Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 961: Testing

Bai Jin looked at King Huai for a long time, and finally nodded and said, "Okay."

"Don't play any tricks." King Huai looked at her and said, "Otherwise, all our agreements will be invalidated."

Bai Jin looked at the figure in front of her, and had a vague illusion that she had never really controlled him over the years.

What they had was just that she used the power of Tianranju to help him stabilize his position in the court step by step, and his promise to himself was still just an empty promise.

Although there were reasons why they were not prepared, King Huai still gave her a feeling of being difficult to control.

If they could completely control King Huai on the condition of removing the poison from Princess Huai, it would also be a good thing for them.

She took out a milky white porcelain bottle from her bosom, put it on the table, and said: "Take this medicine for three days, and the princess's poison can be cured."

After that, she poured out a brown pill from another porcelain bottle and said: "Please take this poison pill, Your Highness Huai Wang."

Huai Wang took the poison pill from her hand and swallowed it without hesitation.

Bai Jin watched him take the pill, and then said: "You always said that the time has not come yet. When will the time come?"

Huai Wang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Now..."

Bai Jin showed a happy look on her face, but she did not notice the sarcasm in Huai Wang's eyes when he looked at her.


Since the rebellion of King Kang and King Duan failed and they were imprisoned in the palace, and the entire Tang family was executed, there has been no major disturbance in the court.

However, Chen Guo's luck did not seem to be good. Just after the internal troubles were settled, foreign troubles came one after another.

The enemy unified the Western Regions and its strength increased greatly. The most reliable ally became the enemy's in-law in a blink of an eye. Tang Ning felt that Emperor Chen should not be in a good mood these days, so he went to the palace the second day after returning to Beijing, so as to prevent him from taking advantage of the situation and venting his anger on himself...

In the bedroom, Emperor Chen leaned against the head of the bed, looked at Tang Ning coldly, and said: "You still remember to come back..."

Tang Ning stood with his hands folded, his face not red, and said: "I am worried about your health, so I returned to Beijing in advance..."

Emperor Chen waved his hand and asked: "Where have you been for more than a year? Even I can't find your trace."

Tang Ning said honestly: "Your Majesty, I went to Guizhou."

"Guizhou?" Emperor Chen frowned and asked: "What did you do in Guizhou?"

Tang Ning said: "Your Majesty I don't know that two years ago, I met a wandering Taoist priest. The Taoist priest said that my fate was in conflict with the capital. If I wanted to have children, I needed to go to the southwest to find opportunities. It happened that I had been to Guizhou once. Seeing that the place was beautiful and pleasant, I took my wives to stay in Guizhou for a while..."

"Stayed for a while?" Emperor Chen snorted coldly, "You have been living there for almost two years. Have you found the opportunity?"

Tang Ning smiled and said, "The Taoist priest is really a god. To be honest with your majesty, I already have a pair of children..."

When Emperor Chen heard this, his expression was stunned and asked, "Do you have children?"

Tang Ning nodded and said, "I have been deeply troubled by this matter in the past few years, and now I finally got my wish."

There are three unfilial acts, and the greatest one is to have no descendants. Having children and carrying on the family line is a big deal, and Emperor Chen can't blame him too much for this matter.

However, as long as he thought about the fact that Xiaowan had unified the Western Regions in the past two years and hooked up with Chu and the grassland, the border of Chen State was dangerous at every step. He himself had difficulty eating and sleeping because of this matter, but Tang Ning, as the prime minister of a country, actually hid in a beautiful place to have a child with his wife, and a nameless fire surged in his heart.

He looked at Tang Ning and asked unhappily: "Have you heard about the Western Regions?"

Tang Ning nodded and said: "On the way back to Beijing, I heard that Xiaowan annexed Dayue Wusun and unified the Western Regions... The ruler of Xiaowan is really powerful."

Emperor Chen coughed and looked at him with dissatisfaction, as if he was unhappy with praising the enemy.

Although he also felt that this was true, it was a bit of a boost to others' ambitions and a loss of his own prestige.

"Not only that." He looked at Tang Ning, his face became solemn, and said: "Xiaowan not only unified the Western Regions, but also successfully married the Chu State. Princess Changning of the Chu State is about to marry the ruler of Xiaowan. In this way, my Chen State not only lost a reliable ally, but also gained a powerful enemy. What do you think I should do and what should the court do?"

Tang Ning thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty is worried that Xiaowan and Chu will join forces to deal with our Chen State?"

Emperor Chen looked very serious and said: "Perhaps we should also add a grassland. This time, the Western Regions also sent troops to reinforce Sushen in the Black Barbarian disaster. I don't know what they are trying to do. What are you thinking..."

Tang Ning said: "I think your majesty is worrying too much."

Emperor Chen looked at him and said: "Tell me what you think."

Tang Ning pondered for a moment and said: "Your majesty is worried that Xiaowan and Chu will join forces to deal with Chen, but the fact is that since Xiaowan unified the Western Regions, it has been wholeheartedly seeking development and has a very friendly attitude towards merchants from various countries. It has never provoked friction with Chen. This may mean that Xiaowan is also willing to coexist peacefully with us."

Emperor Chen looked at him and said: "Don't forget that the war between Chen and Xiaowan was originally provoked by Xiaowan. "

Tang Ning said: "But I heard that Xiaowan has changed its ruler. Perhaps the new ruler is a good ruler who desires peace. Otherwise, why didn't they start a war after they became stronger?"

"What you said is not impossible." Emperor Chen thought for a while and said, "But it's just a possibility. We still have to be fully prepared."

Tang Ning looked at Emperor Chen and said, "I think that the ruler of Xiaowan may also want to seek peace through marriage when he asked for marriage with Chu. Maybe they will come to my Chen country to ask for marriage in a while..."

Speaking of this, a trace of doubt appeared on Emperor Chen's face, and he asked, "When my Chen country asked for marriage, Chu refused us on the pretext that the princess could not marry outside. Why did they suddenly agree to the Western Regions this time?"

Tang Ning lowered his head and said, "I heard that the ruler of Xiaowan not only has a great talent for governing the country, but also looks elegant and handsome. He is a hero among heroes. Perhaps Chu thinks that such a person The princess who is worthy of them, simply agreed to it..."

Emperor Chen looked at him and said unhappily: "Which side are you on?"

Tang Ning immediately straightened his face and asked: "Your Majesty, if, I mean if, if Xiaowan also came to my Chen Kingdom to ask for marriage, what would Your Majesty do?"

Emperor Chen glanced at him and said: "Don't worry, since I have agreed to your and Man'er's affairs, I will not go back on my word. Even if the Western Regions ask for marriage, I will not agree to them..."

Tang Ning: "..."

Emperor Chen thought for a while and said: "However, you are right. If the Western Regions really want to make peace, it is a win-win situation. I can't refuse it, but except Man'er, I don't have a suitable princess around me..."

He thought about it and suddenly said: "By the way, Anyang is not married yet. I might as well make her a princess now, just in case..."

Tang Ning: "..."

Emperor Chen showed a hint of satisfaction on his face, as if he was proud of his own cleverness, and said impatiently: "Wei Jian, draft an edict..."

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