Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 845 Festival

It is not easy to succeed in suicide by cutting one's wrist. The human body has the function of blood coagulation. If a wound is cut on the wrist, the blood will coagulate in a short time, and it often needs to be cut a second or third time.

Elder Man obviously has rich experience in bloodletting. His movements are neat and tidy. A line of blood appears on Ah Er's wrist. However, this young man named Ah Er obviously has a strong desire to survive. He holds Tang Ning's legs tightly and does not let go.

As a result, the atmosphere in the field seems a little awkward.

Tang Ning glanced at him and said, "Open your mouth."

Ah Er opened his mouth immediately after hearing this.

Tang Ning threw another wax pill into his mouth. This wax pill was actually developed by Elder Sun. It has the effect of inducing vomiting and detoxification. The effect is immediate. Tang Ning thought that he might use it in the future, so he brought a bottle when he came out.

Tang Ning looked at Ah Er who was vomiting non-stop, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. Old Sun once said that the Gu tribe were masters of poisoning and using Gu, but they were not good at detoxification and treatment. Their treatment methods were still very primitive and backward.

In another world, Qiandi seemed to have developed a medical system of its own thousands of years ago, but here, their development direction seemed to have gone astray a long time ago...

A Er's face looked much better as he vomited. At this time, no one in the venue doubted Tang Ning anymore.

Elder Man looked at him, said a lot of nonsense, and left angrily.

Ah Duo's eyes curved into crescents, and said with a smile: "He said that Ah Er got better after he put the evil poison in him. You took advantage of him, but he is generous and will not bother you this time..."

Tang Ning noticed that the eyes of the Wusha tribe had changed when they looked at him. They seemed to respect the Han doctors very much.

Ah Da and Ah Er, who were already fine, clenched their fists with one hand and punched their chests to Tang Ning, which meant to express their gratitude.

Dinner was at Aduo's house. From the way she picked out the bones when eating fish in the morning, it can be seen that she should be a foodie.

However, what Tang Ning did not expect was that she actually had good cooking skills. The table was full of their mountain specialties, including sour soup fish and some mountain specialties. The sour soup of fish was poured over the rice. Tang Ning ate two large bowls without realizing it.

The old beggar ate more than him, and drank up the whole jar of wine at Aduo's house. The mountain people in Guizhou generally like to drink wine, use wine to show respect, use wine to express feelings, and drink for fun. Tang Ning had heard about it a long time ago.

The wine here is indeed unique. No wonder the old beggar often talks about it.

It was the first time that Tang Ning experienced the hospitality of the Gu tribe. While they were eating, many people came to Aduo's house and brought them their own pickled food and fine wine. Of course, they also asked Tang Ning to help see a few patients. Tang Ning prescribed prescriptions for them one by one, and when Aduo went to Wanzhou to purchase, he helped them get the medicine back.

A Duo filled Tang Ning's bowl with vegetables, looked up at Tang Ning, and asked, "Brother Tang, do you know the miracle doctor?"

Tang Ning nodded and said, "He is my senior brother."

A Duo looked at him with admiration and said, "No wonder your medical skills are so good..."

Tang Ning looked at her and asked, "Do you usually ask Elder Man to treat you when you are sick?"

A Duo nodded and said, "Elder Man is the only doctor here. If anyone in the nearby tribes is sick, they will ask him to treat them."

Tang Ning asked, "Does he usually treat diseases like this?"

A Duo said, "Yes, he always lets us eat some ginseng and ganoderma lucidum, or drink juice boiled from leaves, or Cut your wrist with a knife..."

"That won't work." Tang Ning shook her head and said, "If you eat and drink like this, you will get sick even if you are not sick."

A Duo lowered her head and said sadly, "This place is very poor and remote. Except for the miracle doctor, no doctor is willing to come to us..."

"How about this..." Tang Ning thought for a while and said, "I will write a medical book. You will treat diseases according to the contents of the book in the future. Don't ask Elder Man to diagnose and treat randomly..."

Although you can't follow the instructions when treating a disease, there are still traces to follow for some obvious symptoms. She can follow the instructions in the book and do some emergency treatment, which is much better than eating Ganoderma lucidum and bleeding when encountering any situation.

The reason why Tang Ning did this was that he was moved by their simplicity and his purpose was not pure. The more innocent and enthusiastic A Duo was, the deeper his guilt was.

Doing something meaningful for them can make him feel less guilty.

Upon hearing this, A Duo suddenly put down the bowl and asked in surprise: "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Tang Ning looked at her and asked: "Do you have paper and pen here?"

"Yes!" A Duo wiped her mouth carelessly, as if she was worried that Tang Ning would regret it, and immediately ran to prepare it.

In fact, Tang Ning had the idea of ​​writing a simple medical book to popularize basic medical knowledge to the people when he helped the Imperial Hospital compile classics.

However, after discussing with Ling Yihong later, Tang Ning gave up this idea.

Although he was kind-hearted, medical books were different from other books and he needed to take responsibility. Chen State was also different from Guizhou. It was a good thing for the mountain people in Guizhou, but it might not be for the people of Chen State.

When Tang Ning picked up the pen to write, A Duo held her chin with both hands and sat opposite to watch.

Tang Ning did not look up and asked casually: "Why is it so lively down there?"

A Duo smiled and said, "Tonight is the annual Lusheng Festival. They are preparing for the evening program..."

The people of the Gu tribe are good at singing and dancing. Tang Ning learned from A Duo that there are festivals in their village every month to thank the Gu God for his gifts and pray for good weather and good harvests.

The Lusheng Festival is a unique festival of the Gu tribe, but each tribe holds it at a different time.

The original purpose of this festival was to worship ancestors and celebrate the grain harvest. There are many such festivals every year. In the Wusha tribe, the original meaning of the Lusheng Festival gradually disappeared, and later it gradually evolved into a festival for men and women to seek mates.

On the night of the Lusheng Festival, unmarried girls in the village will wear gorgeous clothes, wear silver flowers and silver ornaments, and dance gracefully on the venue that has been prepared long ago. Unmarried men will surround the venue. If a girl has a sweetheart, she will invite him to dance...

Of course, this is a matter of mutual consent. The invited man can refuse. Even if he agrees, it does not mean that the two will conclude any contract. It sounds like this is just a blind date for singles.

Tang Ning was not interested in the Lusheng Festival. After writing a page, he asked casually, "I was outside just now and heard them say that your Gu tribe was fighting for a saint. What is a saint?"

"Saint..." A Duo thought for a while and said, "Saints are the beliefs of the Gu tribe and the foundation of the Gu religion. It's a pity that the Gu religion hasn't had a saint for a long time. I don't know if we can choose one this time..."

Tang Ning glanced at her and asked, "Why don't you go to choose a saint?"

A Duo was a little embarrassed and lowered her head and said, "I can't do it. My Gu skills are low and my martial arts are not good. It's useless to go..."

Tang Ning said, "I don't know where they are choosing a saint. It must be very interesting..."

"I don't know about this either." A Duo shook her head and said, "These things, even the elders of the tribe don't know, only the ten elders know..."

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