Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 924: Alliance Rejected (1/2)

The 924th chapter of the text of Ruyi Xiaolangjun: Alliance Rejected. What is happening inside and outside the city wall of Wutanzi State is jaw-dropping.

All the fighting forces of Wutanzi State stood on the city wall in astonishment, watching the horse thieves under the city wall in a panic, screaming and wailing. The horse thieves, who have ten times the number of Wutanzi troops, have no time to attack the city, and are besieged by countless poisonous creatures, crying and screaming, and their situation is miserable.

"Devil's land, this is the devil's land!"

"Wutanzi is protected by the devil..."



I don't know who shouted the first time, and then he jumped on the horse and ran away. The first person's escape finally defeated the psychological defense line of the horse thieves. They dropped their weapons and began to flee in all directions, and even several horse thief leaders were no exception.

On the city wall, seeing the bandits who had just come in a fierce manner fleeing at a faster speed than when they came, the people of Wu Tanzi looked at the king standing in the front with reverence and enthusiasm, as if they were looking at a god.

Tang Ning looked at the Eighth Elder behind him and said, "Let these poisonous insects disperse."

The Eighth Elder sighed, drew his bow and shot an arrow, and a lit rocket shot at the sheep corpse, and a raging fire immediately burned.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the sheep corpse was burned to charcoal, and under the city wall, the dense army of poisonous insects finally began to dissipate.

Lao Zheng also sighed, looked at the bandits who had already fled far away, and put the butcher knife in his hand back to his waist.

There was no tragic battle as imagined. Wu Tanzi killed more than 200 bandits at the cost of zero casualties, causing nearly 2,000 bandits to flee. Only the bodies of the bandits outside the city wall proved that something extremely tragic had happened here.

Sadik led his men to pile up the bodies outside the city wall and burn them all. Thick smoke billowed over the desert, and could be seen from ten miles away.

Many figures hiding in the dark looked in the direction of Wu Tanzi with shocked expressions.

Hu Hu Kingdom.

When the King of Huhu heard the shocking news, he stood up suddenly, not caring that his knees hit the corner of the table, and said in shock: "What did you say? Two thousand horse thieves were defeated and fled without even entering the gate of Wutanzi?"

The faces of the people below were still full of shock, but they still said firmly: "It is absolutely true. I saw it with my own eyes. Wutanzi defeated those horse thieves in just a quarter of an hour. They burned the bodies of the horse thieves and should be holding a celebration meeting now..."

The King of Huhu looked surprised and suspicious. Wutanzi was outnumbered by two hundred against two thousand, but they could let those horse thieves flee after leaving hundreds of bodies without casualties. How powerful were they?

More importantly, the horse thieves did not get any benefits from Wutanzi this time, and I am afraid they will never dare to move against Wutanzi again.

In this case, where will their goal be?

Apart from the caravans passing through the Western Regions, there are these small countries.

The leader of Huhu State is very clear about the strength of his country. They don't have the strength of Wutanzi. Let alone two thousand, a hundred horse thieves can slaughter Huhu State.

If they continue to sit and wait for death, the disaster of Huhu's destruction is just around the corner.

At the same time, Cheshi Weidu, Cheshi Houcheng, Jie State and other countries also received the news, and their reactions were similar to Huhu State.

It is one thing that the strength of Wutanzi State greatly exceeded their expectations. The horse thieves will definitely target them if they encounter a wall in Wutanzi State. If there is any mistake, there will be no countries like Cheshi and Jie State in the Western Regions in the future.

Cheshi Weidu State, the King of Cheshi Weidu looked down solemnly and said: "Send an envoy to Wutanzi quickly..."

Cheshi Houcheng, the King of Cheshi Houcheng paced in the room, suddenly looked at someone in the hall, and said: "Prime Minister, you go to Wutanzi personally..."

Jieguo, the King of Jieguo walked out of the palace and said in a deep voice: "Prepare horses, I will go to Wutanzi personally..."


Wutanzi survived the disaster, and after this incident, those horse thieves should not dare to come again, so naturally they have to celebrate.

Sadiq had dozens of sheep roasted, and people from all over the country gathered together to eat a whole sheep banquet. To be honest, it is better to say that this is a disaster for the people of Wutanzi than a disaster for these sheep.

Halfway through the banquet, a guard walked in quickly and told Tang Ning, Hu Hu, Cheshi Weidu, the envoy of Cheshi Houcheng, and the King of Jieguo wanted to meet and discuss the alliance.

The people of Wutanzi around him all showed indignation on their faces when they heard this.

Two days ago, when Wutanzi encountered a disaster and asked them for help, none of these countries paid attention to them. Now that they learned that Wutanzi was powerful, they immediately wanted to form an alliance to seek asylum. It can be said that they were extremely shameless.

"They are well-informed." Tang Ning glanced at Sadik and said, "Let them in."

Huhu, Cheshi Weidu and other countries knew that Wutanzi had just changed its leader, but they did not expect that their new leader was actually a Han Chinese, and so young.

