Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 745: Just the Beginning

In the past, the Tang family believed that face was the most important thing, so after that scandal, they wanted to save the family's face at all costs.

Twenty years have passed. At that time, the Tang family never thought that the Tang family would decline to this point twenty years later, and that the child they assassinated several times would grow into such a big shot.

Twenty years ago, the Tang family broke up Tang Yu and his wife, imprisoned her at home, and preserved some face. Twenty years later, they lost not only face, but also power, wealth, influence... The reason for the past, As a result of today, Tang Huai, as the head of the Tang family, had the thought of regret for the first time.

Tang Qi clenched and unclenched his fists and asked, "Do you want to report to the Empress and Prince Duan?"

"No need." Tang Huai was silent for a long time before he said: "The Tang family's face is not worth much money now. Don't drag Prince Duan into the water. Maybe this is their real purpose."

Although Duan Wang has been silent these days, he has neither merit nor demerit. To them, no fault is merit. Duan Wang has become the last hope for the Tang family to rise again in the future. The Tang family can attack, but nothing can happen to Duan Wang. .

Tang Qi nodded, feeling a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

In the past few years, the Tang family has gradually declined and has long lost its former glory. During Tang Ning's six-department tour, their political resources in the court were almost wiped out. Now, even a mere Jing Zhaoyin can bully them at will. Go to the Tang family...

Jingzhao Mansion Office.

Tang Zhao cupped his hands to the person in front of him and said, "Tang Zhao has met Mr. Fu Yin."

The man in front laughed dryly and said: "Young Patriarch has admitted the wrong person. I am Jingzhao Shaoyin. Mr. Zhong is busy with official duties, so he handed this case over to me."

Tang Zhao took a closer look and said apologetically: "It turns out to be Master Shaoyin. I've been suffering from eye disease recently. I can't see clearly from a distance. Don't blame Shaoyin..."

"No, no, no." Seeing that he had a good attitude, Jingzhao Shaoyin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the Tang family has declined, everyone knows that this is a temporary low point. When King Duan comes to power, the Tang family will be able to regain its former glory, and perhaps even be better than before. Making trouble for the Tang family can be a quick gain, but But it is a desperate approach.

But if he is not causing trouble for the Tang family, he is disobeying his superiors' orders. The last Shaoyin was offended by Jingzhaoyin who had not yet taken office. Now he is still wandering around the counties of Gyeonggi like a lonely ghost. He does not want to follow the other party's lead. Follow in the footsteps.

Tang Zhao looked at him and asked, "I wonder what case the Tang family is involved in this time?"

"It's like this..." Jingzhao Shaoyin said: "Several farmers outside the city sued the Tang family for occupying their fields five years ago..."

"I'm really sorry. I didn't know those bastards in my family actually committed such a thing." Tang Zhao looked at him and said, "Well, of course the Tang family has to make up for the mistakes they made. I'll go back I wonder what Mr. Shaoyin thinks of returning the land to them and making up for their ten years of losses?"

Jingzhao Shaoyin was startled. He didn't expect that this matter could be solved so easily. He immediately nodded and said: "That's very good..."

The reason why powerful people are powerful is that they have noble status, transcendent status, and have privileges that ordinary people do not have.

I don’t know how many dignitaries in Beijing have done this kind of thing, but the common people dare not report it, and the government will not pursue it. If the trouble becomes too big, some dignitaries will choose to pay some money out of face, so as to calm down the matter, and the government will generally I won't pursue it any further.

If you seize these trivial matters and pursue them relentlessly, you won’t offend the powerful family or two.

Tang Zhao nodded, looked at him, and said, "Please let the government officials and I go back to the Tang family to get compensation from those people..."

The Tang family's case went surprisingly smoothly. The Tang family was willing to return the land and provide excessive compensation. This was almost the best outcome.

It seems that the Tang family is no longer the Tang family before. How could they compensate before it was changed? They had already threatened and intimidated them...

Jingzhao Shaoyin put his heart down again, went to the back office, and reported to Jingzhao Yin.

Zhong Mingli stood up and asked, "The Tang family is willing to return the land and pay compensation?"

Jingzhao Shaoyin cupped his hands and said: "The person sent by the Tang family is Tang Zhao, the young master of the family. His attitude is very good and there is no excuse. The lower official has already sent people to collect the land deed and fine from the Tang family."

Zhong Mingli nodded slightly, Jingzhao Shaoyin cupped his hands and retreated.

Zhong Mingli looked out the window and sighed softly. The Tang family's reaction was beyond his expectation. With their cooperation, Jingzhao Mansion could only act in accordance with the law. This case, apart from causing the Tang family to lose some money, would have no other effect.

