Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 935: Succession

Mr. Xu and Tang Ning walked to the front of the palace, stopped, and said to Tang Ning, "Young Lord, the Lord is inside. You can go in by yourself."

Tang Ning stood at the entrance of the palace and stood quietly for a moment before slowly walking into the hall.

This palace is not big, it should be a place like a study. One wall is filled with bookshelves, and the bookshelves are full of books. The other walls are covered with calligraphy and paintings. He looked at the prompts on them, There were waves in my heart.

These poems were all copied by him a few years ago.

Judging from the paper quality of these calligraphy and paintings, they must have been hanging here for some time. In other words, the owner of this study began to pay attention to him from that time on.

Tang Ning looked inside the palace. A figure in green stood in front of the window. Hearing the sound at the door, he slowly turned his head.

The moment she saw the figure's face clearly, Tang Ning's heart seemed to stop beating. The face that had been buried deep in her memory and that she had not dared to recall for many years overlapped with the face in front of her.

His heart tightened suddenly, and certain images flashed through his mind from time to time, making his nose sore and almost causing tears. He whispered, "Dad..."

Although his voice was low, it was clearly audible in the empty hall.

The middle-aged man's body shook violently, he looked directly at Tang Ning, and the next moment, he burst into laughter.

Even Tang Ning didn't notice that his tense body suddenly relaxed.

Perhaps it was because his fathers in both worlds had the same face that Tangning couldn't feel any alienation when she saw him.

And this feeling never appeared before even when he saw his mother.

He gathered his mood, looked at the familiar figure in front of him, and said, "Dad."

Tang Ding strode forward, grabbed his shoulders, and said with a smile, "Good boy..."

During this trip to the Western Regions, all the things that happened were beyond Kang Ning's expectations.

He formed the Western Region Allied Powers here and became the leader of the Allied Powers. The leader of the Xiaowan Kingdom, who was already half the owner of the Western Regions, turned out to be his father.

Of course, although these accidents are unexpected, they are not a bad thing.

He is most gratified that his mother will not be alone for the rest of her life.

And even in two lifetimes, he had never imagined that the family could sit together like this and have a reunion dinner in peace and contentment.

Tang Yu put a few bites of vegetables into his and Tang Yaoyao's bowls, and said with some distress, "It's my mother who made you suffer..."

The vegetables in the bowl had piled up into a small mountain. Tang Yaoyao blushed and said, "I haven't suffered..."

Tangning had fantasized about having a simple home-cooked meal with her parents countless times, but that car accident took away everything from him, including this not-so-luxurious dream.

He thought he would never have another chance to realize his dream, but God finally gave him a second life, which made up for his biggest regret.

Halfway through the meal, Tang Ding suddenly put down his chopsticks, looked at Tang Ning, and said, "Since Ning'er has come to the Western Regions, I will pass on the title of head of the country to you tomorrow."

"Ahem!" Tangning was shocked by the sudden news. She almost choked on a mouthful of rice. She hurriedly put down her chopsticks and said, "This is absolutely impossible..."

"What's wrong?" Tang Ding looked at him and said, "Xiao Wan has prepared everything for you. Now, it's time for you to take over."

Tang Ning had never thought about becoming the leader of the Xiaowan Kingdom. His purpose of coming to the Western Regions this time was just to take his mother and Tang Shui back and live a free life in Guizhou.

Who would have thought that not only did he create an ally in the Western Region this time, he even became the young master of Xiaowan. If Emperor Chen knew that Tang Ning was the master of Xiaowan, who was against Chen, I'm afraid that I will never marry my daughter to him.

Tangning looked at him and said, "I mean, if I become the leader of the country, what will you do?"

Tang Ding said, "The wind and sand in the Western Regions are too strong. I plan to take your mother to live in the south of the Yangtze River."


Even if they want to go to Jiangnan to live in a world of two, don't leave this mess to him. Xiaowan is now facing the siege of Dayue and Wusun, and Chen Guo is also ready to make a move. If it weren't for the fact that Tang Ning and he are indeed five or six years old. They were so similar that he even doubted whether he was their biological child.

Naturally, Tangning didn't want to be the leader of the country. Even without Dayue and Wusun, he still felt that the Western Region was very windy and sandy, so how could he let Xiao Ru Xiaoyi and the others follow him and suffer here?

He shook his head and insisted, "The situation in Xiaowan is tense now. We are facing the siege of Dayue and Wusun. I am afraid that this huge foundation will be destroyed in my hands."

Tang Ding smiled and said, "Dayue and Wusun are nothing to be afraid of. Now that their army is restrained by us, you can lead the Western Region allies and occupy their main city. Their army has no home to return to and no food to provide." , there is only one way to return."

Before Tangning could refuse, he waved his hand and said, "That's it."

Tangning opened her mouth, but ultimately said nothing.

The two of them had been separated for more than 20 years, and it was time for them to enjoy peace and happiness. Jiangnan was a good place. If Tangning hadn't planned to abduct Chen Huang's daughter and was worried that she would cause trouble for him all over the world, he would have wanted to settle down in Jiangnan.

As for the mess in the Western Region, he had to put some effort into cleaning it up before going back.

To leave the Western Regions safely, Dayue and Wusun must be resolved first. Secondly, the relationship with Chen State also needs to be reconsidered.

In a short period of time, Tang Ning thought about many things, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

If the Western Regions could be unified, Xiaowan would have the strength to directly compete with Chen Chu. At that time, wouldn't it be just right for him to marry Zhao Man and Li Tianlan as the ruler of Xiaowan?

If the bargaining chip is that there will be no more war between the two countries, I think Emperor Chen will be very happy.

Thinking about it this way, Tang Ning was not opposed to it at all.

Tang Yu seemed to remember something, looked at Tang Ding, and said, "I am from the Tang family. If I appear in Chen State again, it will cause trouble for you and Ning'er. There is nothing bad about the Western Regions. Why don't we stay here in the future..."

"I said before that I would take you to Jiangnan to have a look, and I will definitely fulfill my promise." Tang Ding looked at her softly and said, "Don't worry, I have lost you twice, and I won't lose you for the third time. No one can separate us..., even the court and the emperor of Chen State."

Tang Yu's face showed a touch of emotion, and then she looked at him in confusion and asked, "Why twice?"

Tang Ding's face showed a look of reminiscence, and he said, "I once had a dream, and I lost you once in the dream..."

Tang Yu's heart was slightly warmed when she heard such words, but her face was red, and she whispered, "The children are still there..."

Tang Ning, Tang Yaoyao, Tang Shui and Xiaoxiao lowered their heads to eat, ignoring their words.

Tang Ding didn't care about it at all. He suddenly looked at Tang Ning and Tang Shui and said, "While your mother and I are still here, why don't you take care of your business first?"

"We two..." Tang Ning didn't react for a while, looked at him and asked, "What do we two have to do?"

Tang Ding looked at the two of them and slowly said, "Your marriage."

. [This chapter is first published on Ai. You. Voice. Novel Network, please remember the URL]

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