Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 831: Mobilization

Ministry of War.

General Zuo Yuwei Ling Yun was transferred to Ximen Guard. Who will take over Ling Yun's position is a headache for the Ministry of War.

The Yulin Guards are the emperor's imperial guards. Without His Majesty's permission, the Ministry of War was originally not qualified to mobilize General Yulin Guards, but with King Huai's order, they had to do it.

The reasons given by King Huai were very sufficient. He was not doing it for his own selfish interests, but for the overall situation. The Ministry of War had no objection and no need to oppose it.

At the Yamen of the Ministry of War, Nie Qian, the left minister of the Ministry of War, looked at Lu Ding, the Minister of the Ministry of War, and asked: "Master Shangshu, do you really not need to ask your Majesty for instructions on this matter?"

Lu Ding shook his head and said: "There is news from the palace that His Majesty is ill. If it is not a serious matter, please do not disturb His Majesty."

Nie Qian asked: "But this transfer is so sudden. Who should the Ministry of War find to take over Ling Yun's position in a short period of time?"

The right minister of the Ministry of War, who had been silent, looked at the two of them and suddenly said: "As for General Zuo Yuwei, I do have a good candidate here."

"Oh?" Lu Ding looked at Zhou Shilang and asked, "Who is it?"

Zhou Shilang said: "Isn't General Chen going to be transferred back to the capital? Half a month ago, the Ministry of War was considering where to place him, and it has not yet been decided. And it coincides with General Ling being transferred. How can it be so? Wouldn’t it kill two birds with one stone, solving the placement problem of General Chen and filling the vacancy of General Zuo Yuwei?”

A thoughtful look appeared on Lu Ding's face. General Chen, whom Zhou Shilang was talking about, was a border army general. Now that the northern border was relatively stable, the imperial court began to intentionally transfer back a group of border army generals, and General Chen was one of them.

What makes the Ministry of War embarrassed is that after the border army generals were transferred back, there was no general vacancy in the Imperial Guard, and it was not easy for them to stay at home. Now that Ling Yun has been transferred to the Ximen Guard, the Yulin Guard just has a vacant position.

Nie Qian, the left minister of the Ministry of War, thought for a while, nodded and said: "This is indeed a good idea."

After Lu Ding considered it, he nodded and said, "Then let's do it this way."

Not long after, Zhou Shilang took a folder and left the Ministry of War, entered the Shangshu Province, walked into a certain government office, respectfully placed the folder on King Huai's table, and said: "Your Highness, the candidate for General Zuo Yuwei is , the Ministry of War has already drawn up..."

King Huai nodded and said: "Zuo Yuwei has a great responsibility. Let General Chen enter the palace as soon as possible."

Zhou Shilang bowed and said: "I obey my orders."

The Ling family is the top guard in the capital. The Yulin Guard and the Jinyu Guard are the most important teams among the imperial guards. Two of the four guards are controlled by the Ling family. This shows how much His Majesty treats the Ling family. of trust.

The fact that Ling Yun was transferred from Zuoyu Guard to Ximen Guard caused quite a stir in the capital.

It's not that His Majesty doesn't trust the Ling family anymore. Ever since His Majesty became ill, King Huai has been handling all the affairs of the court.

His behavior was both unexpected and reasonable.

Unexpectedly, there was no friction or enmity between him and the Ling family, but he ruined Ling Yun's bright future, which was naturally a bit strange.

It makes sense because it is not a good thing for the royal family that such two important guards are controlled by one family. King Kang rebelled just two months ago, so what's wrong with King Huai taking precautions in the bud?

Not looking at feelings, only looking at right and wrong. This was consistent with King Huai's usual style of dealing with things, so not many people thought much about it.

Only occasionally do people realize that the unloved marginal prince a few years ago has unknowingly taken control of the court, monopolized power, and accomplished things that even the prince could not do, which is still a bit embarrassing. and surprise.

The court in the first two years undoubtedly belonged to King Duan and King Kang.

At that time, King Huai was not in the public eye at all. However, King Duan and King Kang fought to the death and attacked each other, which led to a loss of strength step by step. In the end, King Kang's rebellion failed. King Duan was hidden by His Majesty because he was too stupid. He has been fighting steadily. King Huai gradually came to the front of the crowd.

This was actually a typical snipe and clam fight, with the fisherman benefiting and King Kang and King Duan losing both sides. In the end, the court was handed over to King Huai.

Ling Yun was transferred from the Yulin Guard, which caused quite a disturbance in the capital, but within the Ling family, it was very peaceful.

Ling Feng looked angry and said: "Why, the eldest brother didn't make any mistakes, why did he be transferred to Ximen Guard?"

Although the Sixteen Guards are all Imperial Guards, there is a huge gap between Imperial Guards and Imperial Guards.

The Yulin Guards are the Imperial Guards of the Emperor, responsible for guarding the palace city. General Yulin Guards is extremely famous, while Ximen Guards is just a gatekeeper. Although General Ximen Guards and General Yulin Guards have the same rank, they are still gatekeepers after all...

From Yu Linwei to Ximenwei, it seems to be a smooth move, but it is actually a demotion.

Ling Wu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Letting him go to Ximen Guard is not a bad thing."

Ling Feng looked at him and said in surprise: "Dad, you are stupid. How can it be a good thing to go from Yulin Guard to Ximen Guard?"

"You know nothing!" Ling Wu glanced at him and said, "Although your Majesty trusts the Ling family, he can't stop Youyou from talking. What the Ling family relies on is your majesty's trust. If one day your majesty doesn't Trusting the Ling family is the beginning of the Ling family’s destruction.”

He breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "King Huai's move is for the sake of the royal family and also to eliminate hidden dangers for the Ling family..."

"How do you know that King Huai's move is for the royal family?" Mrs. Ling walked over step by step on crutches, glanced at Ling Wu, and asked: "Can't he do it for himself?"

Ling Wu looked at him and said in surprise: "Dad?"

Old Master Ling glanced at him and asked, "What is the background of the new General Zuo Yuwei?"

Ling Wu said: "Chen Xingyun was originally a general of the border army and was just transferred back a few days ago."

Mr. Ling's eyes were sharp and he said: "The Li family has already occupied a right feather guard. If we occupy another left feather guard..."

The Li family is the natal family of Princess Huai. King Huai's father-in-law is now General Youyuwei. Youyuwei has an unclear relationship with King Huai. If even Zuoyuwei has a deep connection with him, the entire imperial family will be affected. The city is under his control.

Ling Wu shook his head and said: "Zhao Xingyun has nothing to do with the Li family or King Huai. If he had an old relationship with King Huai or the Li family, the Ministry of War and the court would not agree to his transfer. But he was in prison back then. , once received the favor from King Fu..."

Your Majesty has been ill for more than a month, and the morning court has been suspended for a long time.

However, this does not affect the overall situation. The operation of the court has never been dependent on the emperor, but on every official in the three provinces, six ministries and twenty-four divisions, and the major government offices in Beijing.

During this period of time, King Huai kept the entire court in order, and everything inside and outside the court was peaceful.

King Huai used facts to prove that he could become a qualified emperor. Although His Majesty has not clearly expressed this intention, after King Kang rebelled and King Duan was eliminated, many people in the capital and even officials in the court acquiesced. Got this fact.

At this time, in the distant Shannan West Road, Wanzhou.

At the city gate, two dusty figures appeared outside the city gate.

Tang Ning wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked at Chen Zhou beside her, and asked, "Where's the old guy?"

Chen Zhou shook his head and said, "I don't know, I was here just now..."

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