Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 776 Hope [Fourth Update]

Can the Tang family defeat Tang Ning? Can they defeat the Fang family?

There is no need to answer Tang Zhao's question at all.

Tang Ning received His Majesty's favor and was at the height of her power. The Fang family controlled both households and officials, and had deep authority.

The current King Duan, with the Tang family tied together, couldn't defeat anyone from Tang Ning or the Fang family.

What they rely on is just the fact that King Duan is older. This reliance is given by His Majesty. He can take it back whenever he wants.

At that time, the Tang family and Prince Duan will be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell and will never be able to stand up again.

"History is always similar..." Tang Zhao sighed and said: "Cousin Duan Wang has done all the stupid things and tested the bottom line of His Majesty and the courtiers again and again. I really thought that Your Majesty had no other successor except him. Isn’t it? History books are full of stories about snipe and clam fighting, and the fishermen benefiting from it. What’s wrong with this one or two?”

Tang Qi swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said: "The elders and the younger are in order..."

"Don't talk about the order of elders and younger ones." Tang Zhao waved his hand and said: "If the order of elders and younger ones is an unchangeable rule, the person sitting on the dragon throne today should not be His Majesty."

He looked at Tang Qi and Tang Huai and asked: "And haven't you noticed that this time Duan Wang's cousin was attacked by the ministers, the matter had calmed down, but overnight, it intensified, and it was obviously controlled by others. Who in the court can control so many officials at the same time, I'm afraid even Tangning is not that capable..."

"Prince Prime Minister..." Tang Qi murmured: "Is it possible that the Prime Minister is dissatisfied with Prince Duan? No, this is impossible. He even spoke for Prince Duan in the court today."

"So what?" Tang Zhao glanced at him and said, "It's obviously not the time for King Run to step in front of people, so why should he come out and be a living target?"

Tang Huai gritted his teeth and said, "So they made Prince Duan a living target?"

"Not necessarily, this is just my guess..." Tang Zhao shook his head and said: "The Prime Minister doesn't have enough motivation to help King Run. He has no friendship with the Fang family. Unless he doesn't want to ruin the country after King Duan succeeds to the throne, I guess Most of the officials in the court think so. When the time comes, even if His Majesty wants to pass the throne to him, the ministers will not agree. The country of Chen does not belong to the Zhao family, but to everyone..."

Thinking of the intensity with which the ministers impeached King Duan this time, their faces began to turn pale.

Tang Zhao breathed a long sigh of relief and said regretfully: "Actually, it's a pity for us. Even if it is a pig, sitting in the position of cousin Duan Wang, eating and sleeping every day, his throne will not be able to escape, but As for him, he refuses to stay in the pen and insists on going out to harm others. Now the whole capital knows that he is a pig. He is not only stupid, but also bad. Officials can allow a pig to be the emperor, but they are not allowed to let the pig be fine. Not only did they collapse the pigsty, they also collapsed their houses..."

Tang Zhao's metaphor was very rude, but as Duan Wang's uncle and having dealt with him for so many years, Tang Huai and Tang Qi knew that what he said was absolutely right.

But even if he is a stupid pig and a bad pig, he is still the hope for the Tang family to stand up again. If King Duan falls, the Tang family will never stand up again.

However, the facts are disappointing. The Fang family and Tang Ning are undoubtedly two mountain peaks for the current Tang family and Prince Duan. They are scary to look at, let alone climb them.

Tang Qi took two steps back and sat down slowly on the chair, unable to look around: "Is this the end of the Tang family and Prince Duan?"

Tang Zhao shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily the case."

Tang Qi looked at him suddenly and said, "If you have anything to say, tell me quickly!"

Tang Zhaodao: "First of all, cousin Duan Wang must realize that he is a pig, just eat and sleep, and don't do anything else..."

"I will tell Concubine Hui and ask her to warn Prince Duan personally." Tang Qi glanced at him and said, "Why don't you tell me your plan soon!"

"The method is very simple." Tang Zhao glanced at him and said: "If someone wants King Run to take the throne, they don't push King Run to the throne now because the time is not there. They are waiting for five or eight years. , when His Majesty becomes ill and King Run grows up, if the throne is not passed to him then, will it be passed to a pig? "

Tang Qi said in a deep voice: "Let's get to the point!"

"Don't be impatient, you can't eat hot tofu in an impatient way..." Tang Zhao glanced at him and said, "They want to wait until King Run grows up and can stand alone before pushing him out, but if they only have two years a year, Years, or even shorter?”

Tang Qi said angrily: "What on earth do you mean!"

Tang Zhao looked at him and said: "The sky is unpredictable, and people are prone to misfortune and fortune. If your Majesty's health fails within two years or one year, will King Run still be able to wait?"

"It's all nonsense!" Tang Qi said: "How can we be sure about this kind of thing? Will His Majesty's body listen to us?"

"Well..." Tang Zhao smiled mysteriously at him and said, "You know..."

Tang Qi's expression was startled. After he came to his senses, he said angrily: "Beast, what are you talking about? You are so courageous. Someone, drag him out and beat him twenty times!"

"You are trying to burn bridges across the river!" Tang Zhao subconsciously ran outside. Halfway through, he seemed to remember something, stopped, looked at Tang Qi, and said, "Dad, you thought this was the Tang family before. , all the guards in the house have long since fled..."


Tang Qi took the teacup on the table and threw it out. When the teacup flew out, Tang Zhao had already stepped out of the door.

When Tang Qi and Tang Huai were the only two people left in the room, they looked at each other and saw some kind of light in each other's eyes.

That is the light of hope.

After Prince Duan beat up Grand Secretary Zhang, he was caned by His Majesty and recuperated at home. He could not show up before and after the impeachment incident.

Fortunately, the impeachment incident did not have any impact on him. After all, he was a prince, and Grand Secretary Zhang did not dare to offend him too much. When he pleaded with His Majesty, Prince Duan's position was preserved.

In this matter, the most regrettable one is Prince Huai.

Although his status is not as good as Prince Kang and Prince Duan, if both princes are deposed, he who is not affected will be infinitely close to that position.

In fact, after this incident, Prince Duan's status, which was not high in the hearts of the people, plummeted again. Coupled with Prince Kang's self-abandonment, Prince Huai's figure suddenly became taller in the hearts of the people.

Putting aside the identity of his mother as a commoner, putting aside the fact that he is alone and has not made friends with any interest groups, Prince Huai's ability and character are above Prince Kang and Prince Duan, and it is not impossible that he will laugh to the end.

After this incident, some people's eyes finally fell on King Huai.

Late at night, in the study room of King Huai's mansion, a servant put several invitations on the table and said, "Your Highness, those people have sent invitations again..."

King Huai didn't even look at them, picked up several invitations and shook them on the candle, and then threw them into the brazier.

The servant looked at the invitations sent by several dignitaries in the capital burning in the brazier, a trace of pity appeared on his face, and he slowly retreated.

Now King Kang is decadent and King Duan has lost the hearts of the people. These people showed goodwill to King Huai, just to bet on him and help him win the throne. Unfortunately, their intentions turned into a ball of flames and soon burned out...

His Highness seemed to have no idea about this position.

In the study room, after the flames went out, King Huai picked up the pen and wrote a word on the paper with a calm expression.

A word "Fang".

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