Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 803: Blood Debt Repaid with Blood [Updated 14/23]

Chapter 803 of the main volume of Ruyi Little Man: Blood Debt Repaid with Blood [Update 14/23] After a woman is pregnant, her temper will be a little weird. This is normal.

Lu Ya may have stayed in the Xiao family for a long time and wanted to go back to her parents' home for a while. As a husband, it is normal for Xiao Jue to go back and stay with her.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late. Tang Ning is not a gentleman. He usually avenges himself on the spot. If he can't do it on the spot, he won't do it overnight.

Xiao Jue was different. He could only look at Tang Ning with gritted teeth. When Lu Ya looked at her, a smile immediately filled his face.

Lu Ya frowned at him and asked, "Are you unwilling?"

"How can..." Xiao Jue looked at Tang Ning and gritted his teeth: "Of course the child is the most important thing. Thank you for reminding me!"

Tang Ning said, "We are all friends, so you're welcome."

The two sat for a while, and then Xiao Jue helped Lu Ya leave.

Tang Yaoyao looked at the backs of them leaving and said, "He just laughed secretly. He just wants Sister Lu to go back. Are you men like this? Are you tired of deceiving women?"

"Of course not." Tangning looked at her and said with a smile, "I will lie to you for the rest of my life, and I won't be bothered for the rest of my life..."

Seeing Tang Yaojiao's slightly red face, Tang Ning secretly sighed in her heart, there are straight men and there are straight women. Xiao Jue and Lu Ya have been together for a long time, and they are a good match.

Tang Yao Jing seems to be as violent as Lu Ya, but she can be soft or strong. When a man encounters such a woman, he usually has no resistance...

After having nothing to do in the evening, Tang Ning and Tang Yaoyao went out to visit the night market. The night in the capital was still very lively before the curfew. Even though a coup that shocked the capital had just occurred a few days ago, the lives of the people changed again after a few days. Calmness returned, as if nothing had happened.

A teahouse somewhere in Beijing.

Tang Zhao was sitting in the elegant pavilion, and there was a man sitting opposite him. The man was wearing a cloak, covering his face tightly.

"Prince Duan is completely out of luck this time." Tang Zhao looked at him and asked, "Did your master say what to do?"

"King Kang said something when he rebelled." A voice came from under the cloak: "He said that what he wants cannot rely on others' charity, but must be obtained by himself. Although he failed in the rebellion, this sentence said Quite right."

"You also know that he failed." Tang Zhao shook his head and said, "Do you think the throne is just cabbage and you can take it whenever you want?"

The man took out a box from his arms and placed it on the table.

Tang Zhao opened it and took a look and saw that it was filled with a white powder. He pinched a handful with his fingers and was about to put it under his nose to smell it. The man said: "If I were you, I wouldn't do this."

Tang Zhao put it back into the box, closed the box, and asked, "What is this?"

"A kind of incense." The man glanced at him and said: "Now His Majesty is often disturbed by nightmares and needs to light incense in the palace to fall asleep. Every time, take a small amount of this incense and put it in the incense burner. In less than half a year, he should consider who to pass the position to. "

Tang Zhao asked: "Are you sure the imperial doctor won't find out?"

The man said: "This is a strange fragrance from Guizhou. It is colorless and odorless. It is not harmful when used in moderation. However, if you smell it for several hours every day, your body will become weaker and weaker within three months." It can't be found out, we will just think that it is caused by fatigue..."

Tang Zhao put the box away and said, "What a good thing..."

"I gave you the things. Whether you can use them or not depends on your own abilities." The man stood up, said lightly, and left.

Tang Zhao looked at him and asked, "What do you want?"

The man said: "When King Duan sits on the throne, we want power, money, glory and wealth..."

Tang Zhao smiled and said, "It's easy to talk about..."

A quarter of an hour after Tang Zhao left the teahouse, the man in the cloak appeared at the door of the teahouse again.

