Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 905 Beware

Chapter 905 of the main text of Ruyi Little Man. In the defensive garden, Chen Huang was supported by Wei Jian and walked slowly in the garden. After listening to Tang Ning's words, he turned around and asked, "You want to leave the capital?" ?”

Although the fourth elder prepared the antidote for Chen Huang, his body was not as good as before, and he looked much older than half a year ago.

Tangning nodded and said, "I have been traveling around a lot these years, and I want to take advantage of this period of stability both inside and outside to accompany my wife and family on a trip to Beijing."

Chen Huang asked: "Where to go for fun?"

Tang Ning said: "Let's go to Shannan West Road first. This time I went to Guizhou Province and found that it has beautiful mountains and clear waters and pleasant scenery. It is a good place to enjoy."

"That's fine." Emperor Chen nodded and said, "I have worked hard for you in the past few years. I have peace of mind with the king and ministers regarding matters in the court."

Tangning cupped her hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Emperor Chen thought of something and asked again: "Shang Shu Zuo Cheng Li Qi was demoted and exiled. The position of Zuo Cheng is vacant. The king is old and the affairs of Shangshu Province are beyond his power. Do you have any recommendations for Zuo Cheng?"

Li Qi was originally sent to the grassland by Tang Ning. Later, King Duan was defeated. As a core figure of King Duan's party, he was recalled from his mission and has now been demoted and exiled.

The position of Zuo Cheng has been vacant for some time. Tang Ning shook his head and said, "I can't think of anyone who can fill the vacancy of Zuo Cheng."

There are so many officials in the DPRK. It’s not that no one is qualified for the position of Minister Zuocheng. It’s that the senior officials in the DPRK are like carrots and pits. If the hole of Shangshu Zuocheng is filled, another hole will inevitably be vacated. These days The Nian Chaotang has been reshuffled one after another. Many officials above the fourth rank are newly promoted to the position. Their foundation is not stable, so they are naturally not suitable for further action.

Chen Huang seemed to have been prepared for it. Hearing this, he said: "For the position of Minister Zuocheng, I have a suitable candidate in mind. Jingzhao Yin Zhong Mingli has been in office for several years. He has been diligent and conscientious and has made many achievements." , should be able to shoulder the responsibility of Zuo Cheng.”

Jing Zhaoyin and Shangshu Zuocheng both hold official positions of the fourth rank, but the former is only a local official at best, and the place under his jurisdiction is the capital. The latter is a powerful figure in the Shangshu Province, supervising six ministries and twenty-four divisions, and handling matters nationwide. The duties of the Deputy Prime Minister are exercised on all matters, large and small.

This is also the reason why King Duan can firmly control the government by controlling one Li Qi.

A Jing Zhaoyin is enough for his father-in-law to deal with. If he is put in charge of the Shangshu Province, his daily affairs will definitely be busier and the impact of mistakes will be greater.

Tang Ning cupped her hands and said, "I believe that Jing Zhaoyin is not qualified enough to serve as Minister Zuocheng. Your Majesty, please think again."

Huang Chen waved his hand and said: "As long as you have the ability, seniority is not a problem. You are young, didn't you also sit on the position of prime minister in three years?"

Tangning didn't refute any more, instead she cupped her hands and said, "It's all up to Your Majesty."

He knew that Emperor Chen wanted to tie his father-in-law tightly to the capital. Although he generously gave himself a long vacation, he was still preventing him from running away.

Emperor Chen looked at him and said, "You can go and have fun with peace of mind. Man'er will take good care of you, so you don't have to worry."

If promoting his father-in-law to the position of Minister Zuocheng was an indirect way for him to control Tangning, his last sentence was a naked threat.

His purpose was to tell Tang Ning that Zhao Man, whom he liked, was still in the capital. If he left and never returned, he would never see her again.

Chen Huang waved his hand and said, "There's nothing going on. You can go down first."

Tang Ning cupped her hands and said, "I'm leaving."

"Wei Jian." After Tang Ning left the hall, Chen Huang suddenly spoke.

