Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 75: Solving a murder case quickly

Chapter 75 of the main volume of Ruyi Xiaolangjun still has the dream of solving the murder case quickly. What if it comes true?

In order not to disappoint Xiao Ru and Xiao Yi, not to let Tang Yaojing look down on her, and to ensure his lifelong happiness, Tang Ning got up early in the morning and after exercising, she held a book and studied the composition of ancient Chinese prose.

Tang Yaoyao sat on the wall and said in surprise: "Isn't the state examination over? What else are you reading?"

Tangning looked up at her and asked, "Learn until you are old, have you ever heard of it?"

"No." Tang Yaoyao shook her head and said.

Of course Tang Yaoyao had never heard of it, because this sentence was said by the ancient Athenian poet Solon.

"My life has a limit, but my knowledge has no limit. Have you heard this saying?" Tang Ning glanced at her and said, "What's more, the state examination is over, and there are still the general examination and the palace examination..."

He has already understood that fireworks are easy to get cold, people are easy to separate, and nothing can be relied on. Only the book in hand is eternal, and you can gain something from reading each page.

To realize your life dreams and a happy life, you need to study more.

Tang Yaoyao jumped down from the wall and said, "If you only study every day, what's the point of living?"

Tangning thought about it and felt that what she said made sense.

So he put down the book, looked at Tang Yaoyao, and said, "You are right, study requires a balance of work and rest. Let's go out for a walk."

Tang Yaoyao was unsure: "Us?"

Tangning nodded.

Tang Yaoyao asked: "Where is Xiaoyi?"

Tangning explained, "She went to check out the store with Xiaoru and was not at home."

Of course he should take Tang Yaoyao with him when he goes out, not Zhong Yi. If he is really in danger, will he protect Zhong Yi, or will Zhong Yi protect him?

When you go out with Tang Yaoyao, you don't have such worries.

The matter is actually not as serious as Tang Ning imagined. The reform of the imperial examination system is no joke. It cannot be changed just by a few people clamoring for change. There are many involved and many interests involved.

The scholars in Lingzhou would hate him in their hearts at most, but they would not escalate to physical conflicts. What's more, not many people knew him.

He and Tang Yaoyao went out together and bought a bunch of buns when they passed by a bun shop.

Tang Yaoyao said in surprise: "Why did you buy so many steamed buns? Have you finished eating them?"

"It's useful." The shop assistant wrapped the buns in several huge lotus leaves. Tangning carried the buns with both hands and walked towards an alley not far away.

When a beggar at the alley saw him, he immediately became energetic and stood up and said, "Sir, you haven't been here for several days!"

Tang Ning is busy with the state examination these days and has no time to go out. What's more, he has already told these beggars that as soon as there is news about the little beggar, he will go to the Zhong Mansion and tell him. There has been no movement for so many days, so naturally there will be nothing. result.

He handed the buns to the beggar and said, "Take them and share them."

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!" Several beggars immediately ran over and snatched up all the buns wrapped in lotus leaves.

Tang Yaoyao looked at him with surprised eyes. She had heard from Qing'er before that he often helped beggars and chatted with them...

Not long ago, this had given him doubts about his sanity.

In a teahouse on the street, Song Qian put down his tea cup, took a sip of tea, and said, "This Tang Jieyuan is young, but his heart is rare and kind."

Fang Hong looked in a certain direction and asked, "Brother Song, why don't you come with me and say hello?"

Song Qian shook his head and said, "Don't be in a hurry. There will be plenty of time until the Luming Banquet."

When Tangning walked out of the alley, she felt a little disappointed.

More than three months have passed since he came here.

That little beggar seemed to have completely disappeared from this world.

Tangning didn't know if he had left Lingzhou City or if something unexpected had happened. She didn't know when the bun she owed him would be returned to him.

Tang Yaoyao was a little strange. He rarely saw Tang Ning showing such an expression. Even at the end of the third game of the state examination, what he showed was more of calmness and indifference, not this kind of loss...