Although the outcome of the matter was different from what he imagined, he originally did not expect this case to bring down the Tang family. He quickly put his mind together and looked at the file in his hand again.

Tang family.

After Tang Zhao returned home, he walked into the study and stared at him with two pairs of eyes.

He looked at Tang Huai and Tang Qi and said, "It's not a big deal. I don't know which bastard took over someone else's land five years ago. Now the owner has come to the government office. I will pay it back to them in the name of the Tang family." Tian lost the money and is fine now.”

"Five years ago?" Tang Qi looked at him and said, "Five years ago, you were the one who occupied the land to build a separate courtyard, you bastard!"

"Ah, really?" Tang Zhao scratched his head and said, "It seems that there was such a thing. Who still remembers what happened five years ago..."

Tang Qi did not continue to blame him, but frowned and said: "The case from five years ago was only revealed now, just to disgust the Tang family?"

"People have dug up things from 20 years ago, let alone things from 5 years ago?" Tang Zhao curled his lips and said, "Without that thing from 20 years ago, there wouldn't be so many things happening now..."

"Shut up." Tang Qi glared at him and said, "Go back to your room!"

"It was your fault in the first place, and you still want to blame me..." Tang Zhao muttered, and when he saw the two people looking at him, he immediately ran out.


"Jingshi Daily" is a newspaper published by Tangrenzhai. In addition to some serialized novels and interesting stories in Beijing, it often publishes some official news.

For example, the new policies that the court is about to implement, or any major news, will be printed in the newspaper.

In today's newspaper, Jingzhao Prefecture published a case in the most conspicuous position.

The Tang family in the capital occupied the people's land and was summoned by the Jingzhao Prefecture. In the end, they not only returned the land, but also paid a large amount of fines.

The Jingzhao government office aims to appeal through this incident that the powerful in the capital cannot rely on their power to oppress the people. The Jingzhao government office will investigate any case and fight against any injustice. It will not hesitate to offend the powerful and will also stand up for the people.

The people can see the fact that the Tang family has declined from this case. By publishing this small case in the most obvious position in the newspaper, the Jingzhao government office has no intention of saving face for the Tang family.

The decline of the Tang family is not only reflected here, but also at this time of year in previous years. When the head of the Tang family celebrated his birthday, the carriages at the gate of the Tang Mansion could line up two streets away. This year, only a few people from the Tang family chose a restaurant in the capital. The grand prince's young master celebrated his birthday. Even if he did not hold a big banquet at home, he should go to a place like Tianranju that was worthy of his status.

Although Tianxianglou is also a top restaurant in the capital, it is still a little behind Tianranju.

At the entrance of Tianxiang Tower, Tang Qi got off the carriage, crumpled up a newspaper he had just bought, looked at Tang Huai angrily, and asked, "For this trivial matter, Jingzhao Prefecture is making such a fuss. What do you think, brother?"

Tang Huai slowly got off the carriage and said, "This case is nothing. I'm afraid it's just the beginning..."

Tang Qi threw away the paper ball and said coldly, "If you want to bring down the Tang family, it's far from enough for him to be the Jingzhao Yin..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Tang Huai looking away.

Tang Qi looked over and saw several figures walking out of Tianranju not far ahead.

Walking in front was the famous figure in Beijing in recent days, Dingguo Hou, Zuo Xiaowei General, Ministry of Personnel Assistant Minister, Shangshu Zuocheng Tang Ning.

To his right was Jingzhao Yin Zhong Mingli.

To his left was Ministry of Personnel Fang Hong.

Walking side by side with Fang Hong was Ministry of Punishment Song Yi.

Half a body behind the Minister of Justice, who looked somewhat similar to him, was Song Qian, the Chief Justice of Gyeonggi Province.

The two young figures behind him, although Tang Qi was not familiar with them, had some impression of them.

One was Xu Qingyang, the youngest censor of the Censorate, the Supervisory Censor of Gyeonggi Province.

The other was Zhang Yansheng, the Chief Justice of the Dali Temple, who had just been transferred to the Dali Temple and had solved several major cases.

These people were either in charge of the promotion and assessment of officials or investigating the illegal activities of the powerful. When the officials from the Ministry of Justice, the Censorate, the Dali Temple, and the Ministry of Justice gathered together, the prime minister would tremble.

Tang Qi trembled and his face turned pale.

He saw a huge net covering the sky and the earth, covering the Tang family.

Tang Ning walked out of Tianranju, and suddenly felt something in his heart, and looked somewhere in front of him.

Seeing the two figures getting off the carriage, he smiled and raised his hand and waved gently...

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