"Old slave is here." Wei Jian hurriedly stepped forward.

Chen Huang asked: "Do you think he wants to leave?"

Wei Jian thought for a while and said: "Master Tang has done a lot for the imperial court in these years. He has been sent to the Chu State, to the grassland, and to Jiangnan and Guizhou to quell the chaos. He should go out and have a good rest. , relax and relax..."

Huang Chen's eyes were slightly stern and he said, "What I mean is that once he leaves, he doesn't plan to come back."

"How is this possible?" Wei Jian smiled and said, "Master Tang is the prime minister and a general. How can he be willing to leave these behind and never come back?"

"Maybe others are reluctant, but he is willing." Chen Huang said: "He is the same as Ruier. I don't see the slightest desire for power in their eyes. I understand them. The prime minister, the general, and even the throne are in In their eyes, they are all like worn out shoes.”

He smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly and said: "I, the most outstanding prince of the Chen Kingdom, do not want to be the emperor, and the most capable and courageous minister. I only love the love of my children. What sins have I committed in my life..."

Wei Jian smiled and said: "From what I see, your Majesty is overly worried. It is precisely because Mr. Tang only loves the love between his children. As long as the princess is in the capital, he will definitely come back..."

"Of course I know, but I still have to be wary of him." Emperor Chen looked at Wei Jian, thought for a while, and ordered: "Before Tangning leaves the capital, Man'er is not allowed to leave the palace, otherwise he will be in front of me again. What kind of tricks are you using..."

Wei Jian nodded helplessly, bowed and said: "I obey the order."

Tang Ning wanted to take Zhao Man with her when she left Beijing this time, but Huang Chen was obviously wary of him. It was not easy to take her away quietly.

When he came out of the palace, he did not go back to the other courtyard, but to the palace in Jingnei, next door to the princess's palace.

He waited for half an hour in the mansion, but Zhao Man didn't show up. Tang Ning's face showed a strange color. He and Zhao Man had agreed to meet at the princess' mansion at noon today. She always arrived early and had never been late for so long.

Tang Ning waited for a full hour and finally concluded that something must have happened in the palace.

He walked out of the Tang mansion and headed for Princess Anyang's mansion.

He could enter the palace, but he didn't have a suitable reason to see Zhao Man.

A long time ago, Princess Anyang became the mouthpiece between the two of them.

In the Princess's mansion, Princess Anyang looked at him with her arms around her chest and asked, "Why are you here? Do you feel guilty and want to give me another 10% of the profit?"

Tang Ning said, "It's not impossible to discuss this, but now I have an important thing to ask the Princess..."

Although Princess Anyang was sometimes inexplicable, she was very reliable. After listening to Tang Ning's explanation of his intention, she immediately went to the palace to help him find out the situation.

This made Tang Ning feel a little embarrassed, so he decided to wait for her to come back and give her another 10% of the store's profit.

Tang Ning was waiting in the room alone. A maid was looking out the door. When Tang Ning looked over, she ran away in a panic.

The maid was Princess Anyang's personal maid, Pin'er. It was not the first time Tang Ning had seen her, so he did not pay much attention. He stayed in the room for a while, and then heard footsteps outside the door again.

"Anyang..." Prince Fu walked in from outside the door. When he saw Tang Ning, he was stunned for a moment, and his pace suddenly quickened. He asked, "Why are you here? Where is Anyang?"

"Hello, Your Majesty." Tang Ning bowed to him and said, "The princess has something to do in the palace. I'm waiting for her here."

The look in Prince Fu's eyes when he looked at him was still suspicious. Although his daughter had many friends, including many young talents, she had never invited any man into her boudoir, let alone repeatedly.

He looked at Tang Ning and asked, "What does Prime Minister Tang want to see Anyang about?"

Of course, he couldn't tell Prince Fu about his relationship with Zhao Man. Tang Ning smiled and said, "Some business matters."

"What business matters?" Prince Fu sat down opposite him, intending to get to the bottom of it.

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