Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 912: Interpretation

Until Tang Ning found an inn, booked the second floor of the inn, and settled down temporarily in Shazhou, a certain part of his waist still hurt.

Xiaoxiao gave him a helpless look, closed her door and went to take a shower.

After entering the room, Tang Yaoyao snorted coldly and sat on the bed without saying anything.

Tang Ning sighed secretly. He admitted that he had indeed incurred more debts of love, but he would not be so tasteless as to be tempted by seeing a few foreign women with exposed belly on the street.

Don't worry about the jealous Tang Yaojing, she will be fine in a while.

Tang Ning was worried about his mother and Tang Shui who were in Xiaowan. Xiaowan was different from Chen Chu and Qiandi. Tang Ning had no eyes and ears there, and those elite members of the Beggar Gang, except Hong Qi, did not escape alone. I am afraid that they all became prisoners of Xiaowan.

No matter how urgent his heart was, what he needed to do now was to calm down and collect information about the Western Regions and Xiaowan.

In addition, they also need at least one guide who is proficient in the language of the Western Regions. After all, none of them knows the language of the Western Regions. If they rashly enter the Western Regions, they will encounter unimaginable obstacles in communication because they cannot communicate with the language.

However, this is not difficult. The Western Regions and the State of Chen have traded with each other in the early years. In Shazhou City, there are many people who make a living by translating, called interpreters. They are proficient in the languages ​​of both places. Merchants from the Western Regions and the State of Chen are willing to hire them and follow the caravan all the way. They only need to pay them a part of the remuneration.

Although the languages ​​of dozens of small countries in the Western Regions are not exactly the same, except for a few countries, the languages ​​are similar. Generally speaking, hiring two interpreters is enough to solve the problem of communication.

As for big countries like Xiaowan and Wusun, there are already many envoys who are proficient in Chinese, so there is no need to worry about communication.

Even so, just in case, before setting off, Tang Ning still plans to find a reliable interpreter.

Seeing Tang Ning sitting at the table without speaking for a long time, Tang Yaoyao slowly came over and whispered: "Don't worry, didn't you say Xiaowan is always very good to the captives, they will be fine."

Tang Ning sighed lightly and said: "If I had stopped them from coming to the Western Regions, it would be fine."

Tang Yaoyao shook her head and said: "My cousin wants to come to the Western Regions to find her parents. Even if you want to stop her, you can't stop her."

She suddenly thought of something, looked at Tang Ning, and asked: "If cousin Tang Shui finds her parents, can your engagement be cancelled?"

Tang Ning nodded. The engagement between Tang Ning and Tang Shui was made by both parents, and both parents can naturally cancel it.

Tang Yaoyao asked again: "What if she doesn't find it?"

The ancients attached great importance to trust and promises. Parents' orders and matchmakers' words, a marriage made by both parties, one party naturally cannot break the contract, this is etiquette.

If the other party has passed away, this agreement cannot be easily violated, otherwise it will be despised by thousands of people.

But, we can't really let him and Tang Shui fulfill the agreement made by their parents, right?

Cousin turned into a wife, thinking of that possibility, Tang Ning swallowed his saliva, tapped Tang Yaoyao's forehead, and said righteously: "What are you thinking about all day long? Go take a shower, we still have to go out to do things after you wash!"

Tang Ning exposed her dirty thoughts, Tang Yaoyao went to take a shower in shame. The air in Shazhou today was very bad, and the air was filled with wind and sand. She and Xiaoxiao had been walking outside for so long that they couldn't stand it.

Tang Ning sat at the table, waiting for Tang Yaoyao to take a shower and go out together. For some reason, an idea suddenly emerged in his mind.

After a moment, he sank his face, slapped himself lightly, spit hard, and said angrily: "Bah, scum!"


Although Shazhou is located in the desert, the weather is hot and the air is not very good, the quality of the fruits here is very good.

Tang Yaoyao and Xiaoxiao each held a piece of melon, and Tang Ning was holding a bunch of grapes. Due to the large temperature difference between day and night in Shazhou, the fruits grown here are very easy to accumulate sugar. Tang Ning has eaten a lot of tribute fruits, but they can't compare with the local fresh goods.

It is said that the further west you go outside Yumen Pass, the sweeter the fruits produced, but they are not durable in preservation. Only in the local area can you taste their original taste.

With the lesson just now, Tang Ning's eyes no longer look at those women with exposed navels and forearms. He asked about the place to hire interpreters, and walked towards the Interpretation Office while strolling with Xiao Tang Yaoyao.

The Interpretation Office in Shazhou is not an official institution, but a spontaneous organization of the people. After passing the assessment of the Interpretation Office, you can become an interpreter and can be recommended by the Interpretation Office to the Chen State or the Western Regions caravan that needs interpreters.

Correspondingly, the Interpretation Office will also extract part of their remuneration as a reward for recommendation.

In addition, there are some people who have not passed the assessment of the Interpretation Bureau, and they usually do some translation business. The level of these interpreters is generally not very high, and only some small caravans will hire them to save money.

These are what Tang Ning learned from the waiter of the inn.

Tang Ning naturally still hopes to recruit a reliable interpreter, so he did not take a second look at the unlicensed interpreters wandering outside the Interpretation Bureau.

As soon as he stepped into the Interpretation Bureau, a manager came up to him and asked enthusiastically: "Sir, do you need an interpreter?"

Tang Ning nodded and said: "I need an interpreter who is proficient in the languages ​​of the Western Regions. Do you have any recommendations?"

"Proficient in the languages ​​​​of various countries?" The steward was stunned, looked at Tang Ning, and asked, "May I ask, Sir, which countries are the various countries specifically?"

Tangning asked: "Isn't there an interpreter who understands all the languages ​​of the country?"

The steward was stunned again, and then said with a smile: "Young Master is joking, there are more than thirty countries in the Western Region, large and small, and almost every country has a different language. How can there be an interpreter who understands the languages ​​​​of all countries at the same time?"

Although Tang Ning's ultimate destination for this trip was Xiaowan, in order to avoid any mishaps along the way, it was better to be well prepared. He originally thought that if someone could speak multiple languages, he would be able to save a lot of trouble. But now it seems , but I took it a little bit for granted.

At this time, a young man suddenly came up and said, "Don't listen to him. If you want an interpreter, you can come to me. I am proficient in the languages ​​of the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, and I am familiar with the terrain of the Western Regions. The price is fair, and the price is reasonable." bully……"

When the steward saw the young man, he kicked him hard on the butt and said angrily: "Bahar, if you make trouble here again, I'll have your legs broken!"

The young man was kicked and ran away quickly. The steward looked at Tang Ning and said with a smile, "This is just a scoundrel. Young master, don't worry about him..."

Tangning ignored the young man, looked at the steward, and said, "Then find someone who is proficient in Xiaowan language."

"Xiaowan?" The steward's expression changed and he said, "Master, are you going to Xiaowan?"

Tangning looked at him and asked, "Why, isn't there an interpreter here who understands Xiaowan dialect?"

"That's not true." The steward shook his head and said: "A few years ago, Xiaowan was just a small country with a population of only a few hundred. There were not many interpreters here who knew Xiaowan dialect, but there were a few. The problem is that now in the Western Region The biggest reason for the tense situation is Xiaowan, which is very dangerous and there are no interpreters willing to go to Xiaowan..."

Tangning looked at the steward and said, "Just ask for me, money is not an issue."

The steward said: "There are two interpreters here who understand Xiaowan dialect. Master, please wait here for a moment while I go and ask for you."

The steward left the lobby and came back after a while, shaking his head and saying, "Sir, what a coincidence. The two interpreters went elsewhere with the caravan yesterday, and they won't be able to come back until two months at the earliest. "

Tang Ning couldn't wait for two months. He felt a little regretful, thanked the manager, and planned to leave.

"Young Master." He was about to turn around when the steward stopped him again and said, "Nothing is as important as life. I would like to advise you not to go to Xiaowan..."

"Thank you for reminding me." Tangning smiled and threw a piece of silver over. The steward subconsciously took it. After weighing it, he found that there were at least ten taels of silver in his hand. He was overjoyed and immediately put it away. .

He bowed to Tangning's leaving background before turning around and leaving.

At the same time, in the interpretation hall, the eyes of several people who happened to see this scene suddenly lit up.

Tangning walked out of the interpretation center, feeling a little disappointed. Just as he was about to go back to the inn to think of another solution, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Are you going to Xiaowan?"

Tangning turned around and saw the young man who had just been kicked away by the steward walking towards him.

Tangning looked at the young man named Bahar and asked, "Do you understand Xiaowan dialect?"

Bahar raised his head and said: "Didn't I just say that I am proficient in the thirty-six languages ​​of the Western Regions. In addition to Xiaowan, I also understand Dayue, Qiuci, Wusun..."

Tang Ning looked at him and asked, "There are so many interpreters who dare not go to Xiaowan. Aren't you afraid of death?"

"They know nothing!" Bahar glanced disdainfully and said, "I'm familiar with the situation in the Western Regions. No country is safer than Xiaowan. If Xiaowan can't go, then you can't go anywhere in the Western Regions..."


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