He went up to the second floor of the teahouse, knocked on the door of a private room, pushed the door open, took off his cloak, bowed to the figure sitting at the table, and said: "Your Highness, the things have been given to them... "

Late at night, Tang Zhai.

Tang Qi opened the box on the table, pinched the white powder inside, put it under his nose, smelled it, and asked, "What is this?"

Tang Zhao said: "Poison."

Tang Qi's expression changed drastically, and he immediately put his finger into the tea, stirred it, and said angrily: "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Tang Zhaodao: "You didn't even ask."

Tang Qi was about to get angry when Tang Huai reached out to stop him and asked, "Where did you get this thing?"

Tang Zhaodao: "Someone gave it to me."

Tang Huai asked: "What do they want?"

Tang Zhaodao: "Silver, women, power, glory and wealth..."

Royal palace, a certain palace in the harem.

Concubine Tang Hui held a wooden box in her hand and said: "A woman with silver is nothing, and wealth is nothing. What I'm afraid of is that they have no requirements..."

She handed the box to a palace maid in the palace and asked, "Do you know what to do?"

The palace maid's face turned pale, she pursed her lips and said, "I know..."

Tang Ning discovered that after he became the Right Chancellor, he actually did the same job as before. Except that the officials of the Shangshu Province treated him with more respect, there was no big difference.

Another point that made him very satisfied was that from now on, no one in Shangshu Province could control when he went to Yamen and Yamen. Like Wang Xiang, he could come when he wanted, not come if he didn't want to, and take a few days off if he wanted. Just take a few days off...

After processing the last letter of the day, and with half an hour left before leaving the office, Tang Ning slipped out of Shangshu Province and prepared to go back to make Tang Yaoyao's favorite assorted casserole.

"Master Tang, stay."

A familiar voice came from behind. Tangning turned her head and saw King Huai walking out of the Shang Shu Yamen and slowly walking towards him.

Tangning looked at him and asked, "His Royal Highness, is there anything else?"

King Huai said: "I have a question that I have always wanted to ask Mr. Tang."

Tang Ning's eyes stayed on him, and King Huai asked again, "Do you hate the Tang family for treating you like this?"

Tangning asked in surprise: "Why does Your Highness ask this?"

King Huai smiled and said, "I'm just curious. Mr. Tang has a rough life, but I can't see any hatred in your eyes."

"Hate is out of the question." Tangning shook her head and said, "The world is very beautiful, with spring breeze, summer cicadas, autumn wind and winter snow, but my heart can't contain these beautiful things, so why should I pretend to hate it?"

King Huai said: "Since you don't hate us, why did you let the Tang family fall into such a situation?"

"Because it makes me happy." Tang Ning said, "Zi once said, repay kindness with kindness and repay grievance with straightness. We must listen to Zi's words and retaliate when there is hatred and repay resentment when there is grievance... But this does not mean that we have to live in this world. Hatred inside.”

"Are you satisfied that the Tang family has fallen into the current situation?" King Huai looked at him and asked, "Tang Huai and Tang Qi wanted you to die back then. You don't want to kill them?"

"Murder is against the law..." Tang Ning looked at him, shook her head and said, "I am a law-abiding person. I am civilized and polite, keep my core values ​​in mind, firmly support the court and policies, and strive to establish a good reputation for the people of the capital and the officials of the DPRK and China. Set a correct example..."

King Huai cupped his hands and said, "Master Tang's realm is so high that I cannot reach it."

Tangning cupped her hands and returned the greeting: "Thank you for your reward..."

King Huai turned around and left, took two steps, stopped again, and asked, "What if they kill your parents and harm your relatives?"

Tang Ning smiled and said, "I also said something..."

King Huai asked: "Which sentence?"

Tang Ning said: "Blood debt must be paid with blood..."

King Huai turned around and looked at him for a long time. He couldn't help but laugh and asked, "May I ask Master Tang, which prince is this from?"

Tangning thought for a while and said, "I..."

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