Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 85: Blessings and Disasters

After the deer-crowing banquet, the state examination was completely over.

The 240 newly promoted candidates from Lingzhou and two neighboring states will take the provincial examination in March next year.

Although it is still early, most students will pack their bags and rush to the capital in the next few days.

Tang Ning is not in a hurry. The provincial examination will start on March 9th. It won't be too late for him to start in February. Lingzhou is not that far from the capital. Half a month is enough. To be on the safe side, leave another half month. Nothing is lost.

After all, he is different from most candidates. Although the provincial exam is much more difficult than the state exam, the types of questions will not change. In this way, his problems in the first two games are not big. The only problem is Strategy for the third game.

Even if the policy was to be restructured, it would not be so fast. When it came to the provincial examination, he could no longer rely on his luck like the state examination. Therefore, in the next nearly six months, the only thing he had to do was to write the article. Try to write as beautifully as possible.

His father-in-law had specifically told him to ask him if he had anything he didn't understand. After thinking about it, Tangning decided that it would be better to let Zhong Yi teach him how to write articles.

After all, Zhong Yi is the most talented woman in Lingzhou. Not only can she write poems well, but she can also write colorful articles. As for my father-in-law, he even passed the state examination three times...

I came back from the Luming Banquet last night and went to Zhong Yi's room to sit for a while.

At that time, the two of them had agreed that Tang Ning would write a policy essay every day, and Zhong Yi would help him review it and correct the grammar. In a few months, even if he still couldn't write as beautiful an article as she did, he wouldn't be able to write it. Being called bullshit.

When Tang Yaoyao came to see Zhong Yi, she was very surprised by his diligence and asked, "Are you really planning to take the top prize this time?"

Tangning nodded.

Tang Yaoyao thought for a moment and said, "I remember you said before that you didn't want to take part in the imperial examination."

"Didn't I get hit on the head by you at that time?" Tangning looked at her and explained, "What's the difference between a scholar who doesn't want to win the top prize and a salted fish?"

After he finished speaking, he thought for a moment, then looked at Zhong Yi and asked, "Does what you said that day count?"

Zhong Yi blushed slightly and nodded.

Tang Ning finally felt relieved and continued to write. Scholars who didn't want to win the top prize were just salty fish, and salty fish couldn't get happiness.

For his lifelong happiness, he will write ten articles today and will not sleep until he finishes.

When Tang Yaoyao and Zhong Yi walked out of the room and walked into the yard, they finally couldn't help but ask, "What did you say?"

"Nothing..." Zhong Yi shook his head and changed the subject: "Did you send the letter I wrote to Miss Qing last time?"

"My father asked the steward of the store to deliver it a long time ago." Tang Yaoyao patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, you will receive a reply in a few days."

Zhong Yi said with some embarrassment: "Sorry for bothering Uncle Tang."

"It's no trouble." Tang Yaoyao shook his head and said, "Anyway, they often have to run from Lingzhou to the capital, and they just bring a letter along the way. It's nothing."

Zhong Yi held her hand and said, "No matter what, thank you."

"If you really want to thank me, tell me what you said to him?" Tang Yaoyao looked at her with a gossipy face and said, "It's impossible for him to suddenly think of taking the No. 1 exam. This matter must have something to do with you. what relationship!"

Zhong Yi thought for a while, finally made a decision, and whispered something in her ear.

Tang Yaoyao's beautiful eyes widened and she looked at her, confused: "You, you are crazy, how can this be..."

Zhong Yi looked at her without speaking.

Tang Yaoyao covered her face, sighed, and then said bitterly: "I'm taking advantage of him!"

"Okay..." Zhong Yi tugged on her sleeves and said, "Xiao Ru's shop is almost ready, let's go take a look..."

Tangning was full of motivation when she woke up early in the morning. She originally wanted to write ten policy papers in one go, but she was interrupted after only two.

It was his father-in-law who interrupted him.

There is also Zhang Hao, the doctor from the Ministry of Water who I met yesterday.

They seemed to have something to say last night, but then left it alone. Unexpectedly, they chased them directly to the house today.

