Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,029 Three Headed Crocodiles

"What a demonic and ferocious beast."

Gu Xiuyun, who was thousands of miles away, saw the appearance of the three crocodiles through the projection of the inner world, and couldn't help but be secretly frightened.

Just by breathing flames from its mouth, it can kill hundreds of venerable-level corpses and demons. This beast is incredibly powerful.

The pure killing method has surpassed the Six Difficulties Realm True Master.

After all, most of the True Master's strength relies on the True Immortal Taoism, but the Taoism is unpredictable, and few people can understand the pure killing Taoism.

For example, the True Master of Yinshan Mountain has understood that he will be buried for thousands of tribulations.

This Taoist technique is similar to the Yin and Yang Tribulation. It also contains many powers such as suppressing, killing, and killing, but it also means that the killing power is not strong enough.

The Dream of Huangliang by Zhenzun Huangliang is mainly about dream illusions...

Every Taoist skill is understood by practitioners due to chance encounters. No one can grasp the direction of Taoism, but the magical power of the three-headed crocodile is a pure killing power.

The three flames are different, but they complement each other. The power of a single one is no less than that of a true immortal. If they are integrated into one, it is hard to imagine what the power will be.

"No wonder people often say that the abyss underground is extremely dangerous, and the venerable one has to be careful."

Gu Xiuyun sighed secretly in his heart.

In just a short section of the canyon, you can encounter monsters like three fierce crocodiles. How many monsters are there in the entire Guilong Valley?

How many are there in the vast and endless underground abyss?


As his thoughts flashed, Gu Xiuyun lowered his head and looked at the vine in his hand. The young green vine was only about a foot long, with a reddish tip. Two black and white fruits hung on both sides, occasionally colliding with each other and making a tinkling sound.

"how so?"

His face suddenly darkened.

The vine in his hand was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the two black and white fruits also began to crack, as if they were about to rot.

Dragon Blood Vine is definitely a magical medicine, but it can't be separated from the soil like the lowest elixir?

"Dragon Blood Vine comes from Guilonggou and is constantly nourished by dragon energy. Perhaps it begins to rot because of the loss of dragon energy." Xuanyin Moyan guessed.

It doesn't know much about treasures like Dragon Blood Vine.

After all, even in ancient times, Dragon Blood Vine was the most precious treasure. It was difficult for even the true master to find it, let alone the owner of Mo Yan.

"How to take this product?" Gu Xiuyun asked repeatedly.

Since the Dragon Blood Vine cannot survive, it can only be refined immediately.

"Just swallow it directly. The vines contain the purest blood of the True Dragon Ancestor," the black inkstone said. "As for the efficacy, I don't know much about it, but it's not a bad thing after all."

Gu Xiuyun moved his fingertips slightly, counted his breaths secretly, and nodded slightly.

The dragon's blood vine contains indeed the purest dragon's blood essence. If the black-patterned golden dolphin swallows this substance, it will be able to fully awaken within three to five months at most.

At that time, it was the ninth-grade Demon Emperor, and could fully control the Qilin bloodline in its body.

"Give me the vines. As for those two fruits," the black pig shook his head, "I don't want them. They feel a little weird. I will definitely not feel comfortable eating them."

"The fruit of Dragon Cave Vine is of no use to you?" Gu Xiuyun raised his eyebrows.

The two fruits are filled with mysterious aura, and they look extremely precious at first glance. The Black-striped Golden Dolphin doesn't want them?

He turned to look at the ink-colored inkstone on one side.

"It is said that there are three kinds of strange objects in Guilonggou, namely Dragon Blood Vine, Dragon Blood Jade, and Dragon Blood Cloud Qi." Xuanyin Moyan thought for a moment and said, "Among them, Dragon Blood Jade is the purest, and it is completely the ancestor of the true dragon. It is formed by condensing the essence and blood of Dragon Blood Vine, but there are some differences between Dragon Blood Vine and Dragon Blood Cloud Qi.”

"I once heard from the master's companion that the dragon blood vine contains the power of life and death, so it can survive in death, be born from the source of death energy, and turn into elixir."

"As for the Dragon Blood Cloud Qi, it contains the power of time and space. It is ethereal and has no trace. Only the true master who understands the rules of time can find it. Refining the cloud Qi can enhance the perception of time."

"Junior of the human race, you can try to swallow the black and white fruit. Maybe you can understand the mystery of the two qi of life and death."

"The two energies of life and death..." Gu Xiuyun said in deep thought.

The five elements transform life and death, and wind and thunder transform yin and yang. If the black and white fruit really contains the power of life and death, it will indeed be of great benefit to him.

Of course, the two qi of life and death are not the rules of life and death. There is an essential difference between the two.

The two qi of life and death, and the two qi of yin and yang are all materials, the embodiment of space and time.

The rules of life and death practiced by the True Dragon Ancestor belong to the path of living beings, which is the true avenue of life and death.

Just as Gu Xiuyun was thinking.

There was a rumble in the distance, and the three ferocious crocodiles were able to find their correct location through the projection of the inner world and chase after them.

"Damn it, this ferocious beast actually has tracking methods."

Gu Xiuyun's expression changed, and he quickly pinched his fingertips to find a countermeasure.

The black-striped golden dolphin also activated its Qilin magical power with a look of fear on its face.

After an instant, one person and one beast looked to the west at the same time.

"Go there quickly, there is a dangerous place over there where you can temporarily hide from the three ferocious crocodiles." The black pig shouted urgently.

The words remained unsaid.

The cyan figure was already rushing towards the west.

He also reckoned that the west was where the life was.

The underground abyss is full of dangers, and dangerous secret realms emerge one after another. Even if you are as powerful as the True Lord, you may also die.

When walking before, Gu Xiuyun deliberately avoided all dangers and followed the safest route until he reached Guilonggou before he had to take the risk.

The dragon ditch opened by the True Dragon Ancestor stretches endlessly, with almost no end in sight. It is almost impossible to go around it.


The cyan figure is extremely fast, with black and white light surging around it, constantly splitting the death energy of the underworld. At the same time, the original rules of space fold the space again and again, speeding up.

The space in the underground abyss is stable, and many methods cannot be used.

Such as space channels.

This method requires the use of water flow space, but the space in the abyss is almost solid. Even simple folding requires a lot of effort, let alone forming a passage across two places.

There were roars between heaven and earth.

The three ferocious crocodiles are only a million miles away from the cyan figure. They seem far away, but for such existences, they are already very close.


One of the crocodile beast's heads was raised high, and the blazing light in its mouth quickly condensed into thousands of thorns of fire.


The sharp thorns of flames traveled across the void, crossing a million miles almost instantly and piercing Gu Xiuyun.

"Time rules!"

Gu Xiuyun was shocked.

He is truly worthy of being one of the overlords of Guilonggou. He actually has a natural grasp of the rules of time. He can span millions of miles in an instant, and he is still in the underground abyss. Such a method is no longer comparable to that of ordinary true masters.

At the critical moment.

Gu Xiuyun moved his body sideways and traveled thousands of miles.

Thousands of feet of spikes streaked along the side of the body, tearing a dark passage out of the void. The power formed by the aftermath completely annihilated the void realm, and the defensive shield formed by the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand also shattered.

A spike of flame almost killed Gu Xiuyun.

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