Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 938: Remove the Firewood from the Bottom of the Pot

Dayue City, Imperial Palace. Mobile

The King of Dayue listened to the reports of the people below, and his face became more and more gloomy.

These days, he rarely heard good news about Dayue.

The establishment of the Western Region Alliance, the annihilation of Yutian and Gumo, made Dayue's important layout fail, like a slap in the face.

However, this is not the only bad news. The latest battle report from the battlefield made him even more irritated.

After Dayue and Wusun united, although they did not get any benefits from Xiaowan, after several battles, both sides also lost and won.

However, in the past half month, they had several frictions with Xiaowan, and they were almost suppressed by the other side. Although the scale of those wars was not large, Xiaowan won easily with fewer people than them when the number of participants was far less than theirs.

The battlefield gradually showed a decline, but on the one hand, Dayue City had also become chaotic these days.

Within half a month, three government warehouses were burned, and the arsonist has not been found yet. The guards patrolling the city at night also encountered several attacks, resulting in no people daring to go out after dark.

The Lord of Dayue frowned and said, "Send another 2,000 guards from the palace to patrol the city. If you encounter rioters, kill them without mercy."

Joining forces with Wusun to deal with Xiaowan, most of Dayue's elite troops have been withdrawn. After the annihilation of Yutian and Gumo, only 5,000 soldiers can be mobilized in Dayue City.

Among them, 1,000 people are responsible for patrolling the city, and the other 4,000 are arranged in the palace, but now the chaos in the city is out of control, and he can only make temporary adjustments to the troops.

However, he had just made these arrangements when another piece of news shocked him so much that he almost fell from his position.

The Western Region Allies assembled an army of 10,000 and had arrived a hundred miles away from Dayue City. It seemed that they were coming with bad intentions.

"They are so bold!" He showed shock and disbelief on his face. He never thought that the Western Region Allies would dare to take advantage of the situation and attack Dayue.

When Dayue was at its peak, they could destroy an army of 10,000 with a wave of their hands, but now the country is empty and the army outside is tied up by Xiaowan, unable to return to defend, and can only rely on the strength of the country.

Fortunately, there are still 200,000 people in Dayue City, and tens of thousands of young and strong people can be gathered at any time. In addition, there are countless slaves from other countries. It is a pipe dream to want to break through Dayue City with only 10,000 people.

"Close the city gates and prepare for battle!"

"Quick, gather those slaves immediately..."

"Send out 50 spies to closely monitor the enemy's every move and report at any time!"


Although he did not think that these 10,000 people could threaten the safety of Dayue, he still made the most thorough deployment and arrangements.

Before today, he had never thought that those tiny countries would pose such a threat to Dayue, and he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

However, regretful as it was, this emotion only appeared in his mind for a moment, and he focused on the matter at hand and ordered: "Call all the ministers immediately and go to the palace to discuss matters."


The Western Region Allies took advantage of the emptiness of Dayue and targeted Dayue, and did not hide it from the people of Dayue.

In just three days, they approached to Dayue City thirty miles away.

For a time, the atmosphere in the city suddenly became uneasy.

Although the heart of the Dayue court was also raised, it was still calm. It just closed the city gate and did not allow anyone to enter or leave. Apart from that, there was no extra action.

Compared with the Western Region Allies, their advantage is that they are the defending party.

With only 10,000 people attacking the city, it is impossible to break through the city with 200,000 people. In Dayue City, there is enough food to provide the people in the city for several years, and it only takes one month to drag down the 10,000 people outside.

Even so, the defenders in the city did not relax. There were hundreds of people patrolling on the four walls day and night, and spies were sent out to watch the enemy camp day and night.

A few days later, the army of the Western Region Allies had advanced to ten miles outside the west gate.

According to the report of the spies, their food could not last long, that is, within a few days, the enemy would attack the city.

In the city, the Dayue court had gathered more than 10,000 slaves.

These slaves usually sold their labor in exchange for food to survive. When Dayue City encountered a crisis, they were pushed out at the first time.

These people were gathered together, and a Dayue official stood on the high platform in the front and said loudly: "You all listen to me clearly. As long as you win this battle, the court will remove your slave status. This is your only chance..."

The defenders of Dayue stood on the city wall, looking at the Western Region Allies army approaching the city, and their expressions were still calm.

Dayue has dominated the Western Region for so long, and naturally has seen many battles of all sizes. In addition to these 10,000 slaves, Dayue's young and strong men have also formed a team of more than 10,000 people.

When these slaves rush out of the city, they will close the city gate. Even if the army of the Western Region's allies is well-trained, these slaves are not opponents, and will greatly weaken the opponent's strength. At that time, they will go out of the city to encircle and suppress, and they will be able to catch all the rebellious people of these small countries.

However, no one expected that when they opened the city gate, half of the slaves rushed out of the city gate and stopped rushing forward.

They seemed to have planned it, turned their bodies, and aimed their weapons at Dayue's soldiers behind them.

At this time, the city gate was wide open, and the entrance was full of crowded slaves. It was impossible to close the city gate. The Western Region Allied Army behind them took this opportunity to rush in and rushed into Dayue City together with those slaves.

The slaves' betrayal was something that the Dayue people had never expected. Before they could react, they were killed by surprise.

Several generals changed their faces and were about to give orders, but suddenly a strange old man or old woman appeared in front of them. After that, they went black and lost consciousness.

The Dayue army was leaderless. Facing an enemy twice their number, they were quickly defeated. The Western Region Allied Army and the slaves' coalition forces took advantage of the victory and soon surrounded the palace.

Inside the palace, the King of Dayue sat slumped on the throne, his face pale and bloodless, trembling: "How is this possible, how is this possible..."

A guard leader stood beside him and said anxiously: "King, the soldiers will fight their way out of the east gate, let's run away quickly, as long as the King is still here, we still have a chance!"

The elite of Dayue are all outside. Once they get rid of Xiaowan's restraint, they can quickly fight back. This is their only hope.


Today is a disaster for Dayue. Foreign enemies invaded and slaves betrayed. Although the King escaped under the protection of some loyal guards, Dayue City has completely fallen into the hands of the Western Region Allies.

The slaves of Dayue City finally saw hope, cheered and jumped for joy, and were very excited. If it weren't for the people of the Western Region Allies who had long ago told them not to massacre the people of Dayue, today would be the day for them to bloodbath Dayue.

On the contrary, today is the end of the world for the people of Dayue. They have lost their king and their guards. Although no one has taken advantage of the chaos to do anything to them now, no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

Only a few hours later, news came out that the king of Dayue, who had escaped thirty miles outside the city, was captured and imprisoned in the palace.

So far, Dayue, which was once glorious and annexed and slaughtered many countries, has also embarked on the same path as them.

When Tang Ning received the intelligence from the front, it was already a month after they planned to attack Dayue.

With the help of Xiaowan, the spies of the Western Regions allies condensed the slaves in Dayue City into a solid force, which turned against them at the critical moment and played a key role in helping them break through Dayue City.

The Dayue army, which is still on the battlefield and deadlocked with Xiaowan, probably doesn't know yet that when they and Wusun joined forces to deal with Xiaowan, Xiaowan had already joined forces with the Western Regions allies to cut off their firewood...

[s: I said some time ago that Xiaolangjun would probably be finished by the end of the year, but when I was actually writing, I found that filling the holes at the end and developing the plot in the middle of the beginning were not the same writing method. I am not a person who will increase the number of words by watering the plot. During this period, I deleted a lot of redundant things. According to this writing method, the end should be two months earlier, as early as September and as late as October. I would like to inform everyone of this.

In addition, although it is almost finished, I will still keep updating. After all, lying in bed with a broken bone is nothing to do. However, typing on a mobile phone is not as uncomfortable as typing on a computer. I always feel that the screen is small, the thinking is narrow, and the brain is a lot duller. If there are any omissions, I hope everyone will actively point them out in the comment area. It is not easy to chase a book to more than two million words. Let's finish the last part of Xiaolangjun together. 】

Ruyi Xiaolangjun

Ruyi Xiaolangjun

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