After Zhang Hao sat down, he said straight to the point: "Tang Jieyuan, I still have some questions about controlling floods and speeding up shipping, and I would like to discuss them with Tang Jieyuan."

Tangning cupped her hands and said politely, "It's okay, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Hao cleared his throat and said: "Tang Jieyuan mentioned in the policy discussion about the Jingjiang section..."

The policy paper has a limited number of words, so it is impossible for Tang Ning to expand on every point. The examples given are also concise and to the point. Today, she can expand on it in detail.

Of course, he is not a water conservancy major. He can put forward opinions and explain the principles, but it is impossible to get to the root cause.

But for the discussion between the two, this was enough. Some modern concepts of water control were a bit unimaginable to the ancients, but they were not fantasy. Zhang Hao frowned for a while, suddenly realized it, and grasped for a while. A few hairs came down, and after a while, he patted his thighs and cheered...

While listening, he picked up a pen to take notes. When a piece of paper was filled with his writing, he put down the pen, looked at Tang Ning, and said excitedly: "I thought that Tang Jieyuan's policy would save the national treasury at least 500,000 taels of silver." , now it seems that it is much more than that!”

He grabbed Tang Ning's arm and said happily: "When I go back this time, I will definitely report Tang Jieyuan's contribution to His Majesty. If Tang Jieyuan passes the imperial examination in the future, you may consider my Water Department. The Water Department needs talents like Tang Jieyuan..."

"Ahem!" Zhong Mingli coughed lightly, interrupting Zhang Hao's passion.

Zhang Hao glanced at Zhong Mingli, then looked at Tang Ning, and sighed with some regret.

The person in front of him was the champion of the Lingzhou state examination, the first person in Lingzhou and Chen State in more than ten years. Such a person will definitely shine in the provincial examination. If he cannot become the champion, he can also rank first.

The Ministry of Works is very far behind in the six ministries. It is not as lucrative as the Ministry of Revenue, nor as powerful as the Ministry of Personnel. Even the most useless Ministry of Rites is better than them. As a thankless department in the Ministry of Works, who would be willing to go to a poor government office with no future for the top two Jinshi?

Zhang Hao calmed down and bowed, saying, "On behalf of all the people affected by the disaster, I would like to thank Tang Jieyuan."

Tang Ning hurriedly said, "This is what I should do. Sir Zhang, you don't have to do this..."

He had long heard that Zhang Hao was straightforward and had a bad temper, but when he saw him today, he didn't feel that. Not only did he not have that, but he also didn't have the slightest bit of sophistication. He only had a sincere heart to ask for advice humbly.

When Zhang Hao left, Zhong Mingli looked at him and said, "Sir Song had some official business and left Lingzhou early in the morning. Otherwise, he would have come with us today."

Tang Ning nodded. Song Qian was not in charge of Lingzhou, but of nearly ten states along the way to Jingdong. It was impossible for him to stay in Lingzhou for a long time.

In addition to him, Fang Hong, Zhang Hao, Ling Yihong and other examiners would probably set off to return to Beijing in the next two days.

The Lingzhou state examination has come to a complete end.

"Officialdom is like a battlefield. It is better to make more friends than more enemies." Zhong Mingli looked at him and said, "Although Lord Zhang has a straightforward temper, he is a person worth making friends with; you have done Lord Fang a favor, and Lord Fang is grateful to you. You should also be self-disciplined and not take advantage of the favor; and Lord Ling, although you are his uncle, he is also the chief physician. If you can meet him again in the future, you must give him face in front of outsiders..."

Tang Ning nodded, and his father-in-law started nagging again, but his nagging was mostly from the heart and experience, with little nonsense.

Zhong Mingli watched Tang Ning walk out of the house, retracted his gaze, and looked into the distance.

Everyone knows that many examiners of the Lingzhou provincial examination will set off to return to Beijing today, but few people know that they will also leave with a test paper.

This thin test paper is still unknown whether it is a gravel that can't splash a few water splashes or a meteor that can set off a huge wave.

Zhong Mingli looked somewhat relieved, but more worried.

After a long while, he sighed, put his hands behind his back, and slowly walked back to the mansion... [This chapter was first published on Ai. You. Voice. Novel Network, please remember the URL]

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