Thinking about it carefully, since she met him, there seemed to be nothing that he cared about... She looked at Tang Ning and felt even more convinced that there were many secrets about him that she didn't know about.

The curiosity in her heart deepened.

"Let's go!"

"be honest!"

Two stern voices suddenly came from the street. Tang Ning and Tang Yaoyao turned their heads and saw two detectives escorting a ragged beggar walking on the street.

Tangning looked at them and asked casually, "What's going on?"

"Uncle, Miss Tang." A government official looked at them and bowed, then looked at the beggar and said disgustedly: "I was caught stealing something in the street. This guy will steal it every few days. This time We must let him stay in jail for a few more days!”

Tang Yaoyao looked at the beggar and frowned: "If you have hands and feet, you can even beg. Why do you want to steal?"

"What you said is wrong, girl." The beggar looked up at her, then at Tang Ning, and said, "Life is like a play, he plays the golden boy, you play the beautiful girl, some people play officials, and some People play thieves, everyone wants to play officials, but someone has to play the role of a thief..."

This beggar might have graduated from the Department of Philosophy. Tangning couldn't help but look at him twice when a commotion suddenly came from behind her.

Peng Chen led two government officials through the crowd quickly. The two police officers were startled and asked: "Boss, what happened?"

"Someone has reported that a murder case has occurred outside the city. You two, come with me..." Peng Chen said quickly, and then hurried forward.

Murder cases are naturally more serious than theft crimes. A constable glanced at the beggar and snorted coldly: "I'll let you go this time!"

Tang Yaoyao pulled Tang Ning's sleeve and whispered: "Let's go and have a look!"

She always likes to join in the fun. Tang Ning was dragged by her and soon caught up with Peng Chen.

In the teahouse, two figures stood up.

"Human murder case..." Song Qian rubbed his thumb and index finger slowly and said: "Let's go and have a look."


The murder took place at a stream outside the city. This morning, a farmer who came to the stream to fetch water found a body drowned in the water.

Tang Yaoyao didn't dare to look at the body, and pulled Tang Ning to hide far away.

After a while, Peng Chen came over and said with a sullen face: "It's a female corpse. The identity of the corpse has been identified. Now let's call her relatives to confirm it."

Tang Yaoyao naturally didn't dare to stay here, and pulled Tang Ning and Peng Chen to a village by the stream.

The constable had just entered the village and heard that someone had died in the village. The whole village immediately exploded.

"That woman is usually very fierce, how could she die so suddenly!"

"Only she harms people on weekdays, who could harm her!"

"I just saw her yesterday, just one night, how could this person die..."

Under the guidance of the villagers, several people quickly came to the gate of a dilapidated courtyard.

Peng Chen knocked on the door, and a man with a face full of flesh opened the door.

When he saw the constable, he was stunned for a moment, and then shouted: "What are you doing?"

Tang Ning caught the man's face when he saw the official. A trace of unnaturalness flashed across his face.

Just as Peng Chen was about to speak, Tang Ning stepped forward and said, "We found a body. We suspect that the deceased is your wife. You need to go to the scene immediately to identify her."

"What!" The man's face changed drastically, and he was unable to understand: "What happened to my wife?"

Tang Ning waved his hand, dragged him out of the yard, and said loudly: "Time is urgent, you go to the crime scene quickly, there are detectives waiting for you there."

"My wife..." After the middle-aged man came to his senses, he cried bitterly and ran out of the village.

In the crowd, Fang Hong shook his head and said, "This case has no beginning or end. County Magistrate Zhong may have a headache again..."

Song Qian looked back at the direction where the man disappeared, shook his head and said, "Hasn't this case been solved?"

"What?" Fang Hong looked at Song Qian in surprise.

Song Qian looked at Tang Ning, a strange look on his face, and exclaimed: "As expected of Tang Jieyuan!"

At the gate, Tang Ning looked at Peng Chen and said: "Why are you still standing there?"

Peng Chen looked at him in confusion: "What should I do?"

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