"Meet the leader..." Several people walked in and bowed, even the leader of Jieguo was no exception.

Including the leader of Jieguo, several people spoke Chinese. Chinese is a second mother tongue in the Western Regions. Judging from the number of people who know Chinese, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first language in the Western Regions.

This saved Tang Ning the need for translation. After asking someone to seat a few of them, he asked calmly, "What important business do you have for coming to our country?"

Among them, the leader of Jie Kingdom was the most distinguished. He stood up and said with a smile: "To be honest, we are here to form an alliance this time."

Tangning asked in confusion: "Forging an alliance, what kind of alliance?"

Seeing the young king knowingly asking questions and pretending to be stupid to the end, the hearts of several people immediately sank.

Obviously, he was still thinking about their previous refusal to assist.

But no matter what, they must embrace the big tree of Wu Tan Zi, otherwise, several countries will be destroyed in these few days.

The leader of the Jie Kingdom looked at him and said bravely: "Today, the Western Region is in chaos, horse thieves are rampant, and the big countries are annexing each other. If these small countries like us want to survive in the Western Region, we must unite together to continue the country and avoid being destroyed. The country was annexed by a big country and destroyed by horse thieves. I hope the country’s leader will seriously consider..."

Tang Ning smiled and asked, "In that case, when I, Wu Tanzi, asked you to borrow troops two days ago, why didn't your country borrow them?"

Everyone had embarrassment on their faces. Tangning waved her hands and said, "Let's forget about the alliance. I, Wu Tan Zi, are not afraid of horse thieves, nor are we afraid of those big countries. If they dare to come, we will let them do it." There is no return.”

The leader of Jie Kingdom and others felt bitter in their hearts. Wu Tan Zi was not afraid, but they were afraid. They did not have Wu Tan Zi's strength. A few hundred horse thieves could wipe them all out. Today's fight with Wu Tan Zi Whether they form an alliance or not is related to the survival of their country.

The leader of Jie Country said: "Your country must not show off its bravery for a moment. If you unite more countries, you will have more strength..."

Tangning thought for a while, then nodded and said, "What you said makes sense. The countries in the Western Region are one family, and it is better to form an alliance..."

Several people's faces showed joy, and they said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, the countries in the Western Regions are one family, and everyone is one family..."

Tangning's face darkened and she asked, "Since we are a family, why did you not save me this time?"


Several people looked at each other, choked by Tangning's words and speechless.

Do you want them to say that if both Wu Tan Zi and the horse thieves lose, they will be relieved of the crisis, so they refuse reinforcements. Who would have thought that you Wu Tan Zi are so powerful, and two thousand horse thieves are no match for you. Please protect us too. Protect us...

These people are all people of status and status, and they cannot say such shameless things.

"It's okay to have an alliance." Tangning paused, looked at everyone, and said, "But I have a condition."

Several people said in unison: "What conditions?"

Before they came, they were prepared for the lion of Wu Tan Zi to open his mouth. Money, women, men, as long as they did not touch the bottom line of each country, they could satisfy Wu Tan Zi. Just think of it as paying a high asylum fee.

Tangning looked at them and said slowly: "Hand over military power."

The atmosphere froze for a moment, and then several people spoke decisively.


"How can this be!"

"This is absolutely not okay!"

The military power is in the hands of the kings of each country. If the military power is handed over to Wu Tan Zi, doesn't it mean that they have surrendered to the Wu Tan Zi country?

What is the difference between this and a country being destroyed?

"Then there's no need to talk." Tangning glanced at them, stood up, and said, "Bahar, see the guests off!"

After saying that, he walked straight to the back hall without looking at the others.

Several people did not expect that this greedy king could be so decisive, vindictive, and petty.

Because they refused to assist two days ago, he actually gave up this proposal that was beneficial to everyone, preferring to let Wu Tanzi face the upcoming storm in the desert independently...

Bahar stepped forward, looked at them, and said, "Guys, please go back..."

His spine was very straight. When did he, Bahar, stand in front of the ministers, prime ministers and kings of these Western Region countries and speak in this tone? Even after leaving the desert, he would still be bragging.

Several people looked at each other, sighed, and walked out slowly.

The leader of the Wutanzi Kingdom is more stingy than they thought, but they are absolutely willing to help hand over military power. It seems that this matter will be discussed in the long run.

After Che Shi, Jie Guo and others left the Wutanzi Kingdom, Sadiq stood behind Tangning with a look of joy on his face and said, "These people want to see us and the horse thieves lose both sides. Now that they see how strong we are, they take the initiative." It’s so shameless to stick it up!”

"What's your face compared to your life?" Tangning shook her head and asked, "How did you go about asking about the things I asked you to inquire about?"

Sadiq looked serious and said: "Returning to the country, Lord, Sare used to be an undercover agent among a group of horse thieves, and he knows many horse thieves' dens nearby..."

