Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 978: Fish in the Net

All the eunuchs and maids around the Temple of Yang, including Wei Jian, the chief chamberlain, were captured by the people of Youyu Linwei. Emperor Chen experienced the initial fear, but his face became calm.

He sat on the throne, looked at the Yulin guards in the hall, and finally looked at King Huai, asking: "You must have been waiting for this day for a long time, right?"

"It's been more than ten years." King Huai looked at him with disappointed eyes and asked, "To this day, doesn't my father have any regrets?"

Chen Huang's eyelids drooped slightly and he said: "Those who achieve great things must give up something."

King Huai said gloomily: "Including your wife and children?"

Emperor Chen said without changing his expression: "If I had not made that choice back then, I would have died in the hands of others, and you would not be where you are now."

King Huai looked at him, unable to hide the disappointment in his eyes, and asked, "You are still not willing to admit your mistake?"

Huang Chen looked at him, with disappointment in his eyes, and sighed: "I thought you were different from them, but I didn't expect you to be the same as Ming'er Cheng'er. You are my sons, but you are all rebelling against me..."

The expression on his face was not only disappointment, but also deep sadness.

Each of his three most valued sons rebelled against him and wished him to die. As an emperor and a father, how chilling is this?

Emperor Chen looked at him and asked again: "Do you also want to be emperor?"

King Huai glanced at him and asked, "Who doesn't want to?"

Emperor Chen stood up from his chair, shook his head, and said: "Chen State is my world, and the palace is my home. Do you really think that those little tricks you did in the palace can be hidden from me? You Do you really think that I can safely let your father-in-law sit on the position of General Yulinwei; do you really think that I don’t know that the Li family is no longer in the capital..."

He looked at King Huai and said sternly: "Do you really think that I don't know that you are going to rebel?"

Emperor Chen looked at King Huai and asked aggressively. When he finished his last words, Lin Wei, the right feather in the palace, had already turned the weapon in his hand and pointed it at King Huai.

At the same time, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps at the entrance of the temple, more Yulin guards poured in from outside, and the entire Yangshu Temple was tightly surrounded.

A figure quickly walked in from the outside, knelt on one knee, looked at Emperor Chen, and said loudly: "Chen Xingyun came late to save me, please forgive me!"

"Get up." Emperor Chen glanced at him, then looked at King Huai again and said, "You are good at everything, but you are too young..."

The situation was completely reversed. King Huai stood there, his face gradually turning pale.

Chen Huang's face was even uglier than his, as if his spine had collapsed. He looked at King Huai with a look of extreme disappointment and murmured: "Why, why do you all betray me?"

"This is retribution." King Huai looked at him, with a smile on his pale face, and said, "This is your retribution. Your son will betray you, your ministers will betray you, and the whole world will betray you!"

Emperor Chen looked at him and said: "After you, no one will betray me again..."

King Huai looked at him, the smile on his face became brighter, he shook his head and said: "No, this is just the beginning..."

Chen Huang's eyes sharpened and he said solemnly: "What did you say?"

The smile on King Huai's face turned into sarcasm, and he asked: "To this day, do you think this court is still yours? Do you think you still have the final say?"

Emperor Chen said gloomily: "I am the king of a country, what is there that I cannot be the master of?"

King Huai just smiled slightly and said: "I believe that the younger brother of King Run will be a better emperor than his father..."

After saying this, King Huai remained silent. Emperor Chen glanced at him, waved his hand and said, "Take him down!"

After King Huai was taken down, he stood there and fell into deep contemplation.

After a moment, he looked at Wei Jian who had been rescued and was standing behind him tremblingly, and asked in a low voice: "What did the last sentence he said mean?"

Wei Jian said in a trembling voice: "Old, I don't know..."

Emperor Chen frowned at him and said, "Let King Run come to see me. In addition, block the news in the palace and don't spread the news about King Huai's rebellion..."

Wei Jian looked pale and bowed: "I obey your order."

After King Kang and King Duan rebelled, they were imprisoned somewhere in the palace and were not allowed to step out of the palace.

It used to be the Cold Palace, but now it has become a place of confinement for the three princes.

King Huai, who followed the path of King Kang and King Duan, finally followed in their footsteps.

