Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 893 I am your cousin!

"Who gave you the Anshenxiang?"

Tang Ning's voice was very soft, but it sounded like thunder in the ears of brothers Tang Qi and Tang Huai.

The two of them raised their heads almost at the same time, looking at Tang Ning with despair on their faces.

This is their Tang family, Prince Duan, and Concubine Tang Hui’s biggest secret, poisoning Your Majesty and plotting rebellion. If this matter is revealed, not only Concubine Tang Hui will die, but their brothers will also die, and Prince Duan’s dream of becoming emperor will also come to nothing...

Tang Ning knew that he would not get any useful information from brothers Tang Huai and Tang Qi, and he just wanted to scare them.

After asking casually, Tang Ning and Wu Liehou walked out of Prince Duan's Mansion.

Stepping out of Prince Duan's Mansion, Tang Ning looked at Marquis Wu Lie and said, "Please, Lord Marquis, let someone guard Prince Duan's Mansion and don't let anyone in or out."

Wu Liehou nodded first, then glanced at him again and asked: "Master Tang, will there be no problem if you do this? Prince Duan is the prince..."

Tangning smiled and said, "It won't be tomorrow."

Wu Liehou paused, looked at him deeply, and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Tang, I will personally lead a thousand gold feather guards to guard here tonight, and I promise not to let a fly fly out..."

Tang Ning looked back at Prince Duan's Mansion and said, "Please, Lord Marquis, I'll treat you to a drink some other time."

When Tang Ning, Lao Zheng and others returned to the Tang Mansion, in Prince Duan's Mansion, Tang Qi and Tang Huai finally recovered from the extreme shock, their bodies trembled at the same time, and they collapsed weakly on the ground.

In this short day, they saw the hope of the Tang family's rise, but now they were overwhelmed by the overwhelming despair.

They knew very well what kind of sin they had committed and what kind of outcome was waiting for them.

Prince Duan was supported by two people and walked over and said, "Uncles, Tangning is no longer the Tangning she was back then. How could you be so frightened like this?"

Tang Qi slumped to the ground, raised his head with difficulty, and said in a hoarse voice: "He, he knows..."

King Duan frowned and asked, "What do you know?"

For some reason, seeing the expressions of Tang Qi and Tang Huai, he suddenly felt an extremely bad premonition in his heart.


After Tang Qi finished speaking, the two servants of the palace who were supporting Prince Duan suddenly felt a slip in their hands. Prince Duan, who was being supported by them, for some reason, suddenly collapsed to the ground like the Tang brothers.

King Duan's already pale face suddenly lost all color.

At this moment, he suddenly understood what Tangning's look meant when she left.

Why does the look in his eyes contain pity...

He was pitying himself, pitying that he had just had everything and was about to lose it...

"Impossible, this is impossible..." A look of confusion appeared on his face, he shook his head repeatedly, and finally burst out laughing: "This is impossible, he is lying to you, he is lying to you!"

When Prince Duan was in the palace, shouting and looking like he was crazy, Tang Ning had already returned to the Tang Palace.

Just now, Wu Liehou left a hundred Jinyu Guards to clean up the scene. When Tang Ning and others returned, there was no body on the ground, but the smell of blood in the air was still very strong.

Tang Ning sighed. With so many people dying in front of the house tonight, he could no longer live in peace. It seemed that it was time to consider moving.

When he returned to the room, Tang Yaoyao was still asleep. She got up from the bed and asked, "What have you been doing for so long?"

When the spies at the gate of Prince Duan's Mansion came to report just now, they were already asleep, and Tang Ning didn't wake them up. Tang Yaoyao still didn't know what happened outside.

"Talled a few fleas." Tangning took off her coat, washed briefly, and got into bed.

He thought of something and asked, "How is the construction of the other courtyard outside the city going?"

"It has been built a long time ago." Tang Yaoyao glanced at him and said, "Would you like to go take a look tomorrow?"

