Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 91: Prison Interrogation

Be honest and lie as little as possible, because telling one lie often requires countless lies to cover it up.

Tang Ning couldn't explain now. Why did he come to Ngee'an County Government Office to solve the case?

But he told Li Tianlan just two days ago that he didn't know how to solve crimes.

He looked at Li Tianlan and asked casually: "What is Mr. Li doing here?"

Li Tianlan looked at the inner hall and said: "The things lost this time are not trivial. I'm here to see how the case is being investigated."

Zhong Mingli had already walked to the door, looked back and said, "Ning'er, come in."

Tang Ning walked into the hall, and Li Tianlan thought for a while and followed her in.

Zhong Mingli handed him a booklet and said, "This is the file they compiled. You can take a look first."

Tang Ning looked at Li Tianlan and explained, "I just took a look."

Li Tianlan looked at Zhong Mingli and then at him, with a thoughtful look on his face.

This case was taken very seriously by the local government, and there were many files recorded on it. Tang Ning picked out the important ones to read.

They first arrested all the well-known habitual thieves in Lingzhou City, and then used the elimination method to eliminate those with alibi one by one. In the end, only three people remained.

The time and place of the crime matched, and the three of them were habitual thieves, so there was at least an 80% chance that they were responsible.

But these three people, no matter how they were interrogated or tortured, firmly denied that they had stolen the items.

Tangning thought for a moment, and if it were him, he wouldn't admit it.

The fact that the matter was so big was obviously different from an ordinary theft case. It could not be settled by getting slapped with a few slaps and being held in jail for a few days.

Maybe, my whole life and my life will have to be involved.

Tangning finished reading the file and put it down.

Zhong Mingli and Zhao Zhijie both looked over, and Li Tianlan never took his eyes away from him from beginning to end.

He looked at Li Tianlan, and Li Tianlan looked at him, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Li Tianlan thought for a while and said, "If Tang Jieyuan has any ideas, you might as well tell him."

Miss Li was very popular because she knew how to give people a pass. Tangning thought for a moment and said, "First, ask those three habitual thieves whether they stole the envoy's belongings."

"If we can ask, why are we still standing here?" A policeman looked at him, then looked at Zhao Zhijie, and said: "Master Zhao, those three people have been tortured, and there is no result, so don't let them go." It’s a waste of time, let your people think carefully, is there anyone else who has been missed?”

Zhao Zhijie looked at him and said: "There is no rush, why not let Tang Jieyuan give it a try."

The head catcher named Xiu crossed his arms and looked at Zhao Zhijie with an indifferent expression. When the deadline came, it was Zhao Zhijie who was in trouble, not him. He just liked it.

When she reached the door of the prison, Tang Ning turned around and said, "Everyone, just stay here and leave three detectives to go in with me."

Zhong Mingli, Zhao Zhijie and others originally wanted to go in together, but when he opened his mouth, they had to wait outside. Zhao Zhijie selected three agents to go in with him. Li Tianlan stretched out his hand, stopped the last one, and said: "The thing that the mission lost is not It's unusual, I'll go in with Tang Jieyuan."

The county jail was naturally not a good place. When Tang Ning walked in, she was hit by a musty smell.

He looked back and saw Li Tianlan following him, but without saying anything, he looked at a police officer behind him and asked, "Where are the three of them being held?"

The catcher immediately said: "Tang Jieyuan, please come with me."

Tangning followed him and soon arrived at a cell.

He looked at the three people leaning against the wall and asked in surprise: "The three of them are locked together like this?"

The policeman looked at him suspiciously and asked, "What's going on?"

Tangning sighed and said, "Find two more cells and separate them. The cells should be far apart."

Although the policeman didn't know his intention, Mr. Zhao had already given instructions before he came in. Everything was arranged by Tang Jieyuan. He looked at the two jailers beside him and said, "Find two more cells, farther apart." Yes, separate them."

The two jailers opened the cell door, walked to the three men, looked at two of them, and shouted: "You two, get up!"

