Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 801 I will come to accompany you

Emperor Chen fell ill, and Dr. Sun was invited to the palace to treat him.

Tang Ning stood in the courtyard and saw Dr. Sun come in and asked, "How is it?"

Dr. Sun said, "It's just a heart attack, nothing serious, just rest for a few days."

It's normal for Emperor Chen to be angry and sick because his son rebelled at the ceremony he valued most and wanted to kill him.

King Kang has been imprisoned in the palace, which is equivalent to being sentenced to life imprisonment. He will not die, but he will not live well.

Prince Duan seemed to be completely excluded from the throne by Emperor Chen because of his spineless performance at the time.

On the contrary, King Huai, who had always been ignored, was entrusted with an important task when Emperor Chen fell ill and was fully responsible for handling all matters in the court.

After the ceremony, King Huai recovered.

He was the one who dealt with and quelled the aftermath of the rebellion of Prince Kang. The Zhang family paid the price for the rebellion. The head of the Zhang family and several key figures in the family had lost their heads. From then on, the Ximenwei Zhang family was completely expelled from the capital.

Concubine Zhang was banished to the cold palace, a place where you could never get out once you entered. Concubine Yang died of illness in the cold palace.

Even the former retainers and advisers of Prince Kang's mansion were implicated, and the wanted order had been sent to various prefectures...

All the soldiers of the left and right Ximenwei were implicated in the rebellion. Although they were able to save their lives, their identities were reduced to official slaves. The rest of their lives were just mining and repairing roads. The glory that once belonged to the imperial guards was gone forever.

Xiao Jue was meritorious in saving the emperor, and he was now promoted to the general of the Ximenwei. Emperor Chen transferred some people from the remaining fourteen guards to the palace, and recruited soldiers within the capital to form a new Ximenwei.

The disappearance of 10,000 imperial guards is not so easy to make up. Most of the troops of the State of Chen were deployed in the northwest. After this incident, the left and right West Gate Guards were merged into the West Gate Guards, and the 16 guards were reduced to 15 guards.

Of course, this is only temporary. There are fewer wars in the northwest now. Emperor Chen has ordered to select 10,000 elite soldiers from the border troops to return to the capital to make up for the loss of the imperial guards.

In this redress incident, Wu Liehou also made great contributions.

He was originally the Lieutenant General of the Left Golden Feather Guard, and now he is the General of the Left Golden Feather Guard.

As for Chen Zhou, who kicked out that crucial kick and performed outstandingly in front of Emperor Chen, he was also promoted from Lieutenant General to General, and became a well-known general in the capital.

There has been a lot of turmoil in the court in the past two days. It is not an exaggeration to say that King Kang's rebellion this time is a reshuffle of the forces in the capital.

Tang Ning himself did not receive any reward, but this was what he did deliberately.

At his position, it was extremely difficult to move up one step or half a step, whether it was a civil or military position. The reward was difficult for him and for Emperor Chen.

If he wanted any reward, it would be him, not Xiao Jue, who led the Zuo Xiaowei to quell the rebellion.

On the seventh day after the ceremony, Tang Ning was finally summoned by Emperor Chen.

The place where Emperor Chen met him this time was not the imperial study, but in his bedroom.

He sat on the bed, and the whole person looked obviously more haggard than usual. When he saw Tang Ning coming in, he glanced at Zhao Man who was serving in front of the bed and said, "Man'er, go down first. I have something to say to him."

After Emperor Chen fell ill, Zhao Man stayed in the palace and did not go home.

She glanced at Tang Ning, and then slowly retreated.

Tang Ning watched her leave, and when he looked away, the voice of Emperor Chen came over.

"Are you sincere to Man'er?"

This matter was no longer a secret to Emperor Chen. Tang Ning nodded and said, "I will protect her with my life."

"I am not a good father, not to Cheng'er, nor to Man'er... As long as Man'er really likes you, I don't want to care about your affairs." Emperor Chen looked outside and said, "You should treat her well in the future."

This time, Tang Ning did not say "I obey your order", but said, "Your Majesty, don't worry."

Emperor Chen sat up straight, took a long breath, and asked, "King Kang rebelled, and Prince Duan also disappointed me. In your opinion, who is more suitable to be the emperor, Prince Huai or Prince Run?"

Emperor Chen asked this question very directly. Tang Ning hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty..."

Emperor Chen waved his hand and said, "Don't fool me. I just want to hear your thoughts."

