Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 949: Proposing Marriage

"Prince Xianwang..."

Emperor Chu had a thoughtful look on his face. After a moment, he nodded and said, "Let him enter the capital."

The Prime Minister is right. Among the princes of the Chu royal family, the only one who is not so hopeless is Prince Xian.

The position of the crown prince is not only related to the next emperor, but also has many interests involved with many officials in the court.

Those who have a close relationship with King Xian are naturally happy in their hearts. As for the officials who support other princes, they will inevitably feel disappointed in their hearts.

However, both the Prime Minister and His Majesty have spoken, and the matter is almost settled.

At this moment, an official stepped forward and bowed: "Your Majesty, the envoys from Xiaowan Kingdom arrived in Kyoto yesterday. Do you want to summon them?"

"Xiao Wan Kingdom?" Not only Emperor Chu, but everyone's faces showed doubts.

Xiaowan and Kyoto are thousands of miles away, and the Western Regions and Chu State have never had any contact. What is the purpose of Xiaowan sending an envoy to Kyoto?

The prime minister thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, Xiaowan is no longer what it used to be. Although we have not established diplomatic relations before, we should not treat these envoys lightly."

Emperor Chu had no intention of looking down on Xiaowan's envoy. Today, Xiaowan is no longer much weaker than Chen Chu. He must have enough respect for a big country of the same level as them.

Moreover, he has never looked down upon Xiaowan. Even when they were a small country in the Western Regions, he also attached great importance to this country. In fact, many of Chu's systems were borrowed from and learned from Xiaowan.

In addition, as an extremely proud person, he also had some admiration for the leader of Xiaowan Kingdom.

He only thought for a moment and then said: "Invite them into the palace..."

Several envoys from the Western Regions, led by two Chu officials, entered the palace.

Several people walked into a large building. Mr. Xu bowed his hands to the man standing above and said, "Xu Ling has met His Majesty the Emperor of Chu."

Several officials behind him also bowed.

Emperor Chu looked at him, with a strange look on his face, and said: "It's actually Prime Minister Xiaowan, I have admired his name for a long time."

Chu State began to intentionally learn from Xiaowan several years ago. Naturally, he knew more about Xiaowan's situation than others.

Among them, the name of Prime Minister Xiaowan was included.

This man is extremely talented, otherwise he would not have become the prime minister of Xiaowan, who even Chu State had to learn from.

It was precisely because of the special status of the visitor that Emperor Chu had deep doubts about his intentions.

Mr. Xu raised his head and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is overly complimentary."

The Emperor of Chu was curious about their purpose, and had no intention of making excuses with them. He asked, "Xiaowan and Chu are thousands of miles apart. The prime minister is here not far away. Is there something important?"

Mr. Xu did not beat around the bush and handed over his hand again: "To be honest with Your Majesty, Xu came here this time to propose marriage to Your Majesty on the order of the Lord."

"Asking for marriage?" Emperor Chu frowned slightly and asked, "Whose marriage are you asking for?"

Mr. Xu said: "The king of the country has admired Princess Changning for a long time. The Western Region is willing to work with Chu to join hands with the Qin and Jin Dynasties. Xu came to your country this time to represent the king of the country and ask to marry Princess Changning..."

As soon as he said this, he felt a little quiet inside.

The Lord of Xiaowan is already the Lord of the Western Regions, and it is not inappropriate for the princess to marry him. If the Chu State can make such a powerful ally, it will be very beneficial to the future development of the Chu State.

However, everyone also knows how much His Majesty dotes on this only princess. When Chen Guo proposed marriage, Your Majesty did not agree, let alone the Western Region?

Sure enough, after hearing Mr. Xu's words, Emperor Chu's face immediately darkened.

"Could the prime minister be joking with me?" Emperor Chu looked at him calmly and said, "Xiaowan was able to unify the Western Region step by step from a small country in twenty years. As for the leader of your country, I I admire him very much in my heart, but his age should not be much different from mine, but now he says he wants to marry my daughter, don’t you think it’s a little inappropriate? "

Mr. Xu smiled and said: "Your Majesty misunderstood, you are talking about the former king. Now, the young king has taken over the old king's position and has become the master of the Western Region. The young king is the same age as the princess. Similar..."

Xiaowan actually changed his master. Emperor Chu was a little surprised, and the anger in his heart disappeared. However, even if things were not what he imagined, he would not agree to it.

Not to mention that Chu and Chen are friendly allies, but Xiyu and Chen are on the same page. If they agree to Xiyu's marriage proposal, wouldn't they be on the opposite side of Chen?

To put it bluntly, even if Chen Guo would not be dissatisfied, his stubborn daughter would not agree.

As a father, he knew very well that after a few years, she still had that person in her heart.

However, the man she was thinking about was serving as prime minister in the Chen Kingdom, having a wife and concubines, and was extremely happy. Every time he thought of this, he wanted to capture him from the Chen Kingdom and spend eighteen years on him. Such torture can alleviate the resentment in his heart.

No matter what the reason was, he would not agree to the marriage proposal from the Western Regions. He looked at several envoys from the Western Regions with a calm face and said: "The State of Chu is willing to live in friendly coexistence with your country, but if it does not make peace or pay tribute, it is Chu's fault." The prime minister no longer needs to mention the country’s current national laws and marriage matters.”

Mr. Xu sighed and said, "That's such a pity..."

The envoy from the Western Regions did not get entangled in this matter, which was beyond the expectations of Emperor Chu, but it also saved him a lot of trouble. He looked at a few people and said: "You guys have come a long way, so you might as well go back and rest until you get there. A few days ago, I personally hosted a banquet for friends from the Western Regions..."

After several people left the palace, an official looked at Mr. Xu and wondered: "Xu Xiang, Chu State seems to have no room for negotiation on this matter. I am afraid that the matter entrusted to us by the king this time is somewhat It’s difficult to handle…”

Mr. Xu shook his head, just smiled mysteriously, and said: "Don't worry, the king has his own arrangements for this matter. According to calculations, the king should be arriving soon..."

"What, the king has come to Chu?"

Several people were shocked when they heard this and asked questions one after another. However, Mr. Xu did not reveal any more information.

An hour later, the princess mansion.

A female official stood in front of Li Tianlan and said: "Back to the princess, the news is correct. Xiaowan sent an envoy to our Chu country this time to propose marriage to the princess."

She glanced at Li Tianlan and quickly added: "But they were rejected by His Majesty just as they opened their mouths. Princess, don't worry..."

Li Tianlan nodded and said, "I understand, you go down first."

The maid responded and bowed out.

After her shadow disappeared, Li Tianlan slowly walked to the window and looked at the blue sky in the distance, but there was a hint of irritation and a hint of resentment in his heart.

The three-year period has exceeded one year, and during this period, she only received two letters. The letters said that he was delayed on something important and would come as soon as he finished the matter.

This delay lasted for a whole year.

It is naturally impossible to say that she has no resentment in her heart, but as a princess, she can never show the image of a resentful woman in front of everyone.

After a long time, she breathed a sigh of relief and suppressed the anger in her heart. At this time, a female official walked in and said, "Princess, there is a man named Tangning outside the mansion who wants to see you."

As she finished speaking, she felt an afterimage passing before her eyes. She looked at the empty house and said in a trembling voice: "Princess, princess..."

Outside the princess's house, Xiao Xiao quickly ran over and hugged Ying who came out of the house. Li Tianlan looked at her and smiled: "I haven't seen you for such a long time, and I have grown taller again..."

Tangning walked forward with a smile on her face and said, "Long time no see..."

Li Tianlan turned to look at him and asked calmly: "Who are you? Do we know each other?"

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