little. Everyone knew that the second son of the Tang family had the best temper. Even if the servants made mistakes on weekdays, he would not punish them, or he was too lazy to punish them.

Every day, he read books, and he would not waste time on things other than reading books.

It's strange to say, the second son used to hate reading, but since he was punished to be confined to the study for two months because of talking back to the master a few months ago, he seemed to have changed into a different person, studying so much that he forgot to eat and sleep, neither went out to drink and have fun, nor hung out with other playboys in Beijing, and locked himself in his room to read every day...

The servants of the Tang Mansion talked about this, some said that the second son had opened his mind, some said that he was possessed by a demon, no matter what the reason was, the second son seemed to have changed into a different person compared to before, which was recognized by everyone.

Tang Mansion, inside Tang Huai's study

Tang Huai rubbed his palms and asked softly: "Marquis Dingguo..., what exactly does your majesty want to do?"

"Will it be a case of flattery?" Tang Qi's face was gloomy. After thinking for a while, he said: "This boy has become a force to be reckoned with. With your majesty's mind, you must have been on guard against him. Now that Jiangnan has been settled and the northwest has been pacified, he has done things like putting away the bow after the bird is dead and cooking the dog after the rabbit is dead..."

"Praise to death, bullshit. The rabbit is not dead yet, why eat dog meat..."

Before Tang Huai opened his mouth, a voice came from outside the door.

Tang Zhao walked into the study, took two books from the bookshelf, tucked them under his armpit, looked back, and said: "Chen State is now in turmoil, facing enemies on all sides. You don't use such a good talent, but suppress and kill him. Dad, do you think your majesty is stupid?"

"Asshole, what do you know?" Tang Qi frowned and said: "Jiangnan is stable, there are no major enemies on the grassland, why is Chen State in turmoil?"

"There are no major enemies on the grassland?" Tang Zhao glanced at him and asked: "Do you know why the Sushen people repeatedly violated the border?"

Tang Qi said: "The Sushen people are ambitious and want to occupy the land of Chen State..."

"They live well on the grassland, but they are so bored that they put their heads on their belts and run to Yinshan to fight with the border troops?" Tang Zhao looked at him and said: "If they were not forced to stay on the grassland by the black barbarians, do you think they would make trouble for no reason?"

He glanced at Tang Huai and Tang Qi and said, "The Black Barbarians are the biggest threat on the grassland. The Sushen people were beaten like dogs by them on the grassland. When they destroy Sushen, the next one will be Chen Chu."

He changed his tone and said, "This is just the grassland. In the past few months, Qiandi has also been in chaos. If there is chaos in Qiandi, the two roads in the south of the Yangtze River will be threatened immediately. What's more, there is Xiaowan in the Western Regions, and there are countless eyes on the western plateau. The surroundings are so chaotic, and Your Majesty still wants to suppress the meritorious officials. Do you think Your Majesty is a fool?"

Tang Qi frowned and looked at him and asked, "Who told you this?"

"Read more books and newspapers, and don't guess Your Majesty's thoughts..." Tang Zhao patted the two books under his armpits and said as he walked out the door, "Books have their own golden houses and books have their own beautiful women. The ancients are not deceiving me..."

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