"Prince Huai." Tang Ning no longer hesitated and said, "From the current point of view, it is Prince Huai. His Majesty Prince Run is too young, and Prince Huai is outstanding. Even with Prince Duan and Prince Kang, I think, Prince Huai is the most suitable to be the emperor. "

"I think so too." Emperor Chen looked at him with a strange look in his eyes and said, "In terms of talent, he is only inferior to you. There are few people better than him in the whole court, but..."

Emperor Chen paused and said, "When I was young, I did some wrong things and hurt him. Although he was still young at that time, I am worried that he still feels the same thing..."

Tang Ning said, "Does His Royal Highness Prince Huai still feel the same? Your Majesty, can't you feel it after so many years?"

"It is precisely because I can't feel it that I am worried." Emperor Chen sighed and said, "I can't see ambition in his eyes. Prince Duan, Prince Huai, and even Prince Run have ambition in their eyes, but he doesn't have it."

Before Tang Ning entered the palace, he never thought that the topic that Emperor Chen talked about with him would be so sensitive. He didn't know how to respond. After thinking about it, he said, "Maybe His Royal Highness Prince Huai thinks that his status and background are not as good as Prince Duan and Prince Kang, so he never thought about competing for anything..."

Emperor Chen shook his head and said: "As a prince, if he doesn't have the ambition to become an emperor, what else can he pretend to be?"

Tang Ning chatted with Emperor Chen for a long time this time, and the topic was very sensitive. Emperor Chen should not talk to him about the inheritance of the throne, but should talk to Wang Xiang.

However, after talking so much with Chen Huang, Tang Ning also discovered a misunderstanding that he, including many people in the court, had always had.

Before King Kang rebelled and King Duan did not disappoint him, Emperor Chen never listed King Huai as his candidate for the crown prince. It did not seem to be because of his lack of identity and background.

According to Chen Huang's speculation, he did something to offend King Huai in his early years. Although Tang Ning didn't know the specific thing, she thought it must be related to Concubine Yang.

This incident led to his suspicion of King Huai, and now that King Kang was defeated and King Duan was eliminated by Emperor Chen, if he was also suspicious of King Huai, this would undoubtedly be a good thing for Zhao Yuan.

King Kang's rebellion this time not only eliminated himself, but also caught up with King Duan. Zhao Yuan was obviously one step closer to that position.

When Tang Ning walked out of the palace gate, a figure slowly stepped into a certain palace.

"Your Highness..." The guard at the palace gate saluted immediately when he saw him.

When King Huai stepped into the palace, a cold and damp atmosphere hit his face.

This is the famous Cold Palace, used to imprison or incarcerate concubines who have fallen out of favor and committed crimes.

The Cold Palace is just what outsiders call it. It was originally the dormitory of a certain concubine. It had the same name as "Shuxiu Palace" and "Changning Palace". However, because it was damp and cold all year round, it was gradually abandoned. Even the original palace was abandoned. The name was also lost and became what others call a "cold palace".

People living in such a cold and humid place will get sick soon. Therefore, few concubines who were relegated to the cold palace in history could live long.

For example, Concubine Yang more than 20 years ago, or Concubine Zhang Xian who just moved in here.

King Huai walked into the palace and saw a man standing in the courtyard in front of him.

Concubine Zhang Xian glanced at him and asked, "What are you doing here?"

King Huai placed a box of cakes on the cracked stone table in the courtyard and said, "Come and see the Concubine Xian."

Concubine Zhang Xian looked at him and said coldly: "Are you here to laugh at me?"

King Huai shook his head and said, "It is Concubine Hui who should laugh at you, not me."

Thinking of Concubine Tang Hui, Concubine Zhang Xian's face darkened.

King Huai looked at her and asked, "Do you feel unwilling to do so? You fought over and over again, but in the end you still couldn't win over her."

Concubine Zhang Xian gritted her teeth and said, "That bitch..."

"There's no need to be too angry, Concubine Xian." King Huai glanced at her and said calmly: "You won't be too lonely here, she will come to accompany you soon."

Concubine Zhang Xian looked at him and said in shock: "What do you mean?"

King Huai didn't speak again, turned around and walked out of the palace.

Concubine Zhang Xian chased her out, and the palace door was closed from the outside. She lay on the door, slapped the door hard, and said loudly: "Open the door, open the door for me!"

He only shouted twice before his voice suddenly stopped.

It wasn't because her hands hurt or she had no strength, it was just because she found that there were carvings on the wooden door in front of her. The carvings looked old, and many places had been weathered and decayed.

There were five scratches in each place, and they were dark brown, like the marks of something dried. She couldn't help but feel chills all over her body when she took one look at them.

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