Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 981 Xiao Jue Returns to Beijing

Perhaps because of the rebellion of Prince Kang and Prince Duan within two years, Emperor Chen did not announce the news of Prince Huai's rebellion this time, but such a big thing could not be concealed anyway. Prince Huai's mansion was confiscated, and the mansion of the General of the Right Winged Guard was confiscated. The people could guess what happened even if they guessed.

Prince Huai rebelled.

When the people of the capital heard the news, in addition to deep pity for Prince Huai, they also felt sad for Emperor Chen.

It was sad that his sons turned against him, and it was sad that he sacrificed his wife and children for the throne more than 20 years ago, and now he finally got retribution.

When Prince Kang and Prince Duan rebelled, the people all denounced it, but when most people talked about Prince Huai's rebellion in private this time, they just sighed.

How could they blame a son whose original intention was just to avenge his mother?

Unfortunately, he failed in the end. Since ancient times, the supreme position can only be held by cold-blooded and ruthless people. If Prince Huai failed to rebel, he would have to spend the rest of his life in confinement.

Not long after Tang Ning left the palace, he heard some news one after another.

Because of the rebellion of King Huai and the Right Winged Guard, Emperor Chen completely replaced the entire Right Winged Guard and temporarily transferred 5,000 people from the 16 guards to form a new Right Winged Guard.

The Right Winged Guard has no leader for the time being, and is led by General Chen Xingyun of the Left Winged Guard, who made great contributions in quelling King Huai's rebellion.

In addition, he also issued a house arrest order to Zhao Man, strictly prohibiting her from leaving the harem, and not allowing anyone to visit her, even Princess Anyang could not enter the palace to see her.

This was a disguised house arrest for her, and Tang Ning knew that all this was done for him to see.

In addition, some major changes also took place in the court.

For several important official positions in the court, Emperor Chen promoted some officials who were not qualified and old enough, and also made some adjustments to existing positions.

Fang Zhe, the assistant minister of the Ministry of Revenue, was transferred to the Ministry of Personnel as an assistant minister. The assistant minister of the Ministry of Revenue and the assistant minister of the Ministry of Personnel are in charge of money and power respectively, and their status in the six ministries is equal. To be honest, the status of the assistant minister of the Ministry of Personnel is even more transcendent.

This seems to be a horizontal transfer, but there is a great meaning behind it.

Fang Hong is the Minister of Personnel, and Fang Zhe is the assistant minister of the Ministry of Revenue. The Fang brothers originally had a say in both the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Revenue. Now that Fang Zhe has been transferred to the Ministry of Personnel, the Fang family has lost its influence in the Ministry of Revenue.

On the contrary, the Ministry of Personnel, because Fang Hong was originally the Minister, even if Fang Zhe was transferred there, it would not be icing on the cake, but just lost the Ministry of Revenue for no reason.

At the same time, Emperor Chen also adjusted the defense duties of the East Gate Guard. The Right East Gate Guard, which was originally closer to the city gate, swapped positions with the Left East Gate Guard...

Zhang Yan, the Minister of Rites, is about to be transferred to the Minister of Works. Although his official position remains unchanged, the Ministry of Rites is nominally the head of the six ministries, and the influence of the Minister of Works is far less than that of the Minister of Rites.

Many people speculate that these unusual transfers made by His Majesty must be related to the rebellion of King Huai, but no matter how they think, they can't figure out any connection between these things, let alone guess His Majesty's purpose.

Tang Ning knows very well why Emperor Chen made these moves.

Without making a big move, he weakened the power behind King Run to the greatest extent, and King Huai's goal was achieved.

When Fang Xinyue came to play with Xiao Xiao, she brought Tang Ning a letter.

Obviously, the Fang family has also noticed something wrong. After King Huai rebelled, the current emperor's attention finally focused on the Fang family.

There is no doubt that Emperor Chen's series of suppressions against the Fang family is just the beginning. With his character and methods, he will gradually disintegrate the huge energy gathered by the Fang family in the following time.

He said that he would make Prince Run the crown prince, but there was no further news. He had already issued an edict to recall a prince. If it were not for Emperor Chen's edict, Tang Ning would not even know that there was a loyal prince in Chen State.

At such a sensitive time, Emperor Chen recalled this prince who most people had never heard of and whose presence was extremely low. The implication is very obvious.

He is warning the Fang family, Tang Ning, and everyone behind Prince Run that he is still the emperor of Chen State. If the throne is not passed to Prince Run, it can be passed to some other prince...

For Tang Ning, it doesn't make much difference whether Prince Run is the emperor or Prince Zhong is the emperor.

He just wants to take Zhao Man away. Who is the emperor is the business of Chen State itself.

Even though Zhao Yuan and he were in the name of master and apprentice, Tang Ning did not think that he could become a good emperor. Chen State might have a good future in the hands of King Huai. Besides, under the current situation, without a heroic emperor, Chen State would only be in a more difficult situation in the future.

The Fang family and Wang Xiang suggested to wait and see. After all, if they wanted to achieve the goal of letting King Run succeed to the throne by forcing the emperor to abdicate, they would not wait until today.

No one wants to be labeled as a traitor. They hope that Emperor Chen can be more conscious and proactive...

Even if Emperor Chen is the emperor, he will not suppress King Run and the Fang family in a short time. The harder he tries, the greater the rebound. Emperor Chen will not fail to understand this truth and will not accept such an outcome.

His usual method is to boil a frog in warm water, using a not-so-violent method to achieve his ultimate goal little by little, step by step, just like he did to the Tang family before.

My father-in-law came back from the Shangshu Province today, with a trace of worry between his eyebrows.

Tang Ning asked and found out that a young right chancellor had just arrived in the Shangshu Province. Although he was new, his methods were extremely sharp. In the absence of Tang Ning and Wang Xiang, he only took one day to win over half of the Shangshu Province.

Even a new official cannot start so fast. Tang Ning did not believe that this person did not have the instructions of Emperor Chen.

Emperor Chen's actions were faster than he thought. It seemed that not only the Shangshu Province, but other departments in the court would soon be purged by Emperor Chen.

Tang Ning walked out of the moon gate and saw a person standing in the yard.

Fang Xinyue turned around, looked at Tang Ning and asked, "Daddy, uncle, and uncle emperor, what happened to them?"

Tang Ning touched her head and said, "Children should not ask about adult matters."

Fang Xinyue looked up at him and asked, "Are they going to rebel? They want cousin Zhao Yuan to be the emperor, but didn't uncle emperor say that he wanted to make cousin the crown prince? What happened to them?"

Tang Ning opened his mouth, not knowing how to explain to her. Fang Xinyue lowered her head, feeling a little disappointed, and turned to walk out of the yard.

Tang Ning gave Xiao Xiao a look, and Xiao Xiao quickly followed him out.

Tang Ning sighed. There were some things she might not understand. The Fang family, including herself, did have a period of happy getting along with Emperor Chen, but now, they have had major differences and can never go back to the past.

To this day, the capital seems to be relatively peaceful, but the Chen Emperor and the Run Wang faction are already at loggerheads, and only a fuse is needed to completely ignite the conflict...

A sound of footsteps came from outside the courtyard. Before Tang Ning turned back, a voice came from the door.

"You beast, Princess Anyang really couldn't escape your clutches."

Tang Ning turned around, looked at the figure standing at the door of the courtyard, and smiled: "You're back."

Xiao Jue nodded and said solemnly: "I'm back."

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