Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 889: Death! [Update 3]

Chapter 889 of the main text volume of Ruyi Little Man: Death! [Third update] The nine clans must be punished for the crime of regicide.

The moment she saw Emperor Chen, when Zi Zhu crashed to death in front of her, and when Emperor Chen looked at her with eyes full of sadness and disappointment, Concubine Tang Hui realized that King Duan was finished, the Tang family was finished, and she It’s over.

Emperor Chen didn't say another word. He just took a deep look at Concubine Tang Hui, closed his eyes, and said, "Go back to Yangyang Temple..."

He no longer had to ask Concubine Tang Hui anything. In fact, after knowing that she was poisoned, he already had a guess in his mind.

If he dies at this time, King Duan and Concubine Tang Hui will be the ones who will benefit the most. One of them will become the emperor and the other will become the queen mother. As long as he is the biggest stumbling block, they can get everything they want. .

He asked Tangning to investigate because he just wanted to confirm his suspicion.

However, even though he had already guessed, when he heard and saw with his own eyes that his beloved concubine wanted to let him die early, a sad feeling inevitably arose in his heart.

Tang Ning was standing next to Emperor Chen. He could clearly see the panic and helpless expression on the face of Concubine Tang Hui, who was once aloof and arrogant, when she collapsed to the ground.

Only an hour had passed since Huang Chen asked him to thoroughly investigate the case. An hour ago, she was still the superior Concubine Tang Hui. An hour later, she was about to face an ending with no second possibility.

If a concubine in the harem commits regicide, she should be punished for her crime.

According to blood relationship, Tang Ning should call her aunt. However, the relationship between him and the Tang family had been completely severed that winter more than 20 years ago, and on that rainy night four years ago.

He glanced at Concubine Tang Hui and left behind Huang Chen.

The imperial guards had already rushed forward to control Concubine Tang Hui. When someone picked up Zi Zhu's body, they were shocked and said: "She is still angry!"

A guard leader stepped forward and said with a solemn expression: "Take her down first and wait for His Majesty to deal with her!"

Before Tangning could walk far, she naturally heard the movement behind her.

The palace maid is still alive, just as he expected. For a weak woman like her, it is not an easy thing to hit herself to death on a wooden pillar. In fact, this is indeed something only a master can do. things to do.

When she wakes up and explains everything that Concubine Tang Hui did, the farce of concubine regicide will be over.

Tang Ning didn't sympathize with Tang Huifei, but linking this incident from beginning to end made him feel alarmed.

Whether it was Tang Huifei's conspiracy that was exposed in advance, or the letter he received, or through the palace maid named Zi Zhu, he easily found Tang Huifei's place without any effort...

Everything went too smoothly.

The success gave Tangning the feeling that there was a pair of invisible hands manipulating everything behind her back...

This feeling of being a pawn in the opponent's hands made him very uncomfortable.

But Tangning didn't know who the person behind the scenes was, and she wasn't even sure about the existence of the person behind the scenes.

When Tang Ning followed Emperor Chen to Yang Temple, King Huai was already waiting outside the palace.

Emperor Chen had just summoned King Huai to the palace. The matter of Concubine Tang Hui and Prince Duan was not easy to deal with either the Dali Temple or the Ministry of Punishment.

Even Tang Ning would not be able to interfere in royal matters.

"Father." When King Huai saw Emperor Chen, he hurriedly bowed and saluted.

Emperor Chen ignored him and walked straight into the Yangshen Temple.

Seeing this, King Huai looked at Tang Ning and asked in confusion, "Master Tang, what exactly happened?"

Tangning took a deep look at King Huai and saw confusion and doubt in his eyes.

He lowered his head and said: "Your Majesty's illness was caused by Concubine Tang Hui secretly poisoning her. Just now in Chu Hui Palace, Concubine Tang Hui admitted all this with her own mouth..."

King Huai stood there stunned, as if he was shocked by this incident and could not speak.

Wei Jian walked out, looked at Tang Ning and King Huai, and said, "Your Highness, Lord Tang, Your Majesty lets you in."

Tang Ning and King Huai walked in, and Chen Huang stood in the hall with his back to them. His back was particularly lonely, and his originally tall spine was now bent.

Tangning couldn't sympathize with Chen Huang's feelings. He only felt that Chen Huang was pitiful.

His son wants to kill him, his wife wants to poison him, and regardless of the fact that he is the emperor, as a father and a husband, what could be more chilling than these?

This was more than just chilling, this was a knife inserted into his chest, pulled out, and then inserted again...

Ordinary people might have already questioned the meaning of life when encountering his situation.

Emperor Chen was obviously not someone who would commit suicide. He stood with his back to Tang Ning and King Huai for a long time. When he turned around, his expression had returned to indifference, and he said in a voice without any emotion: "Concubine Tang Hui intends to kill the king. Give her the gift of regicide." Three feet of white silk, let her take her own life, Prince Duan removes the crown prince, and the rest of the participants will be punished as treason..."

