Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 838 Old Friends

In order to prevent any accidents from happening to County Lieutenant Ruan, Tang Ning gave him a box of poisonous insects. Even if the Liang family really sent someone to break into Ruan's house at night, there was no need to worry about any accidents happening to him.

Chen Zhou returned to the inn tonight, and with him came Liu Zheng, the Chief Justice of Shannan West Road.

The Chief Justice was a special official position in the State of Chen. From the official title, he seemed to be responsible for only one line of litigation and prison, but in fact, the Chief Justice had great power. He was a sword hanging over the heads of local officials set up by the court to restrain the local areas.

Even the governor of a state was very afraid of the Chief Justice.

However, in a guest room of an inn in Wanzhou, the chief judge of Shannan West Road stood in front of Tang Ning, looking very respectful, and bowed his hands and said: "Your subordinate has met Prime Minister Tang."

Tang Ning smiled and said: "Your subordinate, you are welcome."

"I heard that Prime Minister Tang had arrived in Wanzhou, so I rushed over immediately." After Liu Zheng sat down, he asked: "I wonder if Prime Minister Tang summoned me here, what instructions do you have?"

Tang Ning said: "Qian will be in chaos, and Wanzhou will bear the brunt of it. I need Lord Liu to stay in Wanzhou and stabilize the situation in Wanzhou."

Once the right prime minister came to Wanzhou in person, it was enough to show how serious the situation in Qian was. Liu Zheng's face was solemn, and he immediately said: "Your subordinate obeys your order."

With Chief Judge Liu Zheng in Wanzhou, the Wanzhou garrison was temporarily taken over by him. Even the governor of Wanzhou could not cause any trouble. Tang Ning returned to his room, secretly cursed the unreliable old beggar in his heart, and went to bed with his clothes on.

At this time, the streets of Wanzhou City were also quiet, with only the occasional night watchman passing by.

Although Wanzhou was the border of the State of Chen, the State of Liang had already perished, and the mountain tribes in Guizhou would not cause trouble in Wanzhou, so the city defense of Wanzhou had never been very tense.

The curfew in the city had been in name only many years ago, but Wanzhou was not as rich as the capital, and the people's nightlife was not that rich. Not long after it got dark, there were few pedestrians on the streets.

Not long after the gong sounded at the third watch, a series of black shadows suddenly appeared on the street, running quickly towards an inn on the street.

The leader gently pushed the door of the inn, as if he knew that the door was not closed. The door of the inn was pushed open a crack, and nearly ten people rushed in from outside.

A young voice led by the leader said, "Is Zhao Yun'er here?"

A person behind him said, "Second Young Master, I saw with my own eyes that Zhao Yun'er entered here during the day and never left."

Liang Tao pulled off the black cloth on his face and said, "Go to that kid's room first and tie him up. I want him to see it with his own eyes later..."

The person behind him pointed upstairs and said, "His room is the third one on the left."

Several people walked up the stairs lightly, touched the third door on the left, and used a very thin blade to pry open the bolt from the outside.

Liang Tao stepped into the door, a sneer appeared on his face, and just after taking two steps, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

He only felt as if something had climbed onto his feet and soon got into his trouser legs. Then, he felt a piercing pain in his legs, which made him cry out in pain.

The person on the bed seemed to be awakened by his voice, sat up from the bed and asked, "Who is it?"


Finding that they had been exposed, the two of them lifted Liang Tao and jumped out of the room in an instant. The rest of the people wanted to leave, but were blocked by the whip shadow that suddenly appeared from the darkness.

Chen Zhou took these people down and tied them up tightly, then looked at Tang Ning and asked, "Sir, there are three more people who ran away, I will chase them..."

Tang Ning waved his hand and said, "No need, they will come tomorrow."

The leader was bitten by a Gu worm. If the Gu poison is not resolved within twelve hours, his leg will be disabled.

The Gu worm used by Tang Ning this time was re-cultivated according to the Ten Thousand Gu Poison Sutra. Ordinary Gu-resolving methods cannot resolve this Gu at all. Unless it is a top ten elder like Bai Jin and Gongsun Ying, there is a possibility of resolving the Gu.

Obviously, it is impossible for such a person to exist in the Liang family. If the family of the governor of Wanzhou hides one of the ten elders of the Wan Gu Sect, the charge of treason cannot be washed away.

Liu Zheng put on his clothes and hurried over from the next room. Looking at the people tied up by Chen Zhou, he was shocked and said, "What's going on?"

Chen Zhou had already asked their identities from one of them, walked over and said, "It's the Liang family."

"The Liang family is so bold!" Liu Zheng frowned and said angrily, "Tomorrow morning, I will go to the governor's mansion to ask for punishment!"


Liang family.

It was late at night, but the lobby of the Liang family was still brightly lit.

Liang Tao was lying on the ground, one of his legs had swollen to the thickness of two legs, and he was still wailing. Liang Yu looked at him and said in shock: "What is this!"

The head of the Liang family had a gloomy face and said: "It's a poison."

Liang Tao wailed: "Uncle, save me, save me, I don't want to die..."

The head of the Liang family looked at him and said: "Wait a minute."

He walked out of the hall and came to a hidden courtyard deep in the Liang Mansion. He knocked on the door three times and said: "Mr. Wu, Liang has something to ask for."

After a while, the door was opened from the inside. An old man looked at him and asked: "What's the matter?"

"Meet the housekeeper." The head of the Liang family respectfully bowed to the old man, and then said: "Liang Tao seems to have been poisoned by someone. Liang would like to ask the housekeeper to help take a look..."

"Poison?" The old man looked at him, closed the door, and said: "Let's go and take a look."

A moment later, in the lobby of the Liang Mansion, the old man looked at Liang Tao, cut a wound on his leg with a dagger, took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, and sprinkled the powder in the bottle on it.

"It hurts, it hurts..." After the powder stuck to the wound, Liang Tao screamed shrilly, veins on his forehead bulged, and he fainted from the pain.

Seeing this, the old man had a trace of doubt on his face.

The head of the Liang family looked at Liang Tao who had fainted, looked at the old man, and asked hurriedly: "What happened..."

"Don't panic." The old man carefully examined Liang Tao's wound, and a trace of strange color appeared on his face. At a certain moment, he took out another porcelain bottle from his arms, mixed the powders in the two porcelain bottles together, and sprinkled them on Liang Tao's wound.

After the powder was mixed with the blood, Liang Tao's swollen thigh quickly subsided at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally returned to normal.

The head of the Liang family finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, butler..."

"Interesting." The old man took a breath, a smile appeared on his face, and he murmured, "I wonder which old friend has arrived..."

Although he had a smile on his face, a trace of deep fear appeared in the depths of his eyes.

A moment later, in the courtyard, the old man closed the door and came to a room. The middle-aged man sitting at the table looked at him and asked, "What's wrong? Did something big happen to the Liang family?"

The old man showed a fearful look on his face and said, "Someone came to Wanzhou."

The middle-aged man frowned. The "someone" in the old man's mouth refers to certain specific people, people they don't want to see at the moment.

"Why are the ten elders here?" The middle-aged man asked, "Is our whereabouts exposed?"

"I don't know yet." The old man thought for a while and said, "Tomorrow I will go to investigate and see which old friend would leave Guizhou at this time..."

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