Fortune Teller

Chapter 1026 Vine

Deep in the canyon, the cyan figure moved forward slowly.

The oppression of the dragon's energy did not cause much hindrance to him, but this was where the evil spirits gathered. If he walked too fast, it would easily cause fluctuations in the dragon's energy, which would then attract the evil spirits.

Just ordinary Inferi.

If it were a true-level Inferi, even if it couldn't kill Gu Xiuyun, it could still trap him in the canyon. When more evil spirits arrived, he would be close to death.


From time to time, the sound of broken muscles could be heard on the shoulders. The eighth-grade peak Qilin still looked a little weak in the face of the oppression of dragon energy.

"The Qilin bloodline in Xiaohei's body is not complete. It can only reach the early stage of ninth grade at most. When it fully awakens, it can refine the blood of the true god and demon."

Gu Xiuyun glanced at his shoulder and nodded secretly.

There are thresholds for refining divine blood. The first is the mind and will. The mind is the foundation of strength. If one exceeds one's own limit, the blood will collapse, or the body will perish.

Not every life form can be like an insect beast, able to control the power within its body based on instinct alone.

In addition, before refining the divine blood, one must perfectly control one's own bloodline.

Shenwu, Ice Rhino, Mo Du, and Ray King have all reached the ultimate level of blood in their bodies. Their natural potential is limited and they can only reach the peak of the eighth level. After that, they have to rely on the blood of the true god and demon for promotion.

The bloodline level of the tyrannosaurus monster is even lower, only the early stage of eighth level.

But the black pig is different. It is a Qilin beast, and its bloodline potential is much higher than that of other monsters. It can at least reach the ninth level.

Before this, even if you refine the blood of the true god and demon, it will have no effect at all, but will affect the purity of your own blood.

The cyan figure moved forward slowly.

The Million Mile Canyon seemed extremely far away. After walking for more than ten days, we were still far away from the other shore.


The little black pig began to squawk and gasp.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Xiuyun looked over his shoulder, and saw a ray of true energy blocking the surroundings of the black-patterned golden dolphin, forcing the dragon energy out.

"There...there's a treasure there!"

The black pig pointed to the right, its two round eyes shining brightly, its face full of desire and greed.

"You guys, even at this time, you still don't forget to hunt for treasures."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled, and was about to remove his energy.

But I heard the black pig shouting repeatedly, "That is not an ordinary treasure. The blood in my body is trembling. This treasure is definitely a rare treasure."

Gu Xiuyun's eyes moved slightly.

Since the transformation of the Black-striped Golden Dolphin, its horizons have become much higher. Ordinary treasures are no longer in the eyes. It is definitely not easy to call it a rare treasure.

Thinking in his mind, he stepped forward.

Forty-seven thousand miles away.

A delicate vine sprouted from the ground, its tip slightly red. Hanging from the vine were two small fruits, one as white as bone and the other as black as ink.

The two fruits were faintly emitting a faint light, but they were obscured by the huge body of the demon. From a distance, nothing could be seen.

The demon is somewhat similar to a python, with two twisted horns growing out of its forehead, purple-black scales all over its body, and no claws on its abdomen, only a single spike.


The demon was lying on the ground, sleeping soundly. The deathly aura of the underworld permeated the whole body, and a rich black aura could be seen in the mouth and nose when breathing.

Suddenly, it opened its eyes and looked around, looking a little confused.

Thousands of miles away from the python demon, the cyan figure stopped in place, frowning slightly.

"Xiao Hei, I found the treasure you mentioned. It is a vine with two fruits on it... In addition to the vine, there is also an abyss demon. Judging from its size, its strength has at least reached the Dilemma level."


The black-striped golden dolphin opened its mouth wide with a look of shock, and the desire in its eyes also dissipated a bit.

No matter how good the treasure is, you still have to have a life to get it.

"Is that vine important to you?" Gu Xiuyun asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know, but the blood in my body is trembling. If I can refine the vines, maybe my blood can be completely awakened and reach the early stage of the ninth level." The Black-patterned Golden Dolphin thought for a moment and replied.

Ninth grade!

Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed.

When the Black-patterned Golden Dolphin enters the ninth level, his magical powers will become more powerful. With his current misfortune, the eighth-level unicorn may not be able to suppress him, but if he is the ninth level, the situation will be different.

The better your luck, the less trouble you will encounter later.


Gu Xiuyun made a decision in his heart.

"Xuan Yin, be prepared. We have to deal with this monster as quickly as possible and then leave this place. There are too many evil things in Guilonggou. If a Zhenzun-level Yin Corpse is introduced, we will be in big trouble."

"I understand." A slightly childish voice came from the ink-colored inkstone.

The black-striped golden dolphin shrank its neck.

The demon in the Second Difficulty Realm is almost as powerful as Venerable Fang Cun. Although he does not know the secrets of Taoism, his life-saving ability is still superior to that of many Venerables due to his physical body and magical powers.

Gu Xiuyun dared to kill a life of this level?

The little black pig murmured to himself, fearful and longing at the same time.

On the dark earth, scratches are all over the abyss. They are traces left by demons and corpses for hundreds of millions of years.

The deepest one among them belongs to the True Dragon Ancestor.

The python demon was lying deep in the scratch, clinging to the vines, its eyes looking at the two fruits from time to time, as if expecting something.

Suddenly, the void trembled, and an invisible force pressed down from the sky.

The python demon suddenly raised its head and looked around. This invisible force had no effect on it. It had lived in Guilonggou all year round and had long been accustomed to the oppression of dragon energy. How could it care about the constraints of the void realm?

"The monster of the abyss is just like the legend. Every body is extremely powerful."

Thousands of miles away, Gu Xiuyun watched the python demon from a distance and marveled secretly in his heart.

The demons in the underground abyss are somewhat similar to the demons in the Tianjipan world.

The demons and monsters in Tianji Pan have more perfect minds. They not only devour each other, but also go to the realm of living beings to plunder the blood of living beings.

As for the demons in the underground abyss, in addition to their tyrannical strength and near-zero mental abilities, only a handful of them are comparable to humans.

"Compared with the world of Tianjipan, the demons in the underground abyss are more powerful, but their minds are extremely flawed. Perhaps it is the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth, or the abyss is not perfect yet." Gu Xiuyun secretly guessed in his heart.

Although the world of Tianji Pan is small, it has been perfected. The structure of the realm of gods, living beings, and demons has long been stable. The two qi of yin and yang and the two qi of life and death have also dissipated, turning into the power of the five elements of wind and thunder.

In contrast, Endless Void is still in the early stages of the evolution of the world.

The evil air currents in the void can be seen everywhere, and the realms are like small islands, standing in the ocean of void.

Only when all the evil air currents dissipate and form a stable heaven and earth can the endless void be completely formed, but I don’t know how long it will take until that day.


Invisible fluctuations slowly merged into the depths of the python demon's mind along the void.

Gu Xiuyun used the Void Domain not to suppress the other party, but to conceal his true method. With the wisdom of the demon, Destiny Heart is undoubtedly the best choice.

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