Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 854 News about Su Mei

"shut up!"

Hearing the old beggar say dirty words to the old woman, Xin Jiu said angrily: "How dare you talk to the fourth elder like this!"

Tangning glanced at the old beggar and said, "This sister looks familiar" and "I have seen this sister before." This kind of pick-up routine was a bit cliché.

Moreover, he actually struck up a conversation with the fourth elder of Wan Gu Sect. This attitude really made Tangning suspicious.

Tang Ning coughed slightly and signaled him to pay attention to his stance.

They and this old woman are enemies rather than friends. If the old beggar is addicted to beauty, they will be completely wiped out this time.

"court death!"

Although the old woman had not yet remembered who the old man was across from her, this was the first time in her life that someone dared to say something frivolous to her. She snorted coldly, raised her hand, and a ray of silver light shot out from her hand, heading straight for him. The old man left.

Because she had anger in her heart, she would kill with her attack.

The body of a silver thread snake is as thin as a hair, and it is extremely difficult to find. Only ten silver thread snakes can refine a silver thread snake voodoo, and a hundred silver thread snake voodoos may not produce a silver thread snake king.

The Silver Thread Snake King is extremely poisonous and will seal its throat at the sight of blood. There is no way to save it. Even if there is medicine, it will not leave the other party any time to save it.

Because the moment he was poisoned, he was already dead.

The silver-threaded snake is extremely fast, but no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than the old beggar's chopsticks.

The old beggar stretched out his hand, caught the silver light with his chopsticks, and stuffed it into the boiling copper pot in front of him.

Tang Ning saw a centipede, two scorpions, and a struggling little snake floating in his and A'duo's hot pot. She looked at the old beggar with dissatisfaction. Since coming to Guizhou, she has eaten a lot of delicacies given by others. After the bugs, he didn't know when he would change his habit of boiling bugs whenever he saw them.

The old woman looked at the silver-threaded snake king who floated completely in the copper pot without struggling for a long time, her expression became dull.

The next moment, she suddenly remembered something.

That was decades ago. At that time, she was still the youngest elder of the Wan Gu Sect; that year, the Liang Kingdom was still there; that year, the Wan Gu Sect was strong and powerful, with followers all over Guizhou.

It was also that year that a young beggar broke into the main altar of the Ten Thousand Gu Sect, defeated the saint, and stole the Ten Thousand Gu Poison Scripture. The ten elders chased them dozens of miles away, but he took off their clothes. Tied to a tree.

Although he also left her a piece of underwear, it was still an unforgettable shame and an undying fear in her life.

She finally realized what the old beggar meant by what he just said.

At this moment, she no longer cared about the Love Gu, the Ice Silkworm Gu, or Xin Jiu. She just wanted to escape, as far away from that person as possible.

However, as soon as she turned around, a voice came from behind.

"Are you just leaving like that?"

She turned around stiffly, looked at the old man, and said tremblingly: "You, what else do you want to do?"

The old beggar came over with a bowl and said: "Do you have any centipedes, snakes, scorpions, etc.? Take some out..."

The ten elders' Gu skills are indeed extraordinary.

At least the fourth elder had the ability to summon all the scorpions and centipedes nearby to make the old beggar drink, but Tang Ning did not have it.

The old beggar occupied two copper pots by himself, one for cooking scorpions and one for cooking centipedes. For the sake of what happened just now, Tang Ning stopped arguing with him.

The old beggar glanced at him and said, "We are all old friends. If you have anything to ask, just ask."

Tang Ning looked at the old woman and asked, "Do you know Bai Jin?"

He had ever been a prisoner under the rank. The old woman's face was still a little unnatural. After a while, she said: "I have an impression, but I haven't seen each other for decades. Their lineage is very powerful. I heard that they will also compete for the Holy Spirit this time. female."

Tangning asked, "Do you know where they are?"

The old woman shook her head and said: "The Tenth Meridian is the most mysterious. They have always had a close relationship with the royal family. They have not appeared in Guizhou for more than ten years since the fall of the Liang Kingdom, and there has not been a fight in the past ten years. Saint."

Unexpectedly, the fourth elder did not know where they were, so Tangning changed her question and asked, "Where are the ten candidates for the sainthood competing for the sainthood?"

The old woman glanced at the old beggar and saw him remove a scorpion's tail stinger and throw it into his mouth. The bite made a crunching sound. She quickly moved her eyes back and said, "Wan Gu Lin."

Tangning looked at A'duo and asked, "Where is Wan Gu Lin?"

A'duo shook his head in confusion.

Tangning looked at the fourth elder and said, "You didn't make this up to lie to me, did you?"

The old beggar glanced at her, and the old woman immediately said: "The Ten Thousand Gu Forest is the forbidden area of ​​the Ten Thousand Gu Sect. There are countless poisons in the forest and there are many dangers. Every generation of candidates for the Saint must defeat their opponents in the Ten Thousand Gu Forest. , can you sit on the throne of a saint..."

Tang Ning asked: "If you can become a saint in this way, why has the position of the saint of Wan Gu Sect been vacant for so many years?"

"The first generation of saints set a rule that only those who have passed through the Ten Thousand Gu Forest can be qualified to be a saint." The old woman glanced at the old beggar again and said: "Because the Ten Thousand Gus Poison Sutra was taken away, that generation The saint died early before she had time to pass it down, and she did not learn the superior poison techniques in the Poison Scripture. No one has ever come back alive from the Ten Thousand Gu Forest. Therefore, the position of saint has remained vacant to this day..."

After hearing her words, Tangning finally felt relieved. Su Mei has learned all the Ten Thousand Poisons, which means that even if she enters the Ten Thousand Poisons Forest, she will not encounter danger from the outside world.

He thought for a moment, then looked at the old woman and asked, "Since no one can come out of the Ten Thousand Gu Forest, why do we let the ten of them in this time?"

The fourth elder explained, "The poisonous insects in the Ten Thousand Gu Forest were all put in by the elders, but the longest-lived poisonous insects can't survive for more than a few decades. After so many years, those ferocious poisonous insects have all died of old age and will no longer pose a big threat to them..."

She glanced at Tang Ning and added, "If you want to find a candidate saint from Bai Jin's lineage, it's too late now."

Tang Ning frowned and asked, "Why?"

The old woman looked at him and said, "Except for our lineage, the other nine candidates for saints have been three days ago. , all entered the Wan Gu Forest. The Wan Gu Forest is the forbidden area of ​​the Wan Gu Sect. There is only one entrance. No one can enter except the candidate saint and her followers. "

Tang Ning asked: "Why haven't you entered yet?"

"Ten days later is the deadline for the candidate saint to enter the Wan Gu Forest." The old woman paused and said: "I wanted to let her in after getting the pair of love Gu..."

Tang Ning glanced at her. The fourth elder did have a good idea. The pair of love Gu was already mature Gu worms. When they entered the Wan Gu Forest, the Gu worms in the forest dared not get close. When they met the opponent, the opponent's Gu worms were almost useless before they started to fight. How could they fight?

However, the candidate saint of the fourth elder's lineage had not entered the Wan Gu Forest yet, which was a good opportunity for him.

It would be better to let him enter the Wan Gu Forest to find Su Mei than to let him wait outside. The latter would at least make him feel more at ease.

Tang Ning took out a porcelain bottle from her sleeve, poured out a red pill, handed it to the fourth elder, and said, "Eat it."

The fourth elder's face changed and asked, "What is this!"

Tang Ning glanced at her and said, "If what you said is true, I will give you the antidote when you leave Qiandi."

The fourth elder looked gloomy, looked at Tang Ning, then looked at the old beggar squatting in front of the copper pot, took the red pill and swallowed it.

When she knew that the heavy-tasting old guy was the crazy beggar back then, she had given up any resistance.

She has lived for many years, so she is more afraid of death than anyone else. The person opposite has the power to subvert her life.

After watching the fourth elder swallow the pill, Tang Ning continued, "I want to enter the Wan Gu Forest."

"This is impossible." The fourth elder looked at him and shook his head, saying, "In addition to the saint, the people who enter the Wan Gu Forest are her followers, and the followers of the saint must also be women..., are you a woman?"

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