Tang Ning said, "I don't think I have much time tomorrow. Please tell Xiaoru and the others that we will move to another courtyard soon. We can just leave a few servants to take care of the house in the city..."

Tang Ning had his reasons for every decision he made. Tang Yaoyao didn't ask any more questions. She had been waiting for Tang Ning for a long time, and now she felt a little sleepy. She soon fell asleep holding his arm.

For some people, tonight was a sleepless night. Tang Ning had a sweet wife in her arms and had no dreams all night. After getting up and washing up, Qing'er ran in and said that King Huai had been waiting in the side hall for a quarter of an hour.

Tang Ning walked to the side hall, and King Huai put down the tea cup and said, "The palace maid Zi Zhu has already poisoned me last night. He was ordered by Concubine Tang Hui to poison my father half a year ago."

Tangning asked, "Where did they get their soothing incense?"

King Huai said: "According to Zi Zhu, the Tang family sent it from outside the palace."

Although the case of poisoning Emperor Chen was big, there was no need to go to trial. When Concubine Tang Hui confessed her crime, Emperor Chen was by her side. As a concubine, she couldn't get anything like Anshenxiang. She must be connected with the Tang family outside. Without Concubine Tang Hui, the Tang family's wish to poison Emperor Chen was just wishful thinking...

Tangning looked at King Huai again and said straight to the point: "What did your Majesty say?"

King Huai said: "My father doesn't want to hear anything related to this case, so he has left the case to you and me."

It seemed that Chen Huang must be heartbroken this time. His son and wife wanted to kill him. Tang Ning suspected that even if the Fourth Elder could bring him back from the hell gate, he might not be able to get over the hurdle in his heart.

Prince Huai glanced at Tang Ning and said, "The Golden Feathered Guards surrounded Prince Duan's mansion. Was it Prime Minister Tang's idea?"

Tang Ning said, "Prince Duan sent the guards of the palace to attack Tang's mansion last night."

Prince Huai shook his head and said, "I didn't expect him to be so lawless."

Tang Ning asked again, "How does Your Majesty plan to deal with Prince Duan and Concubine Tang Hui?"

Although treason is a capital crime, it also depends on who is the one who is rebelling. Prince Kang rebelled, but was only demoted to a commoner and imprisoned in the palace. Tang Ning was a little curious about how Emperor Chen would deal with Prince Duan and Concubine Hui this time.

Prince Huai said, "My father asked me to spare Prince Duan's life. As for Concubine Tang Hui..., after the case is investigated, I will give her a three-foot white silk and let her end her life on her own."

When Prince Kang rebelled, Concubine Zhang did not participate. Emperor Chen just sent her to the cold palace. This time, Prince Duan rebelled, Concubine Tang Hui was the mastermind. It was not surprising that Emperor Chen sentenced him to death.

He stood up and said, "Let's go to Prince Duan's Mansion."

Prince Duan's Mansion had been surrounded by the Golden Feather Guards last night. Fortunately, it was not in the downtown area, and there were not many people on weekdays. Even the few passers-by, seeing so many guards, had already avoided far away...

As for the high-ranking mansions around Prince Duan's Mansion, the gates had not been opened since last night.

Tang Ning and Prince Huai walked forward, and Marquis Wu Lie came up and saluted, "Meet His Royal Highness Prince Huai, meet Prime Minister Tang."

"My Lord, you have worked hard." Tang Ning bowed to him, and the three of them walked into Prince Duan's Mansion side by side.

Prince Duan was sitting on a stone bench in the courtyard, his face pale. When he saw Tang Ning and others coming in, he stood up and said sternly: "I am the prince, you can't arrest me, you can't arrest me..."

Tang Ning glanced at Prince Duan and the Tang brothers and said: "Take them all away..."

"You can't arrest me, you can't arrest me..." Prince Duan's body was shaking like a sieve, and he said in a trembling voice: "I am your cousin, I am your cousin..."

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