In the frightened eyes of the three people, the two jailers dragged two of them out and locked them in the two cells farthest apart on the east and west sides.

Tangning walked into the cell, and the remaining man was already shouting loudly.

"Sir, we are unjustly accused. We really did not steal the things!"

Tangning walked up to the man and asked, "Do you know what will happen to the person who stole things this time?"

The man shook his head with a look of horror on his face.

"Those who threw the things were the Chu envoys. The things they threw were very important." Tangning looked at him and said, "You have also seen that the entire Lingzhou is turned upside down. If you are caught, your head will be lost... , it’s all dead anyway, if I stole it, I wouldn’t say anything, not even to death.”

Li Tianlan looked at him and frowned slightly. The envoy's seal was of no small importance. It was related to the handover of tributes. If it was really lost, the entire mission would not be able to bear the consequences.

And what he said strengthened the man's determination not to say anything.

"Don't take chances." Tangning looked at him, sighed, and said, "If you do this, someone will lose your head. It's related to the diplomatic relations between the two countries, and the nine tribes involved are insignificant. Regardless of this, Which of the three of you brothers did this, and none of you can escape."

The man panicked and said, "Sir, we really don't have..."

"Now I'll give you a chance." Tangning waved her hand, interrupted him, and said, "To be honest with you, even if you confess, it's impossible to let you out. But for the sake of your surrender, I will close the door." In two or three years, I can release you, and after two or three years, you will be a good man again."

When he said this, his voice changed: "But if the other two people confess first, then you will have to wait for eighteen more years. Of course, whether you can be reincarnated as a hero in your next life depends on your luck..."

Tangning noticed that a look of extreme panic flashed across the face of the man in front of her for a moment. Although he quickly calmed down, his clenched fists and slightly trembling body showed that he was not feeling well in his heart. Not peaceful.

The man subconsciously looked to the left and right, but there were only two walls.

He looked at Tangning and said in a trembling voice, "Sir, we don't..."

"It doesn't matter." Tangning waved her hand and said, "You still have some time to think about it. I'll ask the other two."

After saying that, he didn't look at the man again, turned around and walked out of the cell door.

Li Tianlan glanced at the man who was lying limply on the ground, turned around and walked out.

After walking out of that cell, Tangning did not go to the other two cells, but stood a little further away and waited.

Li Tianlan looked at him and said, "Those three are brothers. Will your method work?"

Whether it is useful or not is not for Tang Ning to say. As a very representative example in game theory, the prisoner's dilemma has long been verified by a large number of experiments.

When life is at stake and there is only one chance, brothers may not be reliable.

Tangning looked at her, smiled and said, "We'll find out later if it's useful."

Li Tianlan looked at him and asked, "Didn't Tang Jieyuan say he didn't understand how to solve cases?"

"This has nothing to do with solving crimes." Tang Ning looked at her and said, "This involves a profound knowledge called "game theory". This knowledge can be applied to all aspects of life, and solving crimes is only one of its applications. If Mr. Li If you’re interested, I can tell you in detail when I have time.”

"Tomorrow." Li Tianlan looked at him and said, "I will have time tomorrow."

Tang Ning froze on the spot. Are all Chu people so upright?

In Chen Guo, "have time" actually means "no time", which is just a polite way of saying it.

It's like "I'll treat you to dinner another day". This sentence means that I don't have time to treat you to dinner today, and I probably won't have time in the future. It's just that it's not good to express this meaning in person, so it needs to be expressed in a euphemistic way. .

He looked at Li Tianlan and said with some embarrassment: "I'm really sorry, I have something to do tomorrow..."

"The day after tomorrow." Li Tianlan looked at him and asked, "Does Tang Jieyuan have time the day after tomorrow?"

"The day after tomorrow..." Tangning was still a little embarrassed.

"The day after tomorrow." Li Tianlan looked at him and asked, "Is there anything going on the day after tomorrow?"

The water thrown out by his words was difficult to recover. Tang Ning did not expect that the Chu envoy was not only idle, but also persistent.

He sighed, looked at her and said, "Then it will be the day after tomorrow..."

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