Zhao Man was so excited that he didn't notice that he was still in the outer courtyard.

After Xiao Jue appeared, Zhao Man ran away with a red face. Xiao Jue held the child and looked at Tang Ning with a strange look in his eyes.

Even though he had guessed that Tang Ning and the princess should have a vague relationship, seeing them hugging each other with his own eyes was different from the shock he had just guessed.

Tang Ning didn't explain, looked at the little guy in Xiao Jue's arms, and said, "Congratulations."

Qing'er just told him that Lu Ya gave birth a few months ago, and both mother and child were safe. The Xiao family, which had few descendants, had an heir. The old master Xiao held a banquet in the mansion for half a month, and the Emperor Chen, who was still on the sickbed, also issued an imperial edict, rewarding many rewards, and stated in the imperial edict that when he grew up, he could inherit Xiao Jue's title.

Too many powerful people would increase the burden on the court. The titles of the Chen Kingdom were rarely hereditary. The significance of this imperial edict was very important. If nothing unexpected happened, it could ensure the Xiao family's wealth for decades.

When talking about his son, Xiao Jue's face was full of pride, but he had suffered too many losses in the past, so this time he was much more restrained in front of Tang Ning, and changed the subject: "You have been to the palace, right? Have you seen His Majesty?"

Tang Ning shook his head.

"A lot of things have happened in the capital during the months you were away." Xiao Jue sighed and said, "The court and the palace are now completely controlled by Prince Duan and Concubine Tang Hui."

"Do they control the six ministers or the two prime ministers?" Tang Ning shook his head and asked, "The left and right Yulin Guards are still controlled by the Ling family and the Li family. They are all your majesty's personal guards. How can Concubine Tang Hui control the palace?"

"That's not the case." Xiao Jue heard this and said, "Prince Duan can't move the six ministers at present, but the six ministers can't do anything to him. But there is one thing you said wrong just now. The Left Yulin Guard is not controlled by the Ling family. Ling Yun is no longer the general of the Left Yulin Guard. He was transferred to the West Gate Guard within two days of your leaving Beijing..."

Ling Yun has been the general of the Left Yulin Guard for quite a while. He is a confidant of Emperor Chen and cannot be replaced at will. Tang Ning looked at Xiao Jue and asked, "This Was it also done by Prince Duan?"

"Not this time." Xiao Jue shook his head and said, "During the time when you just left Beijing, the Shangshu Province was originally controlled by Prince Huai. He felt that the Ling family occupied the Jinyuwei and Yulinwei, which was a bit inappropriate, so he transferred Ling Yunping over."

Tang Ning thought for a while and asked, "Who is the new general of Zuoyuwei?"

Xiao Jue thought for a while and said, "It seems to be called Chen Xingyun."

This is the first time Tang Ning has heard this name. It is the first time he has heard of a name that can sit in the position of General Zuoyuwei. Tang Ning continued to ask, "What is this person's background?"

Xiao Jue said, "He doesn't have much background. He was originally a general of the border army. He returned to Beijing after the court withdrew its troops in the northwest."

The Ling family has control over the Jinyuwei and Yulinwei, which is equivalent to half of the capital being controlled by them. It is indeed a bit inappropriate.

But over the years, even Emperor Chen has not said anything. This move by Prince Huai surprised Tang Ning a little.

He knew King Huai. He was a person who didn't care about anything that didn't concern him. It was not his style to transfer Ling Yun out and arrange for someone with no identity or background and no affiliated forces to come in, risking offending the Ling family.

But leaving these aside, his decision was reasonable. Moreover, since the new General Zuo Yuwei had no background or faction, others could not find any faults with King Huai.

When Tang Ning thought of King Huai, he felt that a person like him could be driven out of the Shangshu Province by Prince Duan within half a month, which made him doubt his judgment on Emperor Chen.

Judging from the various performances of Emperor Chen during his reign, he was undoubtedly a wise emperor with great courage that no emperor in history had.

But judging from the choices made by the princes, his wisdom and intelligence disappeared without a trace. Even a pig sitting in his position could make better choices than him.

Xiao Jue held the child in one hand and patted Tang Ning's shoulder with the other hand, saying, "I know you have your own ideas. What I want to say is that no matter what happens, my father and I will stand by you."

This sentence is very important, especially when it comes from the mouth of the general of Ximenwei. Tang Ning smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "I know."

He just returned to Beijing today and found that the situation in Beijing has changed so much. Before making some decisions, he needs to meet some people first.

Xiao Jue keenly discovered that there was an unfamiliar figure among the women of the Tang family. He pointed at A Duo and asked, "Is this... the fifth or the sixth child in your family?"

Xiao Jue didn't wait for Tang Ning's answer. The child in his arms started crying. He hurriedly took it out to find Lu Ya. A Duo came over and looked at Tang Ning with a strange look. She blushed and said, "Brother Tang, you have so many wives..."

The Gu tribe is monogamous, so the situation in the Tang family is a little unexpected in her opinion.

The eyes of the fourth and eighth elders looking at Tang Ning were also full of surprise.

However, this kind of surprise was a shocking surprise.

It was not until this moment that they knew Tang Ning's identity. Before this, they only thought that the saint married him, which was a great commitment. Apart from his good looks, he didn't seem to have anything special.

However, what they didn't expect was that he was actually the right prime minister of the State of Chen, a person who was second only to the first person in the State of Chen and above ten thousand people.

Although the Gu tribe has always been proud, they are not so arrogant as to think that they can compare with the Chen Kingdom.

The fourth elder watched him walk out of the mansion and murmured: "I didn't expect that he actually has such an identity..."

The eighth elder stroked his beard and said: "But it seems that he seems to have encountered some troubles..."


Tang Ning left the mansion and sent Zhao Man back to the palace first, and then went to visit Wang Xiang.

He wanted Zhao Man to bring a message to Emperor Chen, but he didn't expect that now even she couldn't see Emperor Chen.

Tang Ning looked at her and asked: "Can you see Eunuch Wei?"

Zhao Man said: "Eunuch Wei has always served my father. After my father fell ill, Concubine Hui also did not allow the eunuchs and maids in the palace to leave the palace."

Tang Ning said: "I want you to help me bring a message to Eunuch Wei."

Zhao Man thought about it and said: "I'll try..."

Compared with Emperor Chen, Wei Jian should be easier to contact. He is the closest person to Emperor Chen. There is no difference between seeing him and seeing Emperor Chen.

No matter what, Tang Ning needed to know what Emperor Chen was thinking. If even Wei Jian couldn't help, he could only try to go around through the Queen Mother.

After Zhao Man returned to the palace, Tang Ning walked towards the Prime Minister Wang's residence.

Since he left Beijing and Prince Duan took power, Prime Minister Wang also took sick leave, which lasted for half a year. The prime minister never showed up in front of the ministers again.

The people and officials all speculated that Prime Minister Wang was probably also seriously ill like His Majesty. It seemed that the deadline was approaching. When the two biggest pillars of the court fell one after another, it was unknown what kind of chaos the court would be in.

Tang Ning asked someone to bring a cart of precious medicinal herbs and supplements to the door of the Wang family and explained his purpose. When the doorman saw him, he was immediately shocked and said respectfully: "The master is at home, Prime Minister Tang, please come in with me..."

Tang Ning walked into the Wang family, passed through several doors, and saw a figure standing in the yard in front of him from a distance.

The man had his back to him, and his body moved left and right, forward and backward, obviously practicing martial arts.

He performed an unknown set of boxing techniques, which were extremely powerful. Tang Ning could feel the sharpness from a distance.

The old man performing the boxing techniques was obviously not seriously ill. In fact, he was in very good health. Tang Ning initially estimated that even two Xiao Jues were not his opponents, let alone the old men of the same age.

It was widely rumored in the court that Wang Xiang was seriously ill and would soon pass away, but what they didn't know was that even among the civil and military ministers in the court, few could survive a few moves from Wang Xiang.

Tang Ning turned around and looked at the servants who were carrying the precious medicinal herbs and supplements he brought to the Wang family. He waved his hand and said, "Put them back in the car..."

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