He looked at Wang Huai and Tang Ning and said, "I'll leave this case to you two. No one involved in the case will be let go!"

"I obey the decree!"

"My son obeys the order!"

When Tang Ning and King Huai walked outside the palace, they heard violent coughing coming from the palace. After all, Chen Huang's body was still too weak, and he had experienced such a mental shock. What he needed was to rest, and he didn't seem to be willing to do so. After hearing the news about the case again, he handed over the case to Tang Ning and Wang Huai.

"Poisoning Your Majesty, I really didn't expect it..." Tang Ning sighed and said, "Concubine Tang Hui was so bold..."

King Huai had recovered from his shock and shook his head and said, "The most important thing now is to investigate this case thoroughly and give an explanation to my father."

Tang Ning said, "This case is a royal family matter. I, an outsider, can't intervene, so I'll leave it all to Your Majesty."

King Huai looked at him and asked, "This matter is inseparable from the Tang family. Doesn't Lord Tang want to take revenge personally?"

Tang Ning smiled and said, "Concubine Tang Hui murdered the emperor and plotted treason, and the nine clans were executed. 's crime, if it is according to the law, I will also be sentenced to death, so how can I intervene? "

"Lord Tang is joking." King Huai looked at him and said, "Every wrong has its perpetrator, every debt has its creditor. The mistakes made by Concubine Tang Hui and the Tang family should not involve others. What do you think, Lord Tang?"

Tang Ning laughed twice and said, "I think that His Highness King Huai is right."

Tang Ning did not intervene in this matter. First, his identity was sensitive and it was not suitable for him to participate. Second, Tang Jing and his wife should not know about this matter. He handed this matter over to King Huai to handle it, hoping to save his face while saving his own face.

After all, Concubine Tang Hui and the Tang family were the real murderers of Concubine Yang's incident. Tang Ning did not believe that King Huai was completely unaware of this matter. Obviously, King Huai had reached an agreement with him on this matter.

In order not to leak the news, the harem has been blocked. King Huai had to stay in the palace to interrogate the people related to this case. Tang Ning left the harem and walked towards the palace gate.

When passing by the Shangshu Province, Fang Zhe walked out of the Shangshu Province and walked side by side with Tang Ning.

"Tang Huifei murdered the emperor and plotted treason. His Majesty has ordered her to be executed. Tomorrow at the latest, Prince Duan and the Tang family will be arrested. You don't have to worry about the prince. Tell the prime minister that all plans are cancelled..."

Tang Ning whispered and floated away, leaving Fang Zhe on the spot with a shocked look on his face.

Even though he was tough, he was shocked by this sudden news for a long time.

At the same time, in Chuhui Palace.

The eunuchs and maids in Chuhui Palace knelt on the ground in a row, their faces pale, their bodies trembling, and some of the timid ones even cried out.

If the higher-ups were determined to kill Huifei and plot treason, everyone in Chuhui Palace would be beheaded. How could they not be afraid?

King Huai looked at them and said, "You don't have to be afraid. Those in Chuhui Palace who have nothing to do with Hui Fei's rebellion will not be implicated..."

After comforting these palace servants, King Huai looked at the imperial guard and asked, "Where is the maid who was bribed by Hui Fei and poisoned Your Majesty?"

The imperial guard said, "She wanted to commit suicide just now. I tied her up and locked her in the side hall."

King Huai said, "Take me there."

A moment later, in a side hall somewhere in Chuhui Palace, King Huai walked to the door and said, "This case involves a lot of things. When I interrogate her, no one is allowed to come in."

The general also knew that this matter involved the secrets of the royal family, which not everyone could inquire about. He immediately stood up and said, "Yes, sir!"

King Huai walked into the hall and closed the door from the inside.

In the corner of the hall, a thin figure curled up there. Her body was tied tightly with ropes, and a piece of rag was stuffed in her mouth to prevent her from biting her tongue to commit suicide.

King Huai walked over slowly, squatted down, took out the rag from her mouth, and gently wiped the blood on her forehead with his sleeve.

Zizhu didn't dodge or evade, but looked at him with soft eyes. King Huai looked at the wound on her forehead, a trace of pity appeared in his eyes, and asked softly: "Does it hurt?"

Zizhu smiled and shook her head: "No."

King Huai smiled slightly, just like the stubborn boy who lost his mother more than ten years ago and had nowhere to go after being bullied by his brothers. He could only hide in the little palace maid who had just entered the palace to apply medicine.

But at that time, he was often injured and was always taken care of by others.

There was a burst of hurried footsteps outside the palace, and the firelight flashed outside the window. Zizhu's body shrank back.

King Huai held her hand, looked at her with a smile, and said softly: "I am here, don't be afraid."

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