Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 863: Making a Plan

The Young Master of Ruyi Chapter 863 Making a Plan Watching the girl leave, Tang Ning's face darkened. Why would a girl drink wine? Doesn't she have wine at home?

He turned to look at Su Mei and said, "I can explain this."

Su Mei smiled at him and said, "You'd better explain everything that needs to be explained."

She was extremely beautiful, and her smile was even more beautiful, but Tang Ning felt a chill on his back when he saw this smile.

Of course, the matter with A Duo could be explained. This was originally a temporary measure that Tang Ning had to take in order to find her. Tang Ning had a clear conscience.

But other things were different.

Confess and be lenient. Rather than being discovered by her later, it would be better for him to take the initiative to confess now.

Tang Ning thought for a moment and said, "A lot of things happened during your absence."

Su Mei looked at him and asked, "For example?"

"For example..." Tang Ning sighed and said, "One day, my mother told me that I actually had a fiancée who was arranged to be married to me since birth."

Su Mei crossed her arms and asked, "Then did you get married?"

"No." Tang Ning shook his head and said, "This happened more than 20 years ago. I was not born at that time, and..., her identity was a little special."

Su Mei was not angry at all when she heard this, but asked with interest, "What's so special?"

Tang Ning said : "My fiancée... is actually cousin Tang Shui."

Su Mei nodded, indicating that she already knew, and then asked: "Anything else?"

"One more thing..." Tang Ning looked at her and said: "After we return to Beijing, if you hear some rumors about me and Princess Anyang, don't believe it. This is actually a beautiful misunderstanding..."

The matter with Tang Shui is easy to solve. This is not something Tang Ning can decide at all. Because he handed over the Tang family's property in the capital to Princess Anyang, some rumors may not disappear when he returns. He still needs to take precautions in advance.

After explaining these two things, Tang Ning felt much more at ease. If he didn't say it now, he would be ravaged when she found out.

"Princess Anyang..." Su Mei heard this, thought for a moment, and said, "Princess Anyang is not impossible, she looks fertile..."

"Stop..." Seeing Su Mei's words getting more and more outrageous, Tang Ning immediately changed the subject when he saw Bai Jin and Gongsun Ying walking towards him, saying, "Your master is here..."

Bai Jin and Gongsun Ying were here for the competition two days later. Because of the intervention of the Ninth Elder, the other sects were very dissatisfied with the result of the dispute in the Wan Gu Forest. In response to this, the Great Elder proposed another competition.

The fourth and ninth sects violated the rules of the sect and were disqualified from the competition. In other words, there were only seven sects competing with them.

This competition was not as complicated as the one in the Wan Gu Forest. Each sect did not need to send out a guardian. It was a pure competition between the candidates for the Saint.

The format of the competition still continued the tradition of the Wan Gu Sect.

The eight candidates for the Saint fought on the same stage, and the one who could stand on the stage in the end was the new Saint.

Gu magic is the foundation of the Wan Gu Sect. All competitions in the Wan Gu Sect are the same as refining Gu. This is actually very disadvantageous to Su Mei. If it is a one-on-one competition, Su Mei can easily defeat all opponents, but if the seven veins join forces, she will become very passive.

Bai Jin didn't care about this. He looked at her and said, "With your strength, as long as you are careful, it doesn't matter if they join forces."

Tang Ning glanced at Bai Jin and Gongsun Ying and said, "What tricks do you have in your back box? Take them out quickly. Don't hide them at this time..."

Bai Jin looked at him and shook his head and said, "We have taught her everything we know. Even if she faces the ten elders, she will not be much weaker. Even if the candidates for the ten veins saints join hands, they are not her opponents."

In this year, Su Mei has made great progress, and Tang Ning can feel it.

After all, Tang Ning has made great progress during the time she was away, but he can deeply feel that the gap between him and Su Mei is bigger than before.

The candidates for the saints nominated by the ten clans are all the best in the clan. Tang Ning estimated that his strength should be no problem to deal with two candidates for the saints, and he might not be a match for Su Mei with five candidates. In other words, there should be no suspense in the competition in two days.

Even so, Tang Ning still pestered the old beggar and taught her a few secret techniques.

The old guy's martial arts were acquired from one mountain gate after another, and he had the strengths of hundreds of schools. Others had one or two secret techniques at the bottom of the box, but he had a whole box.

Thirty miles away from here, the first clan of the Wan Gu Sect and the elders of the other seven clans gathered here.

Although the competition for the saint of Wan Gu Forest was not counted because the ninth elder broke the rules, and the competition would be re-contested in two days, there was still a thorny problem facing all of them.

"Does that woman really have the strength to fight against the Ninth Elder?"

"Doesn't that mean she is already qualified to become one of the Ten Elders?"

"Whether she defeated the Ninth Elder or not, it is an indisputable fact that the people selected by the various sects are far inferior to her..."


After some analysis and discussion, they came to a conclusion that they were unwilling to believe.

In the competition two days later, their chances of winning were really pitiful. The tenth-line woman was like a mountain standing in front of everyone. They could not cross it and could only look up.

Unless they take action personally, other veins can only win if they exclude her from everyone else.

However, they are the top ten elders, and there is no possibility of them doing it themselves, unless they want to be eaten by thousands of poisons and die.

An elder looked at them and said, "I have a proposal..."

"Remove the tenth vein first!"

"All the veins join forces to eliminate the tenth vein first!"

Several elders looked at each other, with strange lights flashing in their eyes.

If they don't eliminate the woman from the Tenth Meridian first, they will have no hope. If this enemy is eliminated first, then who will take the position of the Saint will depend on their own abilities.

An elder said: "This person is good at using poison, telling people of all walks of life to be careful, and covering his face with a veil..."

There are many mountains and forests in Guizhou, and there are many smoky miasma in the forest. When the Gu mountain people encounter the smoky miasma, they often cover their faces with a special gauze to cover their mouth and nose, which can keep the smoky miasma poison out of their bodies.

For opponents who are proficient in poison techniques, it is natural for the ten elders to be prepared for close combat. However, these candidate saints must take certain protective measures, otherwise they will lose the ability to fight back due to poisoning before they get close. force.

"It is said that she has ice silkworm voodoo on her body, and she also knows a way to expel the voodoo. Don't try to defeat her through voodoo..."

A look of surprise appeared on the face of an elder, and he murmured: "When did the Tenth Meridian produce such a talent? If we give this woman another two years, even we will not be her opponents..."

"So, only seven people joined forces to fight her at close range."

"Don't forget, what the Tenth Meridian is best at is martial arts. Whatever means you have, leave it to them. If it's too late, it will be too late..."

Several elders unanimously made a plan to get rid of the powerful enemy of the tenth lineage first. Then, they each returned to their respective residences to give final instructions to the candidate saints of each lineage.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

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