He glanced at Tang Ning and asked, "Master, do we really want to take action against those horse thieves?"

A smile appeared on Tangning's face and she said, "It's not rude to come back without reciprocating. Why, they are allowed to rob us, but we are not allowed to rob them?"

Sadiq showed a hint of murderous intent on his face and said: "The subordinates will immediately gather troops and horses..."

"No need." Tangning waved her hand and said, "Just tell me where the dens of those horse thieves are..."

After what happened in Wu Tan Zi Kingdom, Tang Ning deeply realized that the horse thieves in the desert were also a huge force.

No wonder Xiaowan, after accumulating enough capital, the first thing he did was to recruit horse thieves. After his power further expanded, he took the idea of ​​​​other countries.

Wu Tanzi's start was similar to that of Xiaowan. This routine is worth learning. People should learn to learn from history, especially successful experience.

Tangning looked at Sadiq and said, "Go and tell those old people that I have something to discuss with them..."

Black Tiger Village is a horse thief village in the desert. With the three heads of the village, there are about a hundred people in the village. It can be considered a medium horse thief force.

More than a hundred horse thieves can easily wipe out small countries like Shan Huan and Hu Hu, but they are still far behind against the slightly stronger Wu Tan Zi country.

The creditor of Black Tiger Village is named Liu Heihu. He was originally from the Chen Kingdom. He was wanted by the government for killing someone. He gathered a group of brothers and went to the Western Regions to become horse thieves. After more than ten years, they also carved their own niche in the desert.

This time, the proposal to jointly massacre Wu Tan Zi was proposed by Liu Heihu, the creditor of Black Tiger Village.

No matter how small the number of people in Wu Tan Zi is, it is still a small country. If we rob them, they will not have to open again for two or three years.

But what they didn't expect was that they were driven back by the poisonous insects before they even touched the city wall of the Wutanzi Kingdom. The leader Liu Heihu was even stung by a poisonous scorpion. Most of his life was lost and he could only lie down. Recuperate in the village.

In the creditor's room in Heihu Village, Liu Heihu was lying on the bed. A horse thief looked at him and asked: "Master, what should we do now? Should we go to Wutanzi?"

"Go to hell!" Liu Heihu's heart trembled when he mentioned Wu Tan Zi. He remembered the terrifying scene again. He picked up the teacup on the table and threw it directly at the horse thief who didn't open the pot. He was furious. Said: "Don't bring up Wu Tan Zi in front of me from now on. That place is too damn evil. I will never go there again!"

The horse thief dodged the tea cup, and his heart trembled when he thought of the scene at that time. This time, not only did they not even see the people of Wutanzi, but they also lost more than a dozen brothers. Thinking of those poisonous insects made him go crazy. Ma, I vowed never to go to that horrible place again.

Thinking of something, the horse thief trembled in his heart and suddenly asked: "Master, those poisonous insects won't come after you, right?"

Liu Heihu became furious, pointed at him and cursed: "Damn it, I told you not to mention this!"

At this time, the horrified voice of the horse thief came again.

"Dang, boss, look at what's on the ground..."

Liu Heihu looked at the ground, and his face immediately turned pale.

I saw scorpions, spiders, and centipedes crawling out from nowhere and gathering somewhere in the room.

At the end of the gathering of poisonous insects, an old woman with white hair sat on a chair and looked at him with a look of death.

"You, who are you..." Even though Liu Heihu had dozens of lives on his hands, seeing this strange and familiar scene, he couldn't help but feel his scalp numb and asked in a trembling voice.

The old woman looked at him and asked, "Are you Liu Heihu?"

Liu Heihu's heart trembled, and then he shook his head violently and said repeatedly: "You are looking for our boss, I am not, he is in the next room..."

The old woman glanced at him, stood up, and said, "Since it's not the case, you can die."

Liu Heihu was startled, then immediately jumped out of bed and said loudly: "I am, I am, I am Liu Heihu..."

The old woman said: "You said no just now."

Liu Heihu immediately took out a waist card from his arms, handed it over, and said: "I am, I am, I am Liu Heihu. You see, this is my waist card. Only those with this waist card can have it..."

The old woman took the badge and looked at it, then looked at him again and asked, "Are you Liu Heihu who specializes in robbing Han caravans and never leaves anyone alive?"

Liu Heihu looked at the old woman and had an unpleasant premonition in his heart. Before he could speak, the horse thief in the room pulled out his knife and said loudly: "Old man, how did you get in? What are you doing with our boss!" "

"The boss..., it seems you are really Liu Heihu." The old woman looked at Liu Heihu and said, "In this case, you can go and die."

After she finished speaking, she stretched out her skinny palm and easily broke the neck of the fierce horse thief whose hands were stained with blood.

She let go of her hand, and Liu Heihu's body fell limply to the ground.

She looked at the horse thief in the room and asked, "Where are the other leaders?"

The horse thief threw the knife in his hand to the ground and walked outside, saying: "Old man, I will take you there. I am familiar with this place..."

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