Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 794 Arrangement

Although Tang Ning has been in this world for a long time, sometimes, the habits from the depths of his soul have not changed.

For example, when he suddenly heard something incredible, he would subconsciously bring the habits of his previous life.

It was not that he was making a fuss, but the things described in the letter were too shocking, and he felt chilled after reading it.

"Tomorrow's festival, Ximen is two-minded, and King Kang will rebel."

The content of the letter was very short, but it explained the time, place, people, and events that were going to happen.

At the festival tomorrow morning, King Kang will unite with the West Gate Guards to rebel. The West Gate here may refer to the Right West Gate Guards, the Left West Gate Guards, or both.

Tomorrow is one of the few opportunities for Emperor Chen to leave the imperial city. By then, he will have no more than a hundred guards around him, and the safety of the festival will be handed over to the Right West Gate Guards.

The Imperial Guards were originally the emperor's guards. Would he suspect that the guards would rebel?

Obviously not. The guards responsible for the safety of the emperor and ministers have become rebels. They want to capture all the civil and military officials, the emperor, and the princes.

If King Kang succeeds tomorrow, the history of the State of Chen will be rewritten. He only needs to capture the Emperor Chen and kill the Kings Huai, Duan, and Run, and there will be no one in the capital to compete with him for the throne.

At that time, he only needs to force the Emperor Chen to issue an edict of succession, and he will be the new emperor.

Tang Ning held the letter in his hand and did not doubt its authenticity.

The handwriting on the letter was ugly. Tang Ning had seen two such letters before. Although he did not know who sent the letter, he reminded him several times that he obviously had no ill will towards him.

It was just that the timing of his reminder this time was too accurate.

The capital was about to be under curfew, and it was only five hours before the start of the festival. Why didn't he wait until tomorrow morning to remind him?

This was related to his life and property. It was better to believe it than not to believe it. Even if there was only a 10% chance of it being true, Tang Ning could not be careless.

Tang Ning was about to step into the mansion with a serious face, when suddenly a little girl ran over from the street, handed him a letter, and then ran away quickly.

When Tang Ning stopped her, the little girl didn't know anything, just said that someone asked her to deliver a letter to him, and the price was a candied haws.

He let the ignorant little girl leave, looked around, opened the envelope, and looked a little stunned.

This letter was more concise, with only six words on it.

"King Kang wants to rebel, be careful!"

The two letters were neat and sloppy, and the paper used was different. Obviously, they were not written by the same person, and there was no need for the same person to remind him twice.

But who was this person?

Tang Ning couldn't understand it. King Kang wanted to rebel, but they didn't report it to the court or Emperor Chen. What's the point of telling him?

Although I don't know what they are thinking, but to be honest, the rebellion of King Kang was too unsuccessful. Rebellion should be a secret thing, how come his rebellion is known to everyone...

Tang Ning put away the two letters, looked at the sky, and dared not delay any longer. After returning to the mansion, he quickly prepared the carriage and went straight to the Xiao Mansion.

Xiao Mansion.

Lu Ya lay comfortably on the chair, Xiao Jue stood behind him, pinching here and there, and asked while pinching: "How is it, is the force heavy, do you want me to be gentler?"

Lu Ya stuffed a grape into his mouth and said: "It's just right, not too light or too heavy, continue..."

At a certain moment, a figure suddenly walked in from outside and appeared in the room.

Xiao Jue looked at Tang Ning, and after a moment of stunned, he withdrew his hand, rubbed his wrist, and said: "Why is my hand a little sore, I need to move it..."

"Don't pinch, I have something important to find you." Tang Ning glanced at him and walked into the yard.

Seeing his serious expression, Xiao Jue stopped moving his wrists and ran out quickly, asking, "What happened?"

Tang Ning said, "King Kang is going to rebel at the ceremony tomorrow morning."

"What!" Xiao Jue's face changed drastically, and he said, "Why don't you report it to His Majesty!"

"Wait." Tang Ning held him back and said, "I just heard the news, and I'm not sure yet."

Xiao Jue said, "Then you have to tell His Majesty!"

Tang Ning asked, "Your Majesty asked how you knew it, what did you say?"

Xiao Jue looked at him and said in surprise, "Didn't you tell me?"

Tang Ning rubbed his eyebrows and gritted his teeth and said, "Are you a pig?"

If the news he received was wrong, and King Kang didn't want to rebel, then the ceremony that the court had prepared for many days would be completely messed up, but it was not the most serious. The most serious thing was the charge of slandering the rebellion. The last time the people who slandered the Zhang family for rebellion were still buried in the mass grave, the charge of slandering the prince for rebellion was only heavier than theirs.

Moreover, before King Kang rebelled, no one knew whether he would rebel or not. He had a 50% chance of rebelling and a 50% chance of not rebelling. Before the ceremony, the probability of him rebelling or not was 50%. Only when he really rebelled, the probability of the former would become 100%.

Unfortunately, Xiao Jue's pig brain did not understand quantum mechanics, otherwise he would understand that this was Schrödinger's rebellion. Before the ceremony, no one knew whether King Kang would rebel or not, and no one could put this hat on him.

Let's take a step back and say that if King Kang refused to admit it, who should take the blame for this matter?

Xiao Jue finally realized the problem, looked at Tang Ning, and asked, "Then what should we do?"

Tang Ning had already thought of a plan when he came, and said: "You leave the city immediately, go to the Left Cavalry Camp, dispatch half of the soldiers, and go up the mountain from the back of the West Mountain overnight."

Xiao Jue thought for a while and asked: "Isn't the back of the West Mountain a cliff?"

Tang Ning explained: "Because it is a cliff, the guards there are weak. After you climb up, hide carefully in the forest and wait for my news tomorrow."

Xiao Jue nodded and said: "I'll go right away!"

The soldiers of the Left Cavalry Camp were trained by Lao Zheng himself. Their individual and group combat capabilities are far better than the other guards. Half of the manpower is enough to deal with tomorrow's situation.

Tang Ning had no way to tell Emperor Chen that King Kang was going to rebel. First, there was no direct evidence, and second, he couldn't explain why he knew that King Kang was going to rebel. This matter could only be told to Emperor Chen after the crisis was over tomorrow.

After leaving the Xiao family, he went to the Han family and the Ling family to inform them of the matter in advance. The guards of the left and right west gates together numbered nearly 10,000 people, and they were definitely not the opponents of the other fourteen guards. Therefore, King Kang must have wanted a quick victory, but if the situation was deadlocked for a while, when the left west gate guards joined them, it would be difficult to control the loss of control.

Tang Ning did not return home until before the curfew.

Originally, it was thought that King Kang was either decadent or had changed his mind and turned over a new leaf. Unexpectedly, he was actually plotting a rebellion, and he grasped the timing so accurately.

It can be said that if there was no advance preparation, King Kang would have a high chance of success this time. Tomorrow's sacrifice may be a bloody sacrifice for the Zhao royal family and a disaster for the State of Chen.

If King Kang succeeds in his rebellion, the State of Chen will be in chaos. At that time, the Western Regions and Xifan will most likely take advantage of the situation. The State of Chen has internal troubles nearby and external troubles far away, and I am afraid it will not last long.

Tonight will be a sleepless night for many people.

There were two pieces of letter paper on the table in front of Tangning. He rubbed his brows and muttered, "Who could it be..."

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