Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 790: Festival Defense

The arson case that happened two days ago was obviously the Tang family's attack on the Zhang family.

King Duan's situation is very difficult now. Emperor Chen's desire to restore Prince Kang to the throne happened not long ago, and Prince Huai has already been entrusted with important responsibilities in the court. At the same time, Emperor Chen suddenly tightened his grip on Zhao Yuan's education. On the surface, it seems that the throne that King Duan finally came close to is gradually leaving him.

One can imagine how anxious the Tang family, Tang Huifei and others are now.

Persimmons need to be picked soft to pinch. Among the princes, although Prince Run is round enough, he is not easy to pinch. This is already the case with the Tang family. If he offends the Fang family, which is at its peak, it is likely that the family will be broken up and several people will die. .

Although King Huai did not have the same background as King Run, he held all the power in his own hands, and the Tang family did not dare to provoke him.

With the idea of ​​​​getting rid of one by one, they could only choose King Kang.

However, the Tang family made a move, but King Kang and the Zhang family did not accept the move at all. If it were the Tang family in the past, there were many ways to force them to take the move, but now, they can protect themselves very well.

King Kang seemed to have no intention of competing for the throne at all, at least in the eyes of most people.

Ever since Emperor Chen handed over the preparations for the festival to him, he has been immersed in Zongzheng Temple to prepare for the festival. This festival has been organized many times, but this is the first time for such a large scale, even for Zongzheng Temple. Also have to rush.

From the end of October to the New Year, this festival is undoubtedly the most important event.

This is related to Chen Huang's vanity and face. Unfortunately, these two things are very important to Chen Huang.

The ceremony, which all courtiers must participate in, and leaving the imperial city is undoubtedly a big project that requires the cooperation of six departments to complete. Among them, the Ministry of Works is the busiest.

They wanted to survey the route from the palace to the Western Mountains and choose the most suitable one. The bumpy road would not work. The high places had to be cut and the low places filled to ensure that the road was passable and the emperor could not have any trouble on the road. uncomfortable.

The emperor's departure from the palace is a big event, and the sixteen guards will also be busy by then.

It is a rule that the Yulin Guards do not leave the imperial city. After Chen Huang leaves the palace, he will first be escorted by the Jinyu Guards. The Jinyu Guards will escort the team all the way to Xishan, and then they will be handed over to a certain guard to be responsible for the security of the festival site. .

At the same time, the other guards of the Sixteenth Guards must also strictly adhere to their posts to avoid any accidents.

Stationed in the west were the left and right Ximen guards, so they were naturally responsible for the safety of the festival. This time, there were no Cavalry Guards to escort, so Tang Ning was happy to have her leisure time. She could just follow Queen Chen without having to bear any responsibility.

However, although the guard responsible for the security of the festival has a heavy responsibility, there will be no danger at all near the capital. They just stand guard, and the rewards they receive are huge.

The imperial court will allocate a large sum of money to the guard responsible for the security of the festival to be used for the defense expenses of the festival.

However, the majority of the festival's expenses are in the Ministry of Works, and the guards have no place to spend money. In this case, this amount will be turned into food and fall into each of their pockets.

The guards were salivating for this sum of money, but His Majesty chose to hold the ceremony in the Western Mountains, so the fat job fell on Zuo Ximen Guard.

The Zhang family has well confirmed that "good fortune lies in the place where disaster lies, and misfortune lies in the place where blessing lies."

They had just lost money due to the lawsuit a few days ago, and this time they were able to get such a good deal. In addition to the money, it was also of extraordinary significance to be able to hold this festival.

There are not many ways for the guards to be promoted. The generals who belong to the Zuodong Gate Guard can get a chance to go further through this ceremony.

I just don’t know if the Tang family and Prince Duan, who have already targeted the Zhang family, will let this opportunity fall on the Zhang family.

Facts have proved that Tang Ning's prediction was right. Prince Duan and the Tang family really chose to be soft. As soon as Ximen Guard was responsible for the security of the festival, many twists and turns occurred.

Compared with the left west gate guard, the right west gate guard is actually closer to Xishan. King Kang chose the distance instead of the near side. He obviously intended to give this advantage to the Zhang family, and it was more like using his power for personal gain.

King Kang was no longer even a prince, so some people naturally had no scruples in impeaching him.

In addition, some dark history of the Zhang family was also unearthed, causing widespread discussion in Beijing.

Some people even spread rumors that the Zhang family intends to rebel and that there is a dragon robe and jade seal hidden in their home...

Rebellion is a serious crime, and the crime of spreading rumors and conspiracy is not a light one. Especially at this juncture, it directly touches Huang Chen's rebellion.

In order to clear away the suspicion, the Zhang family invited the imperial guards to search the palace. After the imperial guards searched, they found nothing. Emperor Chen was so angry that he had several people who took the lead in spreading rumors to death outside the palace wall with sticks in public, and ordered all the palaces to The government officials strictly investigated the source of the rumors, and people in the capital were panicked. Even the number of people on the street was reduced.

In Prince Duan's Mansion, Tang Qi frowned and said, "We just spread the news that Prince Kang was using his power for personal gain, as well as the stains about the Zhang family. Who spread the rumor that the Zhang family was going to rebel? It almost ruined everything..."

King Duan said: "What big thing happened?"

"Concubine Hui sent someone to send a message out of the palace, saying that His Majesty has warned her. If the Tang family still doesn't know what's wrong and stirs up trouble outside, don't blame him for being merciless..." Tang Qi's face was still a little pale. , His Majesty can say such words, it means he is really angry. If the Tang family is caught again next time, I am afraid that the family will really be destroyed.

King Duan was taken aback and said, "It's so serious!"

Tang Qi saw the difference in his expression and asked, "Is it possible that His Highness spread the rumors about the Zhang family's rebellion?"

"No, it's impossible, how could it be possible..." King Duan laughed a few times and changed the subject: "So, this time the plan against the Zhang family failed again?"

"That's not necessarily the case." Tang Qi said: "His Majesty is suspicious by nature. When it comes to things like rebellion, he would rather believe that it exists than believe that it doesn't exist. Although there is no real evidence, he will definitely still be on guard against the Zhang family..."

Royal study room.

King Kang walked in, bowed and said, "My son, I will see my father."

"Without ceremony." Emperor Chen looked at him and asked, "How are the preparations for the ceremony going?"

King Kang said: "I'm almost ready to return to my father."

"That's good. This festival is of great importance. You must be careful and not make any mistakes."

King Kang nodded and said, "My son, please bear this in mind."

Emperor Chen glanced at him and said: "In addition, I think the right west gate guards are closer to the Western Mountain. Wouldn't it be better to leave the festival defense to them?"

King Kang thought for a while, bowed and said, "It's my son's oversight. Everything is arranged by my father."

Emperor Chen looked at him for a long time, but didn't see any strange color on his face. He finally gave up his suspicion and nodded: "Then leave it to the right gatekeeper."

King Kang bowed and said, "Yes."

Emperor Chen picked up another memorial and said, "It's nothing. You can go down first."

"My dear, please leave." King Kang bowed again and walked out of the imperial study.

As he walked down the steps, someone happened to be walking from the front.

The two looked at each other and quickly looked away.

A moment later, in the imperial study room, the man stood in the palace, bowed his hands to Emperor Chen, and said: "General Qi Yu, the right west gate guard, comes to see your majesty..."

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