The Yulin guards escorted King Huai through the harem and walked towards the deepest part of the palace.

"Brother Huai Wang, what's wrong with you..."

At a certain moment, a suspicious voice suddenly came from behind a palace wall.

Zhao Man was lying on the wall, looking at King Huai with confusion on his face, and asked, "Where are you going?"

King Huai glanced at her, a smile appeared on his face, but without answering, he turned his head and continued walking forward.

Zhao Man frowned and said dissatisfied: "What? Why is Brother Huai Wang ignoring me..."

The little palace maid next to her looked at the group of people walking further and further away, opened her mouth, and said in shock: "Princess, sir, something doesn't seem right..."

The palace was not big, so King Huai had created such a huge battle in Yangshen Temple. Naturally, it was impossible to hide it from everyone.

The little palace maid sent by Zhao Man quickly found out the truth of the matter.

"Rebellion?" Zhao Man had a look of disbelief on his face. He grabbed the maid's wrist and asked, "You said Brother Huai Wang rebelled?"

The maid's face was still pale, and she said in a trembling voice: "Yes, His Majesty Prince Huai and the Right Winged Guards rebelled. Fortunately, His Majesty had already noticed it and made preparations in advance..."

After a long time, Zhao Man came back to her senses, with a sad look on her face, and murmured: "My brother Prince Kang rebelled, my brother Prince Duan rebelled, and now even my brother Prince Huai rebelled. Father..."

The maid also shook her head secretly. As a father, all three sons wanted him dead. If she were His Majesty, she might as well die. What's the point of living like this...

Because of the news blockade in the palace, the news of Prince Huai's rebellion was only spread in a small range and did not spread outside the palace.

In the Yangshen Palace, the eunuch who went to summon Prince Run returned and bowed, saying, "Your Majesty, Prince Run is not in the palace now."

"Not in?" Emperor Chen frowned and asked, "Where did he go?"

The eunuch said, "I heard from the female official that His Highness went out of the palace to play with the daughters of the Wang, Zhang, and Bai families."

Emperor Chen frowned even deeper and asked, "What Wang, Zhang, and Bai families, who did he go out of the palace with?"

The eunuch said respectfully, "It was the daughter of Minister Zhang, the granddaughter of Prime Minister Wang, and the granddaughter of General Bai of the East Gate Guard..."

Emperor Chen looked outside the palace and his body shook violently.


"Do you think this court is still yours..."

"Prince Run will be a better emperor than my father..."

"Minister Zhang, Prime Minister Wang, General Bai..."


At this moment, what Prince Huai had just said suddenly echoed in his ears.

"Wang family, Bai family, Zhang family, Fang family..." Chen Huang murmured, and suddenly took a few steps back, holding the table, slowly sat on the chair, and when he raised his head, he said in a trance: "Shangshu Province, Ministry of Revenue, Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Rites..., who else, who else..."

As he murmured softly, faces began to flash before his eyes. Through the Fang family, Wang family, Zhang family, and Bai family, he actually associated countless familiar faces in front of him.

The owners of these faces are all important officials in the court, forming most of the current court...

All along, because there are three princes in front of him, he has regarded Prince Run as a child who has not grown up.

Too many things have happened in the past two years, occupying most of his mind, so that he has never realized that Prince Run Zhao Yuan, his son, has gathered most of the court around him.

The next moment, a face appeared in his mind again.

This is a young face, always with some cynicism on his face------He is the right prime minister of the current dynasty, Tang Ning, his most trusted favorite, and also Prince Run’s husband.

At this moment, Emperor Chen suddenly woke up. It turned out that the people gathered around Prince Run were not half of the court, but one.

Shengshen Palace.

This is a nearly abandoned palace located deep in the imperial palace.

General Chen Xingyun of the Zuo Yulin Guard personally escorted Prince Huai into the palace and said, "From now on, I will have to ask Your Highness to live here."

Prince Huai smiled and said, "I lived here when I was a child, and today I am home."

"Take care, Your Highness." Chen Xingyun glanced at him and slowly retreated to the door of the palace.

At the moment when the door of the palace was closed, he lowered his head and whispered, "